Peter Quill father is the strongest

After the new question came out, people were a little confused. But it is not difficult to understand the concept of the strongest father.

Thor immediately said that among the above four options, his younger brother will win. After all God King Odin is the strongest.

Stephen Strange glanced at him and said, "If I remember correctly, Loki's father should not be Odin. It was revealed in the previous quiz that he is a descendant of the Frost Giant."

Steve Rogers nodded and said: "That's right, Loki and Thor have different surnames, one is Laufeyson and the other is Odinson."

Thor scratched his face: "There is no indication in the title whether it is the adoptive father or the biological father, and even if it is the biological father, Loki's father is the king of the frost giants, he should not be weak?"

Steve Rogers said: "Tony's father, Howard Stark, founded today's huge Stark Industries, is also one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., and is an excellent scientist. If it weren't for the limitation of the times, what Tony can do now, his father can also do, maybe even better! "

T'Challa frowned and said: "I don't like this question very much. Whose father is stronger? It doesn't make any sense at all!"

"Although we always advertise that all people are born equal, this is not the case. Just like you, T'Challa, you can achieve what you are now, of course, you have your efforts, but you can't deny the help and convenience given by your father." Stephen Strange shrugged.

Steve Rogers pondered: "It's true to say that, family background is very important. Thor, if you were not the son of Odin, but the son of an ordinary blacksmith on Earth, could you be Thor? No, you are at best a blacksmith! "

Compared with Thor and T'Challa, the two prominent princes, Steve Rogers and Stephen Strange are just ordinary people.

Naturally, they feel more deeply about the concept of their father.

Peter Quill spread his hands at this time: "Come on, at least you all have a father, I am very surprised why I also appear in this option! Remember Yondu from the previous question? He is my adoptive father, the only relative, but he is neither a king nor a God, he is just a cosmic rogue"

Thor asked curiously: "Then who is your biological father?"

Peter Quill smiles bitterly: "he's just a heartbreaker."

He briefly introduced his own experience. He was originally a native of Earth, but one day after his mother died of illness, he was suddenly taken away by a spaceship and sent to the vast universe.

Then he was adopted by Yondu. Most of the Predators were not good people. They did tricks and abductions and robbed houses. The reason why they took in Peter Quill who was a child at that time. According to Yondu himself, he is young and can steal things that are inconvenient for adults.

For so many years, he has never known who his biological father is, and there is only a family member like Yondu by his side, so he doesn't quite understand why he appears in the option.

Peter Quill had no confidence in himself this time, unlike the previous few times, he thought that the wrong option to be ruled out first for this question was himself.

After hearing his life experience, Stephen Strange suddenly thought of something, and said with great interest: "No, I think the answer to this question might be you! Quill, think about it, you are one of the four options The most alternative of all. T'Challa's father is the king, and he is a prince. Loki's father is the king of the frost giants, and he is also a prince. Tony Stark's father is rich, and he is not an ordinary person. Only you are special! "

According to the rules of the quiz game summarized by Steve Rogers, often those options that look very special may be the correct answer!

The previous answers to the question also proved this point. Based on this, Stephen Strange believes that the answer to this question should be: Peter Quill.

Peter Quill shook his head and laughed, "You think too much, man, if my father is really a powerful person, why hasn't he come to me for so many years? And in some of the previous questions, didn't you also put in the wrong option? Anyway, I don't think the answer to this question is me! "

"No, I'll choose you!" Stephen Strange decided to take a gamble.

After the previous rounds of questions and answers, he is now in a worrying situation, and he is already the second to last. Although the game does not show a progress bar, according to past practice, it should be almost over.

In other words, there is not much time left for him to turn defeat into victory.

Thor also thought so At first he thought the correct answer to this question should be, his brother. But Stephen Strange's analysis convinced him.

So, when the countdown started, both he and Doctor Strange were the fastest movers, and they both eagerly hoped to make a comeback by rushing to answer.

In the end, Stephen Strange succeeded in answering, and chose without hesitation: "I choose: Peter Quill!"

Followed by Thor, who also chose Quill, while Peter Quill did not choose himself, shrugged, chose T'Challa and winked at T'Challa: "Dude, you know, I also want a father like yours, I envy you."

"Thank you." T'Challa nodded. Although he felt that this strange question was meaningless, he had to choose one, and of course, he chose himself.

This is not only because of trust in himself but also out of trust in his father. In any case, in his mind, his father is the best.

Steve Rogers chose Tony Stark, although he had analyzed the rules of the quiz game before, and it seemed that the most special and alternative ones were often the correct answers.

But this rule cannot be applied to all questions, at least in this question, he doesn't think so.

After the countdown ended, the correct answer was displayed on the light curtain: ["The correct answer is: Peter Quill, ]

[Congratulations to player Stephen Strange for answering the question correctly and earning 4 points, and player Thor Odinson for answering the question correctly and earning 1 point.]

[Player Steve Rogers, player Peter Quill, and player T'Challa Because of the wrong answers 1 point will be deducted! "]

"great! I got the answer right!" Stephen Strange smiles excitedly.