I Was Captured Because I Missed My Brother

Loki became interested, "He wasn't killed by Thanos. Did he break free from his destined fate?"

In the video, Old Loki began to tell his story. His timeline had been normal until Thanos appeared and attacked the refugee ship from Asgard.

However, the old Loki didn't immediately try to stab Thanos. He believed that, as a sorcerer, he should trust magic more than physical weapons. He used an incredibly realistic illusion to deceive Thanos, pretending to be dead among the corpses. Afterward, he distanced himself from Thor and lived a solitary life on a remote planet in the far reaches of the universe.

Outside of the video, Loki couldn't wait for the story to finish before laughing. "Tony Stark, did you see? Once again, I've outsmarted you!"

They had made a bet on whether any Loki from a parallel timeline could escape Thanos and win the bet. Loki thought he would only get a chance to verify the bet after this Q&A game, but the answer came much sooner, and he had won!

Tony Stark shrugged, "Well, Loki, 50 points of credit for all your laughter. Consider it the ticket to enjoying your comedy show."

While speaking, he looked around and added, "Fifty points for this entertainment is quite a bargain, isn't it?"

Nick Fury raised an eyebrow, being realistic, "Tony, that's not a small amount."

Loki didn't mind the sarcasm and sneered, "Iron Man, if there are more bets like this, I hope they keep coming."

Tony Stark had earned quite a few credits by teaming up with Peter Parker for group missions, but Loki hadn't been so lucky. Fifty points, as Nick Fury pointed out, wasn't a small sum for him. As long as Tony Stark kept his word and handed over the 50 points, being taunted by this foul-mouthed guy wouldn't bother him at all.

Scott Lang asked curiously, "Wait a minute, if all Lokis are supposed to die at the hands of Thanos, and that's their destiny. Then Why didn't this old Loki's escape cause any branching events?"

Hank Pym pondered, "That's indeed a question. We still don't understand enough."

Tony Stark shook his head, "No, it's full of lies, and we're not sure what's true and what's not."

Meanwhile, in the video, the Time criminal Loki asked the old Loki, "How were you captured?"

The old Loki made a somewhat sardonic expression. "I was feeling a bit lonely, to be honest. I missed my brother. I wondered if he missed me and if anyone still remembered me. But just as I was about to leave my secluded planet, they came. Because, we can only play the role of the God of Mischief."

Tony Stark made a gesture, "Loki, I think if Thor sees this video, he might be moved. Unfortunately, he's probably not the one you care about the most now; Sylvie is."

The time Criminal Loki didn't seem too sentimental about brotherly bonds. Right now, he wanted to return and was trying to persuade these Lokis to help him face the monstrous Alioth outside.

His speech was quite persuasive, but the audience listening to him weren't just anyone; they were all Lokis. The result was, of course, uproarious laughter.

Outside of the video, Tony Stark and the others couldn't help but laugh. Scott Lang said with a chuckle, "Haha, this is truly a scene of self-deception."

In a burst of laughter, the Time criminal Loki also realized that he had done something foolish. Loki, the God of Trickery, couldn't be easily persuaded, after all. He had to go on his own. Leaving the underground refuge, he opened the iron door and was stunned to find more Lokis waiting for him!

The one leading them looked exactly like him, wearing a suit and even a presidential campaign badge. He looked down at the Time criminal Loki and said, "Hello, which one of us are you?"

The video ended here.


Tony Stark and the others couldn't stop laughing. Hank Pym couldn't help but say with a grin, "Just imagine waking up one day surrounded by various versions of yourself. It's a scenario that's hard to see."

Loki shrugged, "But once you get used to it, it's not that bad."

After watching his future related videos, he was gradually getting used to it.

Tony Stark jokingly said, "Is it because of love, huh?"

Soon, a new question appeared on the screen:

[Can the Lokis defeat Alioth and leave the Void?]

[A: Yes

B: No]

"I like these multiple-choice questions, not too complicated," Scott Lang said with a smile. "Hank, trust me on this one, A is the right choice!"

Hank Pym rolled his eyes, "Of course, as long as you're not a fool, you should know how to answer this question."

The Time criminal Loki, after being pruned, didn't die directly but ended up in this so-called Void. It was quite clear that this cunning god was the protagonist, or at least one of the protagonists in this future.

On Earth, in the Avengers Tower,

Agent Coulson glanced at Thor, who was standing with his back to them, and whispered, "Thor almost had tears in his eyes just now. This tough Asgardian was truly moved."

Natasha smiled and whispered back, "Honestly, we didn't expect Loki to cherish his brotherhood with Thor so much, especially considering his history of constantly betraying him."

Hawkeye shrugged, "Maybe that's just how they normally interact as brothers."

Thor didn't actually cry; he wasn't that fragile. But he was indeed deeply moved. The old Loki living a lonely life and ultimately getting caught made him sad.

"Loki, I promise in Odin's name that I will do everything to prevent those tragic futures from happening!"

In the Eternal space, the countdown for answering the question began.

Since the players were confident about this question, they all rushed to answer. Whoever answered successfully would earn a solid 4 points.

The lucky one who successfully tapped first was Tony Stark. He didn't hesitate and made his choice. Others followed suit. They all chose the same answer.

The correct answer was revealed as expected.

[The correct answer is: A]

[Congratulations to player Tony Stark for the correct answer, earning 4 points. Player Loki Laufeyson, player Scott Lang, player Hank Pym, player Nick Fury answered correctly, earning 1 point]

"Come on, let everyone see how the Lokis are going to disrupt everything!" Loki cracked his neck and grinned.