Confident Tony Stark

In the virtual online world, there are indeed all kinds of speeches, including some pessimists' rhetoric.

Just like if you don't feel well in your stomach one day and search the Internet then it will tell you that you should prepare funeral affairs tomorrow.

Some website forums are even more terrifying, they will tell you that Earth will explode soon!

Thinking about it this way, they can understand Ultron. After all, the history of mankind is a history of war full of blood and tears.

From the perspective of artificial intelligence, to achieve the goal of world peace, the destruction of all mankind can be considered a clean solution.

"Tony! Can you still deny that this crisis has nothing to do with you?" Steve Rogers shouted. "I don't understand, why do you give the responsibility of guarding the earth to the artificial intelligence? And why do you hide it from others? "

He couldn't run into the light curtain video to question the future Iron Man, so he could only ask the current Tony Stark.

Tony raised his eyebrows: "Well, I admit that there were some accidents in my plan, but this does not mean that I will be wrong in the future!"

"It is also very clear in the video that the earth is facing great challenges! we have formed a team, but you have also seen that if it develops according to the normal timeline, this team is not enough to protect Earth. A witch can take you all to the ground. but If you switch to artificial intelligence, you won't have this trouble. Veronica's performance in the video is very good, which proves that my thinking is correct! "

Steve shook his head and sighed, "I have to say, you are an arrogant man."

He did not continue to argue, because the video in the light curtain was not over yet.

After Ultron realized the solution to maintain world peace from the online world, he began his actions, and Jarvis was the first to suffer.

The battle between the two groups of data streams and information life is also very interesting. Ultron extended the data line and invaded Jarvis like a tentacle.

Just as human beings determine status, identity, and class from birth, so does artificial intelligence.

Ultron, who was just born or awakened, is much better than Jarvis, who has gone through a long period of continuous improvement. The latter has no room for resistance in the face of the former's invasion.

He didn't even have a chance to ask his master for help and was finally destroyed by Ultron.

"Jarvis..." Tony Stark stared at the light curtain dreamily.

As he said before, as the artificial intelligence that has been with him for the longest time, he has emotions. Jarvis is not only his housekeeper but also a friend who usually jokes like a friend.

Steve Rogers took the opportunity to ask: "Now, do you still think you are doing it right? You killed Jarvis!"

Tony Stark frowned and said: "The future me is not wrong, there must be a reason to do this."

Although the result is not good, the self in the video is also trying to protect the earth.

From these two videos, it can be seen that the future Iron Man is not fighting alone, but creating an Iron Legion commanded by Jarvis.

This not only makes up for the shortage of personnel but also avoids some sacrifices. Think about it, when the alien army invades the earth, how many people will die when the troops of various countries reach the front line?

The previously exposed Battle of New York has also verified this. The aliens have more advanced technological weapons, and the US military, the most powerful military force on the earth, is vulnerable to it.

And if it was replaced by a robot army, it would be much better. No matter how many robots die, the loss is only banknotes. As we all know, Tony Stark is not short of money.

Therefore, even in the future shown by the quiz game, his plan to build artificial intelligence to protect the earth and protect humans failed, and Tony Stark still did not give up this idea.

"Ultron's idea is very good, but there were some accidents in the implementation process. I will restart this plan in the future and I will be able to fill the gaps!"

Hearing these words, Steve Rogers could only keep shaking his head, "Tony, sometimes overconfidence is not a good thing. you should trust us more than artificial intelligence."

"Perhaps." Tony Stark didn't continue arguing with him.

The video in the light curtain continues.

As soon as the camera turns, the Avenger members are gathering together, but they are not in a meeting, but drinking and chatting privately. Superheroes also have time to relax.

At this time, a mutilated and dilapidated robot walked slowly, possibly because it was more severely damaged, and its walking posture was like a zombie.

The oil dripping under the feet was like blood.

I have to say that this scene has a weird feeling, especially when the robot slowly said in a calm and emotionless voice: "I have to kill that guy, he is a good person..."

In the video, the other Avengers are a bit inexplicable and look at Tony Stark for the first time.

Tony called Jarvis but received no response.

Thor said in a deep voice, "Who sent you here?"

The strange robot said: "What I see is the world protected by cold armor..."

Tony Stark's face changed, and Dr. Banner exclaimed directly: "Ultron?"

"It's me! It's not very accurate to say that. After all, I'm still trapped in this body, but I'm ready because I have a mission?"

"What mission?"

"Guard the peace of this era!"

As soon as the voice fell, a few combat robots broke the wall behind him and suddenly attack them. They were all dressed in casual clothes. Only Thor was armed with a weapon.

Caught off guard The Avengers could not help but fell into a disadvantage. The situation was quite dangerous, but after all, it was just a few robots, they were all solved by the Avengers in the end.

After watching the fight quietly, Ultron exclaimed: "It's really exciting!"

Then he said to Tony Stark: "I'm sorry, I know your intentions are good, but you haven't considered it carefully enough. You want to protect the world, but you don't want to change it. If human beings stand on their own feet....?"

"There is only one road to peace, and that is to destroy the Avengers!"

In the video, Tony Stark suffered some minor injuries in the previous battle because he was not wearing a steel suit. Thor listened to it and smashed the incomplete robot possessed by Ultron with a hammer.

However, the core of Ultron has escaped here through the online world, and one can see the robots awakening from their deep sleep in an old castle.

They made a low voice: "I'm not a puppet anymore..."

It cracked, the light curtain dimmed, and the video ended.