I Love You 3000 Times

After a brief interlude, they resumed discussing the main topic.

Steve Rogers hoped that Dr. Banner could assist in perfecting the time-travel plan, but Banner was reluctant, stating that it wasn't his strong suit.

The scene then shifted to Tony Stark's home. It appeared to be after dinner, and Tony was doing the dishes. Ironically, despite being a billionaire, scientist, and superhero, his dishwashing skills were less than stellar. The world had lost half its population, and the need for manpower was evident, even in everyday chores.

Tony's mind seemed preoccupied, likely due to the recent visit by Steve, Scott, and Natasha. He had firmly rejected their request, but his true feelings didn't align with his actions.

While rummaging through a cabinet, Tony stumbled upon a photo of himself with Peter Parker, the young Spider-Man. Peter's smile in the photo-filled Tony with heavy silence.

Natasha noticed this and shook her head, saying, "Tony must be feeling guilty. He personally recruited that kid and watched him die in his arms."

Steve Rogers sighed, "Tony has always had a strong sense of responsibility. Remember Ultron? He created Ultron to deal with potential threats in the future, trying to prevent sacrifices by using machines instead of heroes. I made him believe in us rather than those machines, and I failed him."

Natasha furrowed her brow, "You're both right... It's just that no one could have foreseen how insane Thanos would become."

In the video, Tony Stark entered his study, woke up the artificial intelligence, and had it demonstrate the Möbius strip with added parameters and particles.

The model rendering of the Möbius strip was a success!

Tony Stark, astonished, sat down in his chair, unable to contain his excitement. "shit!"

Unfortunately, his young daughter was nearby and mimicked him, saying, "shit!"

Tony, surprised, turned to her, putting his finger to his lips in a 'shush' gesture. "You're not asleep yet, little princess?"

The young girl innocently repeated a profanity, prompting her loving father to teach her otherwise, "No, you can't say that word. Only mommy can say it. It's her special word!"

Curious, the little girl asked, "Why aren't you sleeping?"

Tony explained, "Because I have a darn big thing to do. Otherwise, well, there are some things on my mind... I'm thinking about some things."

Taking the opportunity, the little princess asked for a favour, "Are you thinking about juice popsicles?"

"Wow, she's too cute, Pepper!"

Inside Stark Tower, Happy pointed to the holographic video outside and commented with a warm smile on his face, "She inherited both your and Tony's qualities. She's so smart from such a young age!"

"Yeah, but Tony isn't quite the dad, Happy, don't you think? Looks like he's leaving us for another adventure."

Happy defended Tony Stark, saying, "Well, some things have to be done, like that battle in New York... Pepper, you understand him right?"

Pepper, with a sigh, responded, "Yes, of course I understand him."

In the eternal space, Scott Lang admitted, "To be honest, I now feel that what my future me said to Tony is a bit too much. If it were me, I might not want to leave such a lovely daughter."

In the future, as he contemplated his moral kidnapping of Tony Stark, Scott Lang, who also had a daughter, found it increasingly difficult to make this choice.

Natasha pondered, "This is our position, and Tony will not let us down."

Steve Rogers, on the other hand, was more concerned about something else. In the video, Tony Stark simulated the Mobius ring with artificial intelligence and he was thinking about that, he asked his team, "Do you feel familiar with the Mobius ring just now? Does it look like the Time Variance authority time light belt at the end of time?"

Scott Lang nodded in agreement, saying, "Indeed, it looks like when you put it that way!"

Steve Rogers shared his analysis, saying, "I have a guess. Could it be that the Time Variance Authority has mastered the technology of manipulating time, and this is somehow related to Tony? Think about it, the Time Variance Authority is very resistant to timeline interference but turns a blind eye to Tony and our time travel. Isn't that strange? Could it be because of the time travel technology created by Tony that the Time Variance Authority comes into existence?"

Scott Lang gasped, "So, Tony Stark is the founder of the Time Variance Authority?"

Steve Rogers smiled and reassured, "No, this is just my guess. Don't take it too seriously."

While they continued to watch the video, Tony Stark was seen accompanying the little princess, sharing popsicles, and then telling her to go back to bed.

Pepper's smile grew even wider. The revelation of the future through this quiz game was equally surprising for her. She had finally found love and happiness with her partner, and they had a wonderfully adorable daughter.

"But Tony isn't exactly a model dad. His bedtime stories are so bad."

However, this didn't diminish Tony's love for his daughter. Tony affectionately kissed her forehead and said, "I love you a thousand times."

The little princess reciprocated with even more love, "Then I love you 3000 times!"

Tony's smile overflowed with surprise and affection, "Wow, 3000 times... that's a big number."

He warned her to go to sleep quickly, or else he'd pack up all her toys and sell them.

Turning away, Tony ran to Pepper to show off, "I'm not bragging, she said she loves me 3000 times! With you, it's probably only 600 to 900 times."

Pepper just chuckled.

As the loving couple chatted, Tony suddenly brought up time travel, and Pepper immediately recognized the gravity of the situation. "This is incredible... and dangerous."

Tony sat next to her, and Pepper held his hand. "We're really lucky."

"Yeah, I know."

"But not everyone is that lucky."

"I can't help everyone."

Pepper gazed at him tenderly and encouraged him, "Maybe you can."

Tony, trying to remain tough, said, "If I don't help, I won't have to worry about anything. I can stop everything right now."

Pepper smiled, "Tony, stopping you is one of the biggest failures of my lifetime."

Tony was touched by her words, both in the video and beyond.

Thor, witnessing this touching moment, couldn't help but comment, "Honestly, your love story is quite enviable. Maybe I should find a good woman too, someone even more extraordinary than your girl."

Tony Stark glanced at him, "Don't even start. Whoever could fancy a brute like you, I seriously doubt her taste."