Peter Parker's unstoppable tongue

"you can shoot webs straight from your hand without any external device?"

Peter Parker(Tom Holland) found out this little detail and was immediately surprised. since the player Peter Parker put on the iconic Spider-Man suit, shot out spider webs, and shuttled back and forth between high-rise buildings flexibly and very quickly, Peter(Tom Holland) has already recognized the identity of the other party. It's just that he didn't expect the difference between them to be quite big!

Player Peter Parker hangs upside down under the bridge, "Yes, I was bitten by a spider too, and then I was able to shoot spider webs from my wrist. To be honest, it scared me at first, I thought that I became a monster"

"Monster? No, it's very cool!" Peter(Tom Holland) caught up and couldn't help complaining: "You are much better than me, do you know that all my spider webs are secretly made in the experimental class, I have to make them like was stealing."

Player Peter Parker shrugged: "No, you are wrong, this is stealing."

Peter (Tom Holland) was stunned for a moment and explained with some embarrassment: "Well, I'm actually not stealing. The experimental materials were originally for us to learn, and I just used a little more."

Player Peter Parker shot a spider web and then hops away.

Peter (Tom Holland) quickly caught up and murmured to himself, "It's so strange, does he turn into a spider? Will there be organs in his body that produce spider webs? Does he also lay eggs like real spiders?"

The player Peter Parker found that sometimes super hearing may not be a good thing. When he heard the question of Peter (Tom Holland) like a curious baby.

Not long after, the three of them came to the small forest by the river. No one was around, it was a very quiet place.

Peter (Tom Holland) came over swinging with the help of a tree branch. When he landed, he didn't step on it firmly and fell. He hurriedly stood up and cleaned his messy hair and clothes, and then asked curiously.

"What's your world like? We're all called Peter Parker, and we're all Spiderman, so why do we look different, and why I can't shoot spider webs out of my hand like you?"

"Also, am I going to be a superhero in the future? I can do that, right?"

"Did you come to me to ask to save the world? Just like in the movie, our world is in crisis and needs my help?!"

Curious Peter (Tom Holland) asked one question after another.

Player Peter Parker glanced at Bruce Wayne, and spread his hands helplessly, "Dude, don't worry, the world is in no crisis right now, can you listen to me first?"

"Okay, okay!" Peter (Tom Holland) was also respectful, and made a zip gesture on his mouth, "I won't talk, just listen with my ears, I promise!"

The player Peter Parker did not waste time and revealed the purpose of the trip concisely. Of course, he also had some reservations. He only said that the Avengers is about to enter a civil war, and he will be recruited by Tony Stark to join it and fight with Captain America.

As for Thanos and Dormammu, they didn't say anything.

It's not that he doesn't trust Peter (Tom Holland). According to Bruce Wayne, when performing this kind of mission for the first time, they should be careful, not make mistakes, and try not to cause extra complications.

Of course, some testing is also necessary. He asked Captain America and Iron Man to act separately and contact themselves in this world, just to test whether there will be restrictions in this parallel world.

For example, revealing too much future information, or directly changing the future and events affecting this parallel world, will it cause some bad results and influences.

The quiz game did not give accurate instructions, so they had to explore slowly.

Peter (Tom Holland) was already very excited when he heard about these future events, and shouted: "Can I also join the superheroes and become a member of the Avengers? It's great!"

"Don't get too excited, man, you're just a rookie now, get it?"

Player Peter Parker poured cold water on him, "You still can't use your abilities well, and we will teach you how to become a qualified superhero and defeat Captain America, but this also requires your efforts."

Peter (Tom Holland) raised his hands: "I don't understand, why do I have to defeat Captain America? Captain America is a good man, a real hero! Shouldn't we deal with those villains?"

Player Peter Parker rolled his eyes: "I just said so much, you only heard that you joined the Avengers, didn't you?"

Peter (Tom Holland) was embarrassed, "Sorry, I was too excited just now, you don't know, ever since I found out that I have this superpower, I hope to become a great superhero just like Iron Man, Captain America. this is my goal and ideal!"

players Peter Parker and Bruce Wayne began to train him. One taught him to better grasp Spider-Man's abilities and skills, and the other taught him some other skills, such as fighting, tracking and anti-reconnaissance.

Batman has too many skills, and the player Peter Parker, after obtaining the player panel, has gained many rewards and abilities by continuously fighting criminals and accumulating points.

Both of them are good teachers and helpful friends in the true sense. The short one-hour training has benefited Peter (Tom Holland) a lot. It was not until it was completely dark that they bid farewell and went home.

The two parties made an appointment to continue the training camp tomorrow. The time is tight, and Bruce Wayne and the player Peter Parker are not sure. The specific time of the Avengers Civil War can only be roughly judged by some events.

Watching the exhausted but extremely excited Peter (Tom Holland) disappear into the night with his spider webs, the player Peter Parker sighed, "He is very smart and learns things quickly, I am so tired."

Bruce Wayne glanced at him: "Because he has a lot of questions?"

During the teaching process, the two teachers were both bored because Peter's (Tom Holland) mouth never stopped, asking Bruce Wayne, where did he learn so many skills, if he was a retired special soldier or something.

After a while, he asked the player Peter Parker what the other parallel world looks like. In addition, he was very curious about why he could directly shoot spider webs without the help of external devices.