Almost won

"Then what?"

Stephen Strange in the camera looked very calm, got up and walked towards Thanos.

Thanos also seemed to be chatting with him casually: "Then I can rest, find a corner that no one cares about, and quietly watch the rising sun illuminate the hopeful new world."

If you only look at this scene, Thanos in the camera looks like a brave man. Whether it's Thanos' expression, tone, or demeanour, it can make people feel that what he said is from his heart.

Thanos precisely believes that all he does is save the ever-expanding universe from the bottom of his heart!

Steve Rogers said in a deep voice: "The most terrifying thing about this lunatic is not only the power he possesses but also his firm will!"

"Thanos is indeed not an ordinary villain" Thor scratched his head, thought for a while and said, "Although it is a bit strange, I just think he is a guy with ideals and will."

Steve Rogers nodded and said, " This kind of guy is hard to deal with!"

While they were talking, the video in the light curtain continued.

Stephen Strange responded to Thanos' ideals with a fighting stance, and said at the same time: "But you will find that his spaceship is stronger than your will!"

"Spaceship?" Thanos raised his head thoughtfully.

He saw a huge spaceship descending from the sky, and behind the spaceship was Tony Stark in armour!

Just like during the Battle of New York, Iron Man rushed into space with a nuclear missile in his arms, this time he pushed a huge spaceship to smash Thanos!

Because tony is coming too fast, and Stephen Strange is creating opportunities for Tony to delay time.

Thanos only had time to raise his left hand with the Infinity Gauntlet, but he had no time to resist, and was directly suppressed by the huge spaceship!

"Good job, Tony!"

Thor couldn't help clapping his hands and applauding, "Ha, tony never disappoints! Stephen, you thought Tony would be a useless teammate just now, but you don't know him well enough!"

Stephen Strange said stubbornly: "You are wrong. It is precisely because I know him well that I chose him. His arrogant character often causes bad things. I know this all too well."

"I see because you both are egomaniacs!" Thor told the truth.

Stephen Strange's face darkened, and he didn't argue with him, instead continuing to watch the live video.

If ordinary people were suppressed by such a huge spaceship, they would probably become a paste, but their enemy is Thanos!

The spaceship was blown up in an instant, and Thanos was unscathed, waving his left arm angrily. infinity stones glowed, and the wreckage of the blown-up spaceship turned into flocks of steel birds, flying towards Iron Man.

But Iron Man is not fighting alone. Stephen Strange, Spiderman, and a man with weird skin all went into battle at the same time.

Peter Quill also appeared on the stage. With the help of Stephen Strange, he threw a grenade which turn into a bubble.

The best teammate should be Stephen Strange, who used teleportation magic to create opportunities for other people to attack.

The battle was intense. Although many superheroes fought against one guy, it seemed a bit unethical, but it still made the vast majority of audiences enjoy watching it!

"Yes, that's right, that's how it should be, beat him down avengers!"

"That's Thanos? He doesn't look powerful! if he took off the Infinity Gauntlet on his left hand, he would have been beaten down by now!"

"Have you noticed, Stephen Strange is very powerful? His magic played a very crucial role in this battle!"

"Uh, am I the only one who thinks a group of them are beating only one guy, isn't it shameless behaviour?"

"Tactics! This is a tactic. Can't you guys see that this tactic is a bit rogue, but it is very effective!? Don't tell me, you are sympathizing with that maniac who wants to destroy the universe, are you?"

"I'm actually curious who came up with this strategy? Iron Man? Or Spider-Man? It doesn't seem like their style."

Due to the previously released video about Thanos, he has an astonishing sense of oppression, and beats up many superheroes with a completely crushing attitude, almost establishing an image of an invincible man in the minds of the audience.

Now looking at Thanos being beaten by a group of superheroes, The comparison before and after this naturally makes people feel very weird.

In the video, Stephen Strange and others have a very clear tactical goal and that is to restrict the Infinity Gauntlet on Thanos' left hand.

The tactical effect is also very good, the Spiderman's web, Stephen Strange's magic, coupled with the fire coverage of Iron Man, and the occasional sneak attack and harassment of Peter Quill and his gang.

it was difficult for Thanos to mobilize the power of the infinite stones, Stephen Strange's teleportation made others elusive and very flexible, but he was like a slow-moving turtle.

Although some counterattacks were made in the middle, he was still firmly restrained in the end.

Stephen Strange, Peter Parker, and Tony Stark used the same technique that uses on the street fight.

Holding legs and hands to fix Thanos in the same place from all directions.

At the same time, a woman with two tentacles extending from the top of her head descended from the sky, sat directly on Thanos' head, and took advantage of the situation to hold down his temple.

Soon Thanos roll his eyes and gradually gave up resistance. He was being mentally controlled by her.

"spider-man, come and help!"

Tony Stark took the opportunity to ask Peter Parker to come and take off Thanos' glove with him.

Seeing this scene, the audience under the countless light curtains couldn't help but exclaim and encouraged them one after another. Everyone can see that as long as they can take off the Infinity gauntlet on Thanos' left hand, they can beat him easily.

Even if some people reacted, from the future exposed in the previous quiz game, Thanos finally seemed to have successfully snapped his fingers, and this question also indicated that there will be a useless teammate in the end to destroy everything.

But most people have been completely immersed in this tense battle, and they are eager for a miracle to happen!