Talk about infinite stones

When accepting the inheritance of Sylas, Steve Rogers kindly reminded me that when accepting the inheritance, he will be affected.

But Loki didn't take it seriously. He was very confident and felt that as a god, he couldn't be influenced by a Mortal.

Odin waved his hand and said, "Someone will give you relevant clues."

Watching Loki leave the palace, Thor told Nick Fury's request, hoping that Odin could provide some intelligence support to S.H.I.E.L.D.

The two had already reached a cooperative relationship, and Odin naturally did not refuse. After giving relevant information, he suddenly asked him: "Thor, what do you think about what just Loki said?"

"Huh?" Thor scratched his head. "He wants to abolish Monarchy, to tell you the truth, I don't care, but Asgard has been like this for so many years, can people even accept change?"

Odin looked deeply at the vast universe: "What he said has some truth. Perhaps Asgard should have a complete change."

If there was no future exposed by the quiz game, Odin would naturally not agree with Loki's remarks. He didn't care much about human beings, and naturally, he didn't care about human social systems.

In the face of absolute power, everything is meaningless.

When Thanos gathers six infinite stones and snaps his fingers to destroy life in half of the universe. Whether you are a backward primitive tribe or a technologically advanced alien civilization, everyone was equally erased.

it is undeniable that half of the earth's Life has died, but there is a chance of re-emergence, but Asgard has been wiped out.

Odin couldn't help thinking about whether Asgard needed to make changes to better adapt to the future.

Earth, New York.

After Tony Stark returned from Sokovia, he was called by Nick Fury to the base for a meeting. Thor brought back some information about the universe from Asgard, including information about Thanos. The Avengers must prepare in advance.

Thanos was the overlord of the universe. However, after this quiz game exposed his crazy ambition, he has become a public enemy of the universe. Until he finds infinite stones, he should not be able to spare time to invade the earth.

What's more, at this time Ragnarok has not yet arrived, Odin is alive and well, as the protector of the Nine Realms, if Thanos wants to come to the earth to get those infinite stones, he must first beat Odin.

" we shouldn't worry too much about Thanos for the time being. He has no time to invade us right now." Tony Stark shrugged.

Steve Rogers frowned: "Now everyone knows that the earth has three infinite stones. Even if Thanos is temporarily unable to invade, there will be other forces in the universe coming to trouble us."

"So, the most important thing now is how to keep the Infinite stones, right?" Thor intervened, "If you are not confident, you can give the stones to Asgard for safekeeping."

Nick Fury shook his head and refused without even thinking about it: "No, we have the ability and confidence to take care of it."

Tony Stark directly said: "Thor, Asgard's future is worse than our earth. And In the future exposed by the quiz game, you have already lost the cosmic cube!"

Thor is not convinced: "But you lost three stones!"

"Enough, this is not the right time to fight !"

Steve Roger raised his hand to stop them, "If I have to say, the safest way is to destroy the stones, even if we only destroy one, we can completely defeat Thanos, and we happen to be able to do it!"

"No!" Nick Fury still shook his head. "Destroying infinite stones is the last option. We must study the power of infinite stones to obtain the advantage against the threats in the universe!"

Tony Stark is of course also on his side, "Steve, you are too conservative, the future has not happened yet, we don't need to be afraid of it!"

Wanda took the side of Steve: "I also think that the Infinite stones should be destroyed... I'm not sure, but I can give it a try."

The other Avengers also have their ideas. The conservative believes that destroying the infinite stones is the most worry-free, while the others believe that strength should be drawn from the infinite stone.

The two sides argued for a while, and finally Dr. Banner proposed a compromise plan: "Perhaps we can hide the infinite stones in another world? As long as there is no dimensional door, whether it is Thanos or other cosmic overlords, they will not be able to get those infinite stones! "

Tony Stark glanced at him, "Do you want to give it to Batman?"

"Yes!" Banner suddenly thought of something, "I remember that Bruce got a reward from the quiz game, which seems to be a space stone?"

"Yes, there is such a thing!" Tony Stark nodded, "I have to say, that guy's luck seems to have always been good."

Steve Rogers thinks that Dr Banner's proposal is good, "We can do this. The Justice League and the Avengers should cooperate. Think about it, with Superman and the Flash, we will have more confidence in dealing with Thanos.!"

Tony Stark shrugged his shoulders: "Your thinking is good, but the enemies of the Justice League are no weaker than Thanos. They can't spare time to help us, maybe we need to help them."

"Helping each other is normal." The more Steve Rogers thought about it, the more he thought it was a good idea.

But Nick Fury coughed twice: "We will not discuss this issue for the time being. Infinite stones are a very important strategic resource for us and must be treated with caution."

At the end of the meeting, no conclusion was reached. In the end, only some basic countermeasures were formulated, and they went back to their respective homes.

After the meeting, Steve Rogers went directly to the team channel: "Bruce Have you watched the quiz game this time? We need your help!"

Bruce Wayne: "I watched the whole live broadcast."

Peter Parker: " Thanos is so crazy, it's hard to imagine that he can wipe out half of the universe with just a snap of his fingers!"

Tony Stark: "Steve, you're so fast, but we didn't agree on asking Bruce for help!"

Steve Rogers: "We have to race against time! Bruce, I want to send the Infinite stones to you or Peter, what do you think?"

Peter Parker: "..."

Peter Parker: "Don't! Mr Rogers, if you send it here, I'm not sure I will be able to protect them. It would be too bad if those things get in the hands of bad guys."

Steve Rogers: "Well, actually I just mention it casually, mainly because I want to send the infinite stones to Bruce."

When he said this, Peter Parker didn't reply for a while.



[There is going to be a multiverse alliance between dc heroes and Marvel heroes to protect the multiverse from dangers so I need a name for the multiverse alliance please suggest some good names]

( MTL name example: multiverse bright front. This is the ff mtl name.

Need a better name but a little bit similar to this one, at least need a multiverse in the name)

Take this seriously because this will have a huge impact on this fanfic. you guys have only [ 1 day ] left to give a name.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely Translate Sama