who created ultron

The video in the light curtain ended abruptly.

The audience was still immersed in the passionate fighting between Iron Man and the Hulk. They also looked forward to watching it for a while, but the video ended.

This makes the audience feel very irritated, but quiz games have always been like this, and game players, whether it is Tony Stark or Steve Rogers, have also seen a lot of important information from this video.

"she was the one who defeated you," Tony Stark felt that his performance in the future was already perfect. Captain America, Thor, and the other Avengers are not very reliable, losing to a woman, and the Hulk is even worse, being used by the witch and causing a catastrophe.

Steve frowned and said, "What is the Ultron mentioned at the end of the video?"

The first question of this quiz game seems to have revealed a huge crisis. The earth will experience another disaster. The primary purpose is to find out who their enemy is.

If it were this pretty girl named Wanda, it would be easier to handle.

It can be seen that this girl has not lost her conscience, has made no mistakes, and has a chance to turn back.

But Ultron mentioned at the end of the video attracted their attention.

"Will it be the robot from the beginning?" Tony Stark frowned. "That robot is either remotely controlled or artificial intelligence... In short, it can't be made by this witch."

Wanda did not directly show her superpowers in the video. Mind control is very powerful, especially when targeting humans, but she doesn't look like a scientist who can create robots.

Steve Rogers raised his hand and rubbed his chin, "Remote control of the robot? Is it possible-Dr? Zola, he is a data life right now?

In other words, can he be regarded as artificial intelligence, perhaps the robot in the video is controlled by Dr. Zola. Wanda, you participated in the Hydra experiment. You must know some information, right? "

Wanda was silent.

Steve persuaded: "Please, if you have watched the video exposed by the quiz game before, you should know that Hydra's ambition is to destroy the world, and you don't want the peaceful and beautiful world we live in to be turned into ruins. ?"

Wanda glanced at him and was moved, but when she was about to speak, her eyes turned to Tony Stark next to him, and she immediately swallowed the words into her stomach, with a silent and uncooperative attitude.

Steve Rogers sighed deeply when he saw this, and opened his hands to Tony Stark, "Look, Tony, I must say that many of the troubles we encountered came from you."

"Hey! What do you mean by that? Can this be blamed on me too?" Tony Stark asked, "You think it's right for the witch to seek revenge?"

Steve shook his head: "No, of course, I don't think so, including Killian, but the question is Tony, don't you think you're too despicable, and the crisis exposed this time is related to you, so you have to take part of the responsibility!"

"What the hell are you talking about? As long as you have eyes, you should see it. Without my anti-Hulk armour, the Hulk wouldn't know that it would kill many innocent people, and you, all of you were defeated by the witch, Like a child who has lost a lollipop, crying for his mother?"

Wanda was still silent, but then someone suddenly intervened, "I think Steve is right, Tony Stark, you are a scourge, a wicked person!"

The speaker is Loki. This guy has been like a transparent person since he came to eternal space, except when he answered the question, he has no sense of existence.

"Huh? Is there someone else here? Man, I always thought you were a statue." Tony Stark looked at him coldly.

Loki shrugged, "Remind you, the second question has begun."

When Iron Man was arguing with Captain America, the second question was also displayed on the light curtain, ["Artificial Intelligence Ultron wants to destroy all mankind, among the following options, who created this cruel artificial intelligence?"]

["A: Tony Stark

B: Dr. Zola

C: Baron Strucker

D: Wanda Maximoff."]

Steve and Tony looked at the question on the light curtain and glanced at each other. The worries and guesses in their hearts came true!

"Look, I guessed it right. Ultron is Hydra's secret weapon. The answer to this question is B!"

Tony Stark analyzed: "Dr. Zola transmits consciousness to the computer. From a certain perspective, he is regarded as a strange and special artificial intelligence life! he is fully capable of creating another artificial intelligence. More importantly, I also found that they are doing this research in the previous castle! "

Steve Rogers glanced at the Scarlet Witch and asked again: "Wanda, you must know something, right?"


Wanda hesitated for a moment but saw that the title was written-Artificial Intelligence Ultron wanted to destroy the world. She finally said: "The Scepter, after they got the Scepter, they carried out many experiments, except for the human body. In addition to the experiment, there is also an artificial intelligence experiment. I have heard Dr. Zola mention it. He said that the scepter contains the breath of life."

"That is to say, Ultron was born from the scepter?" Tony Stark asked.

Steve Rogers does not understand How can a scepter give birth to life?

And it's artificial intelligence?

Wanda shook her head. She didn't understand this aspect, but she just told what she knew.

Tony Stark waved his hand, "Very good! The answer to this question must be B. It is more important to watch the specific video now!"

Both Steve and Wanda agreed with his proposal, and only Loki objected at this time: "Why can't it be Baron Strucker? And to be honest, I have only seen one artificial intelligence, the one made by Tony Stark, which seems to be called Jarvis. You are also very suspicious! "

"All you are talking about is a bunch of shit!"

Tony Stark sneered: "How could I make an artificial intelligence that destroys all mankind? Look at Jarvis, he is my most capable butler! He is also my friend, a friend of all mankind, oh, yes I am afraid you, a Puny god, cannot understand the magic of human technology."

Loki twitched his mouth when he heard the words, "Very well, I choose A for this question!"