Scarlet Witch, Iron Man, who is the executioner?

Wanda's performance is not quite like a victim who has undergone human trials.

Steve Rogers raised his hand and said, "Listen, Wanda, no matter what Hydra said to you, it is a lie. You were deceived by them!"

He also suspected that the girl was brainwashed by Hydra.

Wanda sneered: "Hydra is not good, but neither are you!"

Tony Stark looked puzzled, "What nonsense is this woman talking about?!"

Now everyone in the world knows that the Avengers represent justice, but in this woman's mouth, they are regarded as bad people.

Steve was also confused and asked, "Is there any misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstanding?" Wanda stared coldly at Tony Stark, "Do you know how many people you have killed by the arms you made? You are just an executioner whose hands were stained with innocent blood!"

Tony frowned: "Stark Industries has completely abandoned the arms business."

"Then the innocent people who died in vain because of the arms you sold ?" Wanda looked coldly, "Perhaps in your eyes, the lives of innocent people are not worth money at all?"

"Of course not!" Tony still wanted to defend.

But the quiz game did not give him a chance. A loud voice came from high above: ["The game mode of this round is random. The first question is a quick answer. 2 points will be added for correct answers, and 2 points will be deducted for incorrect answers.]

[Question, can the anti-Hulk armor made by Tony Stark defeat the angry Hulk? "]

["A: Yes

B: No."]

The first question came out, it seems to be very simple, just a choice of two questions.

The attention of the players was all attracted by the question, and the answer button was slowly raised in front of them.

Steve Rogers looked at Tony Stark quite weirdly, "Anti-Hulk armor? Tony, what are you working on in private? Let me guess, there will be anti-Captain America armor. Right?"

Tony also looked at him with a weird look: "Are you kidding? why would I make a counter armor for you? The one I am wearing now is enough to deal with you!"

"Wow, you might try it." Steve shrugged.

Tony Stark glanced at Loki, who had remained silent from beginning to end and said, "Captain, since it's a quick answer. Try not to let that guy answer successfully, understand?"

"Of course, I know what to do."

Anti-Hulk armor, the name is full of Tony Stark's style, self-confidence, or arrogance.

The Hulk can even rub the gods of Asgard on the ground. As long as he gets angry, he has the potential to become infinitely stronger, but in the eyes of Iron Man, this terrifying big green man is not invincible, and there are also countermeasures.

Therefore, for the current Tony Stark, the answer to this question is very obvious, it is simply a sub-question.

"I wish me success in answering, first get 2 points to cheer up!"

Tony rubbed his hands, and when he heard the sound of the countdown beginning in his ears, he immediately touched the answer button in front of him.

In addition to Wanda, the other three were slow, Steve Rogers and Loki also responded quickly. Finally, Captain America responded successfully, "I choose...B!"

This guy doesn't believe me?

Tony was a little upset, "I choose A! Steve, you will regret it!"

Steve Rogers spread his hands out: "Man, we've all watched the Hulk's aggressive video. Look, the person involved is also here. Frankly speaking, the suit you made is amazing, but it's still a little bit difficult to deal with the Hulk. ."

Loki and Wanda also chose B.

The reason for the former is the same as that of Steve Rogers, and Loki was the party involved and witnessed the video of himself being smashed left and right by the Hulk carrying his legs.

Including his brother Thor, who was also beaten by the Hulk. In Loki's view, although the Hulk had no brains, he could crush Iron Man just by looking at his combat power.

Only Tony Stark chose A among the four, and he looked around, "Wait and see, you will all regret it!"

The countdown is over and the correct answer is announced: ["The correct answer to this question is-A!"]

After the answer was announced, Loki was the first to express his disbelief: "How is it possible? Why can he defeat the Hulk with a few pieces of iron?"

"Huh? It turns out that my high-tech battle suit is just a few pieces of iron in your eyes?" Tony Stark put his hands on his chest and glanced sideways at Loki.

Loki rolled his eyes, too lazy to argue with the arrogant man.

Steve also shook his head. "I'm more curious about why the Hulk would fight you. Dr. Banner has always been in good condition during this time and has never lost control."

"But he is at risk of losing control, and don't forget, he also got some rewards from the quiz game, which was not in the original timeline."

Tony joked: "I regret it now? Steve, your 2 points will be deducted for a wrong answer, why don't you believe me?"

"Let's talk about it after watching the video."

By convention, after giving the correct answer, the light curtain began to play the corresponding video, but at the beginning, the Hulk and Tony Stark did not appear in the shot, but a man and a woman.

Wanda in the video is full of pain: "My head hurts!"

Her brother Pietro gritted his teeth and said: "I'm going to kill him, I'll be back soon!"

Wanda stopped him: "I'm fine I think...I want to complete this plan, I want the big guy!"

In the direction she turned to look, there was a flying machine, and the camera showed Dr. Banner with a confused look.

Immediately afterward, the picture turned, but it was a fierce air chase. Both sides of the battle were Iron Men. One of them was Tony Stark. The target he was chasing was a strange black robot.

The black robot is not Iron Man's opponent. He was knocked to the ground, but he was calm, "vibranium is about to be transported away."

Tony Stark landed from the air, raised his hand with his palm, and prepared to give it a beam cannon to send it away directly, "But you can't go anywhere!"

"Of course, I won't leave, because I have reached the destination, you will follow my thoughts, but before that, you have to follow Dr. Banner first!"

Tony Stark in battle armor had an ugly face. He shot a missile and blasted the black robot into fireworks, and at the same time soared into the sky.

At the same time, the Hulk has been transformed successfully. He came outside the city with red eyes, roaring at the bustling city, and then rushing!

Seeing this, Tony Stark immediately understood.

He stared sharply at Wanda, "Very well, girl, look at what you did, did you control the Hulk, right? Do you want him to make a big fuss in the bustling city? You just rightfully accused me of killing innocent people with the arms manufactured and sold by Stark Industries. What about you? Is it just right for you to do this? "