Quiz game begins

Bruce Wayne proposed to set up the headquarters base of the Multiverse defenders in the world of Peter Parker and to send the mother box and Infinity stones to Peter Parker's world for safety.

The previous proposal was approved by most people, but the latter proposal was a bit difficult to accept.

Wonder Woman frowned and said, "Bruce, I remember I told you that we, Amazon, will protect the mother box!"

Cyborg also disagrees: "Bruce, I can understand your thoughts. At present, it seems that the gateway to the multiverse is only the dimensional door mastered by you and Dr Banner. But don't forget, the mother box also can teleport! In case, I mean in case, Peter Parker failed to guard the mother box, what would happen in the end?

Darkseid may be able to locate Peter Parker's world through the mother box, and then teleport there! Although breaking the barriers of the multiverse is somewhat unrealistic, who can guarantee that such a scene will not happen? "

When Flash heard this, he immediately said: "Victor is right, Bruce, your proposal transfers all the pressure and risks that should have been borne by our world to Peter, which is not good!"

The Avengers also had great opinions. The importance of the Infinity Stones is very important, and they must be kept properly. If they are sent to Peter Parker's world, if something goes wrong, it will be too late to regret.

Bruce Wayne said in a deep voice: "We all know that there is no perfect plan in the world. What we have to do is to improve the plan and minimize all kinds of risks."

His reasons are very good, first of all, as he said before.

Whether it is the Thanos crisis or the Darkseid threat that they have to deal with, it is all about finding things. Darkseid needs to gather the mother box, and Thanos needs to gather the infinite stones.

Now it is more convenient and safe to store these key items in a unified manner.

As for their concern that Peter Parker might not be able to defend alone, Bruce Wayne also gave a solution.

"After we set up the headquarters, both sides will assign people to watch in shifts. I am sure that it will be safer than it is now!"

In addition, Bruce Wayne proposed to form a research institute, and the two sides will draw superheroes who are good at science to jointly study mother boxes and infinite stones.

Although these treasures will bring disasters to their respective worlds, it is undeniable that the energy contained in them is huge and incredible.

The mother box can transform the dying Victor Stone into the current cyborg, not to mention the infinite stones. The six stones have different effects and are very powerful.

If they study these items in their respective worlds, it will inevitably cause a lot of commotion and attract villains who are secretly watching.

This point was also revealed in the quiz game, so each of them was restrained, knowing that the mother box and the infinite stones contained huge energy,

Of course, as Victor said earlier, they enjoyed the benefits but transferred the danger to Peter Parker's world.

Bruce Wayne said that he didn't mean that. The scientific research base is not fixed. It can be placed in the world of Peter Parker first to solve their respective urgent needs.

Because the quiz game exposed the crisis of Darkseid and Thanos in advance, both the Justice League and the Avengers felt a strong sense of urgency and a lot of pressure.

They are afraid that one day these two enemies will directly kill them.

They need more time to prepare for the coming crisis in advance. Sending the Mother Box and Infinity Stones away will buy them precious time.

After a while, the scientific research institute can be transferred to their worlds, and they will be connected to more worlds in the future, and they can continue to transfer.

This is the best way Bruce Wayne can think of for the time being.

After thinking silently for a while, the others also agreed to his arrangement, including Peter Parker. Although Peter never thought of rejecting it from the beginning.

Although he is a little worried now, he feels that the meeting he participated in seems to directly affect the fate of countless people in the world he lives in. But he appreciates Bruce Wayne's multiverse defenders plan very much. Peter is always full of enthusiasm and eager to do something big.

What's more, he is not stupid. Of course, he knows that the headquarters of the Multiverse defenders are set up in his world. Although there will be some dangers, there are more advantages. Generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

As a result, various issues were negotiated one by one, and the first Multiverse Defenders Conference was successfully held.

In the next few days, they started their operations in full swing, starting to build bases and secret research institutes.

Darkseid and Thanos are like the sword of Damocles hanging above their heads, urging them to race against time, not daring to delay any effort.

During this period, Tony Stark also completed Bruce Wayne's commission and delivered the built artificial intelligence to him.

Tony said very proudly that he has used a lot of high-tech, including some scientific research results from the Mind Stone, and Dr Banner also helped.

"Frankly speaking, I regret it now. It's too bad to sell you only a dozen points. I dare say that this artificial intelligence is better than my Jarvis. Of course, it is not as good as Vision. "

Bruce Wayne asked curiously: "Are you still going to create Vision?"

"This will be the first topic I want to carry out after the establishment of our secret research institute." Tony Stark winked at him, "Remember to keep it secret for me, I want to give them a surprise."

Bruce Wayne shook his head, feeling that this guy is unreliable, but his scientific knowledge is also indispensable in the current Multiverse Defenders.

At this time Tony Stark said again: "Give it a name."

Bruce Wayne thought for a while: "Let's call it Prometheus. I plan to let him manage our headquarters. I hope we can bring hope to the people of the multiverse."

"It's clichéd, but it's more appropriate." Tony Stark shrugged.

Just when he was about to show Bruce Wayne his carefully crafted artificial intelligence, he suddenly saw a golden beam of light descending from the sky.

The quiz game has come again!