Infinity stones or paperweights

Hank Pym began to seriously answer the questions. After all, he had already suffered once from being disturbed by emotions.

Scott Lang wanted to say something more, but the countdown to answering the question had already started, so they all tapped the answer button before thinking too much about it.

After a few questions, the points of the players are also increasing. Although Scott Lang got rid of the high negative points, he is still at the bottom of the standings. If he wants to enter the winner group, he must rely on the quick answer points! He had to fight for every chance to answer.

It's a pity that the goddess of luck still didn't favour him this time. Loki won the right to answer, and he chose with a smile: "I choose C!"

Scott Lang's eyes widened immediately: "You lied bastard! I choose C too!"

Loki shrugged: "Man, think about what I just said, I didn't decide for you, I just analyzed other possibilities."

Scott Lang snorted coldly: "Very well, cunning bastard, I won't believe a word of what you say anymore!"

Tony Stark said: " You were deceived by him at the beginning. Wouldn't it be better to use your brain more?"

Scott Lang said angrily: "Come on, Tony Stark, the one who lied to me with Loki in the first place was you"

This question was the same as the previous one, and they all chose C for it.

The countdown ended, and the correct answer was announced.

[ congratulations! Loki Laufeyson answers the question first and gains 4 points.]

[ player Tony Stark, player Hank Pym, player Scott Lang, and player Nick Fury got the correct answer and gain 1 point each ]

As expected, everyone answered correctly, and Loki got 4 points for answering first!

This caused his ranking in the standings to rise rapidly, Loki looked at Tony Stark and said with a smile: "Look, the one who wins the game this time will be me!"

"Just wait and see, the game is not over yet."

Tony Stark didn't care.

After the correct answer was announced, according to the usual practice, the corresponding video began to play on the light curtain, and the huge and mysterious city of the headquarters could be seen in the footage.

This is a link to the previous question. The time criminal Loki seems to have reached a cooperation with the male Agent. At this time, the woman who had been out of the scene until now, knocked on the door, interrupted their conversation, and called the male agent out.

When the male agent left, he warned the time criminal Loki to stay in the house obediently and not go anywhere. Loki in the camera nodded honestly.

Tony Stark sneered: "This guy actually believes in Loki, he is too naive. Look, how this cunning liar will cause trouble now."

Nick Fury said: "Or maybe it's because of his arrogance. He thinks he knows everything about Time Criminal Loki, and he also knows that Loki is good at deceiving people, but he believes that with his ability and wisdom, he can never be deceived."

Tony Stark spread his hands: "Ha, look, I think Loki is more suitable to perform opera on Broadway, it is best to call his brother too, one is a liar, and the other is a fool, a perfect match. Hey Loki Remember when the time comes, let me know, and I will support you!"

Loki grinned: "Ohh really, if that time comes then I will make you wear jokers clothes and let you perform like a monkey!"

They were bickering and watching the video at the same time.

In the video, the male agent and the female agent also had some disputes. The female agent thinks that the prisoner should not be forgiven, but should be reset cleanly!

The male agent's attitude is more gentle, and he seems to be a little disgusted with their violent and domineering style. "You always feel that everyone has to be reset, but I have a lot to gain from him!"

The female agent retorted: "I just lost another squad."

The male agent fell silent.

Scott Lang said curiously: "With such a powerful organization, they will also encounter difficult enemies? I thought they were omnipotent like God!"

Tony Stark smile: "How is that possible? They have indeed mastered the means of controlling time, but the so-called omniscience is just a fake joke. And, as long as you watch the video carefully, you should be able to find that this has been revealed in the previous video. The male agent was chasing down the criminal at a certain time. He didn't have any clues. For some unknown reason, he thought that Loki could help, so he planned to bribe him to be a witness or something."

Nick Fury glanced at Loki and said, "That agent takes things for granted."

In the video, after the male agent returned to the room, he found that there was no one in it. Loki had disappeared, but he didn't react immediately.

Because the time criminal Loki wore a collar around his neck, his abilities were restricted here. He was just an ordinary person, how could he disappear in the blink of an eye?

When he fumbled in his pockets, he realized that he had been tricked!

"Scheming liar!"

As soon as the camera turned, Loki, who was still wearing prison clothes, flashed in the corridor outside, holding a small remote control in his hand.

It was because of this little thing that he could escape smoothly.

"Ha! Look, as I said a long time ago, the person who will be tricked in the end will not be me!" Loki said with a smirk when he saw this: "A mere mortal would dare to stand in front of me, what a joke!"

Tony Stark sneered: "I can tell, except me and Nick, All three players are thieves this time!"

after seeing his future before, Loki, the time criminal, just act like he was in distress, which not only made the other party relax his vigilance but he also took the opportunity to steal the remote control!

Scott Lang said dissatisfiedly: " I didn't steal from you, it was a loan, understand!?"

Tony Stark rolled his eyes and continued watching the video.

In the camera, although the time criminal Loki escaped, he was a little unfamiliar with the surrounding environment. He didn't know how to escape for a while and suddenly found a familiar face.

An employee who was on duty in the lobby before was pushing a trolley past. The Time criminal Loki followed him immediately.

Tracking to the other party's office smoothly, the time criminal Loki immediately jumped up, grabbed the other party's neck, and threatened him to take out the Cosmic Cube.

He remembered that after the female agent confiscated his tesseract, she gave it to an employee named Casey for safekeeping.

Casey seemed a little sluggish. When Loki threatened him that if he didn't follow through, he would be cut open like a dead fish, Casey asked him what a fish is.

The time criminal Loki was stunned: "Why don't you even know about fish?".

However, Casey claimed that he had been behind a desk all his life and had not been anywhere else.

Loki had no choice but to threaten him with death. Casey understood this time, opened the drawer next to him, took out the Cosmic Cube, and handed it to him. The time criminal Loki took it excitedly, then glanced at the drawer and was stunned.

"Infinity stones?"

The camera is given to the drawer, and there are a bunch of infinite stones randomly placed in it!