Peter Quill awkward Dance

"Wow, I've turned the tables!"

Peter Quill laugh happily: "Hahaha, I knew it"

Thor was a little surprised: "Although I chose you, I was ready for a points deduction for wrong answers. but I didn't expect the correct answer to be you?"

Stephen Strange frowned, "We seem to have been tricked by this quiz game again. It deliberately put a video of Peter Quill being a useless teammate first to make us misjudge"

Peter Quill said, "Misjudgment? Then why did Steve choose me?"

Stephen Strange was speechless. He could only say that he was not experienced enough to compare to an old player like Steve Rogers who had participated in many quiz games.

Soon, the video of the correct answer began to be played on the light curtain. First, a few shots showed the prosperity and advanced technology of Xandar.

Seeing those high-tech creations that are very different from those on Earth, Steve Rogers has to admit that the technological level of Xandar is indeed much higher than that of the Earth.

There are aliens from different races on the planet. They also abide by the law because they are sheltered by the powerful Nova Corps.

The video also briefly introduces the power of the Nova Corps. When someone dares to break the law on Xandar, they will be punished heavily.

Coincidentally, the targets captured by the Nova Corps were Peter Quill and his party.

Peter Quill, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, and Gamora fought together but were overthrown by the Nova Corps a few times and taken directly to prison.

"In the previous video, you and they seemed to form a team?" Thor asked curiously.

Peter Quill shrugged his shoulders: "Maybe, we are indeed destined. Before coming here, I have already met Groot and Rocket, and they are not bad. As for Gamora, She's a very charming girl."

Thor smiles in amazement: "You have good taste, I also think she is very charming."

Peter Quill immediately changed his face when he heard the words: "Dude, you should have seen it too, Gamora and I will be together in the future, so you're out of luck!"

Thor blinked and smiled, "Don't worry, I just admire her."

During the gag between the two, the video in the light curtain continued, but the main character on the screen was replaced by Ronan.

This cold-blooded Kree hated the Xandars very much. To destroy Xandar, he contacted Thanos and agreed to find a special cosmic ball for the other party, in exchange for Thanos to destroy Xandar!

Seeing this, Steve Rogers looked solemn: "In the normal timeline, Thanos did destroy Xandar in the future. Even if he didn't get the Infinity Stone, he is still a powerful enemy!"

But Peter Quill suddenly realized: "So that ball is the power stone!?"

Before he was chosen for the quiz, he found the Orb, and thus met Rocket, Groot and Loki, who also came for the Orb.

In addition to them, Ronan is also looking for the Orb. He has a huge fleet and a large number of men. Peter Quill, Rocket Raccoon and Loki have to keep avoiding Ronan's pursuit.

Before that, they didn't even know what treasure was hidden in that weird ball. Only after watching this video did they realize that inside that ball was the power stone.

The light curtain video camera kept jumping, skipping a lot of clips, only to see that the Cosmic Orb or the Power stone fell into the hands of Ronan at the end.

He inlaid it on his usual weapon, a sledgehammer.

Stephen Strange teased Thor upon seeing this: "Look, he uses the same type of weapon as you, you both may have something in common."

Thor sneered: "Didn't you see that I changed my weapon later?"

Peter Quill yelled, "Why haven't I seen the scene where I save the world? I can't wait any longer! "

Steve Rogers reminded: "There are also many details hidden in these videos, don't worry, seeing more of the future is not a bad thing for us."

Soon, the video saw Ronan driving a huge battleship to invade Xandar Star. This battleship is called the Dark Aster, it looks like a fortress in the sky, strong and equipped with artillery.

The Nova Corps guarding Xandar went all out to form an air barrier, but they could only delay time. The Accuser Ronan, holding the power stone, didn't care about these obstacles at all, and ordered his men to drive the Dark Aster directly to the ground!

The huge battleship exploded in the bustling city and a mass of ruins was blown up. Peter Quill and his party were not injured due to the protection of the Groot.

Ronan, who was holding the power stone, was also safe and sound. He came out of the wreckage of the spaceship, faced the bewildered Guardians of the Galaxy and the terrified Xandars, and roared:

"Look, look at this Guardians of the Galaxy, what are they guarding? Now I finally got my wish, revenge for my father and grandfather!"

"People of Xandar, it is time to abandon your humble beliefs and come to meet me!"

Ronan held up the axe inlaid with the power stone, and his voice became higher and higher: "You are about to be redeemed!"

On such a serious and dignified occasion, he suddenly heard someone singing.

The camera showed Peter Quill. This guy sang a song, and at the same time jumped up, shaking his legs and twisting his waist and interacting with Ronan: "Listen, listen to these lyrics !"

Ronan looked at him with dull eyes, and the others were also dumbfounded. Gamora tilted her head, looking at him like a fool.

The other Xandar people who were panicked, all looked puzzled at this time, but Peter Quill jumped more and more happily, "Now, let's jump up!"

Ronan asked dully, "What are you doing?"

Peter Quill kept standing up and shaking his hips, "Man, it's just the two of us!"

Not only Ronan, Gamora, and Xandar in the video, but countless viewers watching the live broadcast at this moment, including Steve Rogers and others in the eternal space, are also in a state of stillness at the moment.

Peter Quill's awkward dance gave them all a big shock.