Powerful Thanos, Loki's sacrifice

It turns out that all this is Loki's conspiracy and plan!

Everyone realized that in addition to being an evil god, Loki was also a God of mischief and conspiracy!

"This guy did a good job." Tony Stark looked at Loki in surprise, "I didn't expect that your insidious deception would be used on the journey. Of course, I also didn't see that you are still Tsundere's younger brother."

"Shut up!" Loki became irritated, "Don't you have eyes? In the future, I will be playing with that big purple guy. It has nothing to do with Thor!"

He would never admit that when he saw Thor being tortured, he felt distressed.

Steve Rogers said worriedly: "Can Hulk defeat this monster?"

After all, Thanos in the video is too strong, as strong as Thor under his hand. Loki's strategy created a sneak attack plan for the Hulk. At first, the performance of the Hulk was not disappointing. For a time, Thanos was unable to do anything.

But soon, the sturdy arms of the Hulk were separated by Thanos, slowly but firmly.

The video showed the face of the Hulk, this big guy who is always in a state of anger, at this moment, he was a little surprised and confused. He seemed to feel the gap between himself and Thanos.

Immediately after that, the scene was completely one-sided, replaced by the Hulk being beaten up by Thanos and couldn't to do anything, which made the people watching the live broadcast pale.

The strength of the Hulk is reflected in the videos exposed in many previous quiz games.

Even if Hulk has suffered defeats, he has never had such a miserable failure before being beaten by Thanos from beginning to end, and it can also be seen that Thanos did not use his full strength at all!

He didn't seem to have used much effort to beat the powerful Hulk to the ground and made him faint directly...

Tony Stark was shocked: "Doesn't Hulk get angry as he fights, and then become stronger? then why there is no chance to fight back?!"

After Hulk was defeated to the ground, Thor took the opportunity to launch a sneak attack, but unfortunately, he was injured badly, and Thanos was fine, so when he sneak attacked, it didn't hurt Thanos at all.

The ugly alien who appeared at the beginning of the video raised his hand, and a piece of steel flew up, creating a simple shackle to bind Thor.

Loki said mockingly, "Even if I created the opportunity, this idiot couldn't grasp it..."

Steve Rogers frowned: "It's a bit too much to say that. Thanos has a lot of his subordinates, they are all staring at the side, and Thor is badly injured, he can't do much."

He feels that Thor in the video is already doing his best. he can only blame his enemies for being too tough.

At this time, the footage in the video showed an injured Heimdall. As the guardian of the Asgard, he naturally rushed to the forefront when the transport ship was attacked, and then he was also kicked down.

The Hulk fainted next to him, taking advantage of Thanos and his men's attention on Thor and the tesseract, Heimdall took the opportunity to use the Rainbow Bridge and teleported Hulk away.

Thanos could not stop him, so he drew his spear and pierced his chest violently: "You made a big mistake!"

Upon seeing this, Thor yelled: "No!"

He watched his comrades die, but couldn't do anything. This was a complete defeat!

he can only say something cruel: "You will pay for it!"

But in the next instant, his mouth was blocked by steel, and even the opportunity to vent his anger was restrained.

Thanos finally got the tesseract and he easily crushed it, in the core, a brilliant blue gem appear, and he placed the blue gem in the groove of the glove.

In this way, he has two infinite gems, and his subordinates praise him by calling him the invincible overlord of the universe!

Thanos smiled: "There are two more gems on the earth, find them out and bring me back to the Titan planet!"

"Infinite Gems!"

Tony Stark said in a deep voice: "His goal is infinite gems! But besides the cosmic cube, there is only one infinite gem on the earth. He has already obtained the cosmic cube. That is to say, there are three gems on the earth now.?"

They discovered the powerful energy contained in the Infinite Gems, but they did not expect that the Infinite Gems will attract such powerful enemies to the Earth!

In the video, Loki suddenly stood up and said that he was willing to be loyal to Thanos, and could also serve as their guide to the earth.

In the normal timeline, Loki had conspired to plan the Battle of New York, and he was indeed experienced.

Thanos ridiculed him that this was an experience of failure, but Loki smiled: "Failure is the mother of success."

He stepped forward on one knee and looked serious: "I, Loki, the prince of Asgard, the son of Odin, the king of Jotunheim, the God of mischief, be loyal to you... until you die!"

Before some viewers could shout, Loki in the video suddenly pulled out a dagger and stabbed Thanos in the neck!

Regrettably, when the sharp dagger was only one or two centimeters away from Thanos' neck, it froze, the power of the infinite gems restrained it, making it difficult to move an inch.

"you want to die?"

The corner of Thanos's mouth raised a sarcastic smile, and then he grabbed his neck and slowly forced his palms. Loki's face immediately flushed, and his eyes were also bloodshot.

"You never will be a... god!"

Loki had difficulty with breathing but still said this sentence, and then he was strangled to death by Thanos.

The dignified prince of Asgard, the God of mischief, was strangled to death like a little chicken...

Loki's body was thrown in front of Thor.

Thanos said: "This time, he won't come back to life."

After speaking, he raised his hand and clenched it, and a purple flame emerged out of thin air, swallowing and destroying everything around him. Then, he used the space gem to open the Portal and disappeared with his men.

The shackles on Thor's body were also opened, but at this time it was useless. He could only pounce on his younger brother's gradually freezing body, quietly waiting for his death.

At the end of the video, this poor and miserable Asgard refugee ship has also completely turned into a firework, briefly illuminating the dark starry sky.

The question was immediately given in the light curtain:[ "Why did Loki Laufeyson sacrifice himself by attacking Thanos?"]

["A: He has enough life and plans to come to the curtain call to perform."

"B: There can only be one alive between him and Thor, he use his death in exchange for Thor's life."

"C: He thinks he can successfully kill Thanos."

"D: None of the above options are correct!"]