Who is the time criminal?

Asgard's God Queen Frigga and God King Odin watched the live broadcast together and witnessed the scene.

Frigga sighed, "I never thought that Loki would endure so much suffering. As I've said before, he never truly understood himself. He always pursued the throne, played around, and was just a mischievous kid seeking attention and love. He wasn't a bad person."

Odin raised his eyebrows, "He simply couldn't accept his unchangeable fate."

Frigga shook her head, "Who would willingly accept such an ending?"

In the video, the time criminal Loki saw a future reconciliation with Thor and fought alongside him. He also witnessed the teachings of God King Odin before his demise, which brought a smile to his face.

However, his laughter soon faded when he saw his ultimate fate: being strangled to death by Thanos with a single hand!

When the words "end of file" appeared on the screen, Loki's fate was sealed. Initially, he seemed blank, then burst into laughter again, appearing quite content. However, his eyes failed to mirror the smile.

This marked the conclusion of the answer video.

Outside the video, Loki's face remained expressionless, devoid of any emotion in his eyes. And he declared in a resolute, monotone voice, "Behold Time Variance Authority, regardless of my identity, I will shatter the chains of this so-called destiny. Never shall I falter!"

Nick Fury glanced at him, "You've already achieved that, even if not entirely on your own. Nonetheless, you've escaped this tragic fate."

Tony Stark placed his hands on his chest, "Loki, I don't like you—actually, I should despise you. However, there's something I despise even more and that is this Time Variance Authority. So, I hope you'll channel all your energy into creating chaos and mayhem for Time Variance Authority."

Hank Pym contemplated, "A completely chaotic timeline could indeed lead to grave consequences. It's possible that more individuals could be affected than those who perished in Thanos' snap."

Scott Lang wrinkled his brow, "Is that really the case? I have my doubts about this. Is what they're saying the truth? I'm not ready to accept such a fate. If everything is preordained, then what's the purpose of our efforts, struggles, and changes? What's the point of life?"

Tony Stark grinned, "Ha, discussing philosophical matters isn't your usual style, Scott, but I agree with you."

Nick Fury surveyed the group, "We should be grateful for this quiz game. Despite the confusion and trouble it's caused, it's given us the chance to alter these established destinies."

Scott Lang sighed, "It'd be even better if the penalties weren't so severe."

Hank Pym offered a reminder, "Scott, our current situation isn't favourable. We must be alert when answering the next question and respond swiftly!"

"I know, I know, but rushing to answer relies too heavily on luck. My luck isn't exactly abundant." Scott Lang expressed his frustration.

Getting two consecutive correct answers could propel him from the loser group to the winner's circle, even securing the top position in the standings. Unfortunately, luck hadn't been on his side these two times, and he could only hope for better luck in the next question.

Deep in thought, Loki mused, "The previous question concerned Scott and Hank. The one just now was related to me. Could the next one be related to the two of you?"

By "you," he was referring to Tony Stark and Nick Fury.

Tony Stark shrugged, "I wouldn't mind glimpsing more of the future. There's no harm in that."

Just then, a new question appeared on the light curtain.

[ Who is the time criminal that Agent Mobius is trying to catch?]

[ A:Loki



D:Steve Rogers ]

Loki shrugged, "Well, it appears I'm quite significant. Many questions pertain to me. So, everyone, put on your thinking caps. What's your take on this question?"

Hank Pym pondered, "Who is Agent Mobius? Could he be the male agent who tried to collaborate with Loki in the previous video?"

The video didn't disclose the name of the male agent, leaving them to speculate.

Tony Stark replied, "That's likely. He showed the time-criminal Loki a glimpse of his future, hoping Loki would cooperate and help apprehend an even more dangerous time criminal."

Nick Fury frowned, "Given the details revealed in the previous video, the timeline has numerous branches. This implies that besides Loki, you, me, or anyone else could be perceived as a time criminal. And I think that the most suspicious one is Thanos since he tried to erase half of the universe."

Loki held a different view on this, "No, the headquarters of Time Variance Authority prohibits the use of supernatural abilities. Thanos is merely a purple-skinned behemoth. And I Admit that even if he was stripped of his supernatural powers, he would still be stronger than me. However, brute force often falls short. I can even say that, if Thor was the one arrested and brought to their headquarter, he'd be the one manipulated! Hence, we can eliminate this option."

"Wow, you certainly don't hold back when it comes to your brother."

Loki shrugged, "I'm merely stating facts."

Tony Stark inquired, "Based on your analysis, the potential answers are limited to 'A' and 'D'? Then I've made my choice."

Loki chuckled, "Naturally, the answer is clear! A fighter like Steve Rogers relies too much on physical prowess. He doesn't deserve the trouble of being a time criminal."

Nick Fury rolled his eyes, "Underestimating the Captain often yields unfavourable results. Plus, you've already been captured. From my perspective, we should eliminate this answer first."

Scott Lang turned to Hank Pym, "So, what do we choose? Loki or Captain America?"

Hank Pym assured, "Don't worry, let's consider. Which of the four options seems the most improbable?"

Using this approach, they successfully answered the initial questions. Frequently, the most unlikely option turned out to be the correct answer.

Following this pattern, they should continue analyzing which option seems the most implausible for solving this question.!