Sub-atomic state

In the light curtain video, Hank Pym just reminded Scott Lang not to modify the Ant-Man suit without authorization, otherwise, he would be lost in the quantum realm.

As the camera turned, Scott Lang transformed into a subatomic state and entered the quantum realm.

Loki commented with interest, "Someone said before that the future videos exposed by the quiz game are very similar to movie scenes, and now it seems that they are indeed quite similar."

Tony Stark glanced at him and asked, "Why? Do you watch Earth movies while wandering in the universe?"

Loki shrugged, replying, "Arrogant earthlings, the universe is vast, and you are not the only ones who have movies. You can't imagine how popular quiz games are across the entire universe. People with advanced civilizations carefully observe any relevant clues and infer our future, or everything about us is likely to be a virtual movie."

"Hehe, this kind of philosophical proposition has no value for discussion," Tony Stark sneered, "The idea of a brain in a vat may attract attention, but it won't bring any change to our lives. Even if our world comes from a virtual movie, then what does it matter? How does it change anything? Thanks to the quiz game, we have become aware of the truth and can break free from the established trajectory of fate."

Loki applauded, saying, "Wonderful speech, Tony Stark, you are indeed very smart."

Tony Stark shrugged modestly, "Come on, you don't need to flatter me. It's a well-known fact."

Hank Pym was a little dissatisfied with their discussion and told them to keep quiet. The video on the light curtain reached a crucial segment, where he wanted to find out how Scott Lang escaped from the quantum realm and if his missing wife, Janet, was also there.

In the video, Scott Lang travelled to a strange world where there was no concept of time and space - the quantum realm. He remained motionless in a curled-up posture, as if his body, soul, and even thinking had stagnated.

"All your memories, those you love, will be utterly forgotten," Hank Pym murmured unconsciously as he watched the light curtain.

In an unexpected turn, Scott Lang suddenly heard a distant call, someone calling him, "Daddy, Daddy!"

This snapped him back to reality, and he immediately tried to press the enlargement button, but there was no response. In desperation, he groped around his body and found a magnification disc.

Hank Pym's eyes widened as he finally understood everything. In the video, as he expected, Scott Lang put the magnifying disk into the adjuster on the belt. After pressing the button on the glove this time, the adjusting machine was activated, and he returned to the real world!

Tony Stark gestured to Nick Fury, "Look, this is the power of fatherly love. It's so great, I want a child too."

"Oh? This is good news!" Nick Fury said, looking him up and down, "I heard that as long as a man has a child, he will become mature. Tony, I support your idea."

Tony Stark immediately frowned unhappily, "Hey, what do you mean? Are you belittling me, saying I'm immature?"

Hank Pym interjected, "Those robots who are keen on tinkering with you, Tony Stark, only children are interested in these things. Don't you think you are very mature? In my opinion, you are a self-centred, big and naughty kid!"

He was qualified to say that, considering his seniority and age.

Of course, Tony Stark didn't like this and said with a cold face, "Hehe, my children's toys won't make my loved ones get lost in the quantum realm! Old man, you are so clueless. If it were me, I would not freeze this technology or push all the problems and responsibilities onto a scientific and technological invention. I'd continue to study and conduct in-depth research, confident that I would be able to solve all the problems and bring the person back. Instead of being stubborn and foolish like you, neglecting how much your wife needs help in the quantum realm, what have you done?"

His words were like a sharp dagger, piercing Hank Pym's heart, and Hank Pym's expression suddenly became sluggish, as if he had aged a lot.

Indeed, if he had realized earlier that Jenet was not killed but drifted into the quantum realm, then he would have launched a rescue plan, he might have been able to save her earlier.

"No, no, you don't understand my technology at all!" Hank Pym defended, looking pale. He was being stubborn, full of annoyance at the moment, but fortunately, it was not too late to wake up.

Scott Lang felt that Tony Stark was a bit too harsh just now and frowned, "Tony Stark, from the audience's perspective, of course, you can say that, but you haven't experienced Hank's situation. You can't empathize. What you just said is a little too much!"

Tony Stark smiled and said: "I only know that as a scientist, you shouldn't be afraid of your scientific research results. What you have to do is conquer them. We won't talk about anything else; in this regard, you are neither me nor my father!"

Hank Pym had been bringing his father in front of him again and again, and he had long been upset about it, so he was not polite to the old man at this moment.

And during their debate, the light curtain video also came to an end.

At the end of the video, Scott Lang returned to the real world. Hank Pym was very curious about his experience in the quantum realm, but Scott Lang had forgotten everything.

"Is this possible?"

After Hank Pym sent Scott Lang away, he looked at the photo of himself and his wife, lost in thought, and the video ended here.

Hank Pym in the video wasn't sure if his wife, like Scott Lang, had entered the quantum realm after transforming into a subatomic state. But Hank Pym outside the video had affirmed that.