Two New players

The golden beam of light descended once again. Nick Fury was selected as a game player for the second time, and naturally, he felt happier in his heart.

Following the usual practice, he was sent to the eternal space dedicated to answering questions.

Then, a loud voice echoed in his ears:[ Player Nick Fury, player Tony Stark, player Loki Laufeyson, player Hank Pym, and player Scott Lang are all in position.]

This quiz game had chosen two newcomers. Nick Fury first glanced at Hank Pym and nodded to him: "We haven't seen each other for so many years."

Then he looked at the other newcomer, Scott Lang.

Of course, Nick Fury had investigated this guy before, as he was exposed in a previous quiz game.

Scott Lang performed exceptionally well in the Avengers Civil War. He could shrink into a unnoticeable ant, infiltrate the inside of Iron Man's suit, and dismantle it, or transform into a giant who could stomp planes under his feet.

Nick Fury had also discovered that this incredible technology came from the SHIELD archives, specifically the Pym particle invented by Hank Pym standing before him.

These two would have some interactions in the future.

However, currently, one is the CEO of a company, and the other is a prisoner. Nick Fury couldn't predict what the future held for them. How could these two individuals, seemingly from different worlds, be connected?

Perhaps this was the question to be answered in this round of the quiz.

Hank Pym looked meaningfully at Scott Lang beside him and then said calmly: "Nick, we don't know each other very well, so there's no need to get close."

"Uh, am I just here to make up the numbers?" Scott Lang smiled a little shyly, still wearing his prison uniform.

After the quiz game exposed him as Ant-Man, the authorities noticed him.

He was specially transferred to another prison, and Nick Fury also planned to recruit him.

However, after some investigation, they found that Scott Lang was merely a skilled thief.

Apart from being good at stealing, he had nothing particularly special about him. It was clear that it wasn't yet time for the thief to become a superhero, so they decided to treat Scott Lang as a normal prisoner for the time being.

And because Scott Lang was imprisoned, the news hadn't reached him very well. He had only vaguely heard about a quiz game happening outside, but he didn't know that he would become Ant-Man in the future.

The authorities also intentionally kept the news from him to protect him. After all, Scott Lang, who hadn't yet fully grown into a superhero, was only seen as having potential, and he might be targeted by some evil individuals.

Loki crossed his arms, glanced casually at Hank Pym and Scott Lang, and smiled. He said, "I guess this time it will be the same as last time, where we compete against each other to answer the questions. The winner takes all, and the losers face bad luck."

"Who knows," Tony Stark shrugged, while addressing Nick Fury, "We must cooperate well and not let this guy show off!"

Loki had won first place in the previous quiz game, and naturally, he hoped to make persistent efforts and continue winning.

[Attention all players, this round of answering questions is in the arena mode. The top three players will receive mysterious rewards, while the last two players will be punished!]

[This round of the game starts with a rush answering. The points for a correct answer are doubled, and 4 points are added. 4 points are deducted for incorrect answers. For normal answers, 1 point is added for a correct answer, and 1 point is deducted for an incorrect answer.]

Loki guessed correctly; this quiz game had the same rules as the previous one—it was an arena mode, requiring five players to compete against each other to compete for the top three spots, while the bottom two would face punishment.

Tony Stark moved his shoulders, "Very good, I like the answering mode of this arena; it's exciting and interesting!"

Loki snorted coldly, "I'm afraid you won't be able to win this game. Too bad Thor isn't here this time."

If his foolish brother were present, someone would have to be at the bottom of the list.

In the last round, Thor had been in the loser group, and his performance was lacklustre. Fortunately, the punishment he received hadn't been too severe. From this perspective, he was lucky.

Hank Pym silently observed everything around him. As a scientist, he had been interested in this magical quiz game for a long time. After watching for a while, he said, "This eternal space is not part of our universe. It is an independent and special space."

"Old man, what nonsense are you spouting?" Loki sneered, "Why don't you talk about yourself? Who are you? You were also selected as a player by the quiz game so something must be special about you?"

Hank Pym didn't bother to pay attention to this guy, and naturally, he didn't answer Loki's question.

It was Scott Lang who revealed his identity, "As you can see, I'm just a prisoner right now. Truly speaking, I don't know why I'm here. As long as I can answer the questions correctly, I'll receive rewards and perhaps freedom?"

Loki waved his hand dismissively, "Come on, there's no need to pretend to be ignorant here. You are the Ant-Man who was exposed in the previous quiz game. Who do you think you're fooling?"

His sharp eyes had recognized Scott Lang's identity from the very beginning.

However, Scott Lang looked innocent and bewildered, "Ant-Man? Me? Dude, I don't understand. I have been locked in prison all this time. They won't let prisoners watch the live broadcast. They deliberately keep us in the dark."

Loki observed his expression, which seemed genuine, and said curiously, "That's very interesting. You don't know your identity, but in the previous quiz game, the Ant-Man was revealed to the whole universe. You look exactly like him, with the same name and surname. It can't be such a coincidence."

After speaking, Loki looked thoughtfully at Nick Fury and began to suspect something.

Nick Fury coughed twice at this moment and said, "Scott, what he said is right. You are indeed Ant-Man, a future superhero. However, you should understand that we live in a society governed by law, and we cannot overlook certain things just because of your future. You will be treated like any other prisoner, do you understand?"

"Hehe," Scott Lang smirked twice, "Of course, I understand."

He wasn't foolish; he knew he was being targeted right now. The authorities deliberately kept his identity as a superhero hidden from him, even though he was the one involved!

"To be honest, I didn't expect that I would become a superhero in the future. Ant-Man? The nickname is strange enough. Could it be that I was bitten by an ant and then transformed into a human-shaped ant?"

Scott Lang couldn't help but shudder at the thought.