Thor: Are We All Movie Characters?

The last question was a big blow, especially for Peter Quill. He never expected that in the first question, he would meet his father, and in the second question, he would kill his father.

In the last video, Peter Quill and his father play a game very happily. Ego also guided and helped Quill to discover his divine power. Then why did they turn against each other?

There must be something wrong, and judging from Peter Quill's performance before, although this guy is not very notable, he is fully qualified to be called a hero. Whether it's fighting against Ronan, saving Xandar, or doing his best in the battle against Thanos, everything he does is worthy of the name of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Steve Rogers and others believed that the person who had problems between the two must be Ego!

In the future revealed in the video, Gamora seems to have noticed the danger in advance, but unfortunately, the future Peter Quill doesn't care about it.

As soon as the camera turned, Yondu, Rocket Raccoon, and Groot appeared in the picture.

Thor asked curiously: "Didn't the Groot die when he fought against Ronan? Why did he survive and become smaller?"

Peter Quill was in no mood to answer his question.

Steve Rogers speculated: "Groot should be a creature with very tenacious vitality, and it seems that this little Groot is very naive, it is more like using the original Groot seed to create another small Groot, I don't know very well."

Stephen Strange thought of the details in the previous video: "I remember in the last video when Ego invited Quill and his companions to their planet. Both Rocket Raccoon and Groot stayed on the planet where they crash-landed, so why did they get mixed up with Yondu? Did something happen between them? "

The video did not give a detailed explanation, only mentioning that Yondu was betrayed by his subordinates, Rocket Raccoon also became a prisoner of the rebels, and the little Groot was regarded as a plaything by the rebels.

T'Challa noticed a blue-skinned alien woman in the video, "I remember that she seems to be Gamora's sister, Nebula, right?."

Steve Rogers nodded: "Yes, looking at it now, the sisters seem to be in conflict, but they should reconcile later."

In the video, Nebula asked the rebels for weapons and a spaceship and planned to hunt down Gamora.

At the same time, Yondu and Rocket Raccoon also chatted in the cell, and the topic they talked about was naturally related to Peter Quill.

Yondu revealed that he did accept Ego's commission to help him find his child. But since this was child trafficking, Yondu was expelled by his former predator companions.

Rocket Raccoon asks why he kept Peter Quill.

The explanation given by Yondu, as Peter Quill himself said, was because he took a fancy to the advantages of Little Quill's age and size, making it easier to steal things.

Rocket Raccoon saw that the guy was lying.

Of course, the players outside the video also saw it.

Steve Rogers said: "Yondu is hiding something, Quill, I guess it might not be a bad thing for him to keep you around!"

Peter Quill's eyes were a little dazed, "I don't know, Yondu always threatens me, he always says that I was food reserve. "

Stephen Strange said thoughtfully: "Some people are not very good at expressing their emotions, while some people are good at words but they always hide behind the scenes."

They continue to watch the video, Rocket Raccoon cooperates with the Groot and lets him steal the key to the cell, at this time another subordinate came to surrender to Yondu.

Yondu got his weapon, the arrow, and took Rocket Raccoon and the Groot out without fear.

They were bold, they showed no intention of backing down in the face of the superior number of rebels. Yondu blew his whistle, and the arrows flew out rapidly, constantly killing the crowd blocking the way.

Stephen Strange rubbed his chin with his fingers and pondered: "I found something interesting. When Quill's father appeared on the scene, he easily destroyed dozens of warships. Did he use the same weapon as Yondu? Could this be hinting at something? "

"Hint what?" Peter Quill looked puzzled, thinking that Stephen Strange was just a riddler, and what he said was nonsensical.

Steve Rogers continued: "I understand what you mean, If you view the video exposed by the quiz game as a movie, then some similar shots and composition have meaning. For example, Ego will help Quill with his power, which looks glamorous on the outside, but in fact, it is not. Then, in contrast, Yondu, the adoptive father, is a space rogue and a child trafficker on the surface, but maybe he is the opposite of what he shows. "

Thor scratched his head: "Movies? I don't understand what you are talking about."

Steve Rogers sighed. " I thought I made it clear."

Of course, Peter Quill understood what Captain America and Doctor Strange said, and mumbled in a low voice: "Did I misunderstand Yondu?"

In the video, Yondu, Rocket Raccoon and the Groot escaped smoothly and blew up the predator spacecraft, and took another spacecraft to find Peter Quill, which required seven hundred interstellar jumps.

Stephen Strange crossed his arms and said with great interest: "First the son looks for the father, and then the father looks for the son, Steve, I agree with you, it really fits the plot of the movie. By the way, if these future videos are regarded as movies, it will be easier for us to guess the content expressed in them, and it will be easier to answer the questions correctly! "

Steve Rogers nodded: "Yes, that's what I think."

"It's a pity that this is the last question. I hope I can use these experiences when answering the next question."

Thor felt that they were talking nonsense: "Stop joking, how could our future be a movie?! Are we all just virtual characters in movies? this is more outrageous than a quiz game!"

Steve Rogers shrugged: "It's just an analogy, let's keep watching."