Returning to the Battle of New York

Due to previous exposure to Thanos gathering the Infinity Stones, they had marked the approximate locations of each Infinity Stone based on information provided by the quiz game.

Furthermore, the quiz game had specifically asked relevant questions, so Tony Stark quickly realized why their future selves and Captain America's team had chosen to time travel back to the Battle of New York.

"This time point is indeed good. The Space Stone and the Mind Stone are both at S.H.I.E.L.D., and the Time Stone is either with the Ancient One or Stephen, which means that if everything goes smoothly, they can find three of the stones on this trip!"

On Team B, Steve Rogers also understood the significance of their future selves' choices.

Natasha nodded, "Exactly, choosing this time is very suitable. Since time travel is limited, we must make good use of it."

Scott Lang was surprised as he looked at the chaotic New York City on the screen. "The damage caused by aliens in New York is so extensive!"

"Fortunately, we have the quiz game, which allowed us to avoid such a future," Steve Rogers said, glancing at him.

At that moment, the video froze, and the next question was presented: [ In the time travel during the Battle of New York, who had his soul separated while searching for the Infinity Stone]

[A: Tony Stark

B: Scott Lang

C: Steve Rogers

D: Bruce Banner.]

"Soul separated? In other words, seriously injured?" Scott Lang raised an eyebrow. "That shouldn't be the case. They travelled from the future to the past and knew the locations of the Infinity Stones. Getting them should have been smooth."

Natasha reminded, "No, don't forget that in the previous round of the quiz game, it was revealed that Tony attempted to get the Tesseract and failed."

Steve Rogers also looked serious. "Time travel isn't as simple as you think. At this time, Hydra is still hidden within S.H.I.E.L.D. If they are exposed, it will cause big trouble!"

Natasha frowned. "We only know that Tony and Scott went to get the Tesseract. We don't know about the others. This question... I think we'll have to rely on guesswork."

Steve Rogers analyzed, "Think about it, time travel requires extreme caution. That means actions must be quick and covert to maximize efficiency. Scott and Tony will go to S.H.I.E.L.D. to get the Tesseract. The Mind Stone is also there. Either I or Dr. Banner will likely go for the Mind Stone. As for the remaining person, he will go to the New York Sanctum to get the Time Stone. Since Tony and Scott's mission failed and they couldn't get the Tesseract, I think we can eliminate them from this question. So, it's between C and D."

Scott Lang shrugged. "It's a 50-50 chance. Should we just pick one?"

Steve Rogers rested his chin and pondered for a moment. "I remembered something from a long time ago. In the quiz game, there was a video from my future self in an elevator saying 'Hail Hydra.' Do you remember that?"

Natasha laughed. "Of course, it was quite a scene."

Steve couldn't help but smile. "I originally thought that video was fake or from another parallel world. But now, thinking about it, it's very likely real, and it happened at this time point. In the Battle of New York, Loki brought the Mind Scepter, and later, it fell into the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D. And S.H.I.E.L.D. was infiltrated by Hydra, which means that the Mind Stone was taken by Hydra. Considering my previous video, it's clear that my future self said 'Hail Hydra' to get the Mind Stone. Since I successfully deceived S.H.I.E.L.D. and there was no conflict, we can also eliminate option C. My suggestion is to choose option D for this question."

After hearing Steve's analysis, Scott Lang and Natasha Romanoff exchanged glances and found it reasonable, especially since most of Steve's previous analyses had been correct. They reached a consensus and selected option D for the question.

With a 50-50 chance, they took a gamble. Soon, the screen displayed the countdown for the answer, and both teams didn't hesitate to press the answer button. This time, Tony Stark won the right to answer.

"I choose D!"

Natasha was somewhat surprised, and Steve Rogers crossed his arms, smiling. "Tony is clever. What we can think of, they can think of too. Let's hope this question doesn't go wrong."

Scott Lang grinned. "I think it's better if they answer it wrong. They'll lose 4 points! Our lead isn't that big right now."

After a round of answering, Team A had 1 point, finally getting out of negative points, while Team B scored 4 points, seemingly with a significant lead, but it wasn't as clear-cut as it seemed.

If Team A answered this question correctly, they would immediately catch up.

Soon, the correct answers were revealed. They all guessed correctly.

[The Correct Answer is: D: Bruce banner]

[Congratulations to Player Tony Stark, Player Thor Odinson, and Player Nebula for answering correctly. Team A receives 4 points]

[Congratulations to Player Steve Rogers, Player Natasha Romanoff, and Player Scott Lang for the correct answer. Team B receives 1 point]

"Yes!" Tony Stark pumped his fist and nodded towards Thor and Nebula. "See, I told you that following me would lead to victory. Now we're only 1 point behind them, and we'll catch up soon!"

Thor, though disliking Tony's showmanship, couldn't deny that they had gained points by following Tony's lead,

Nebula, on the other hand, remained indifferent, seeming to not care about winning or losing.

Tony Stark looked at her and furrowed his brow. "Nebula, so far, you've contributed almost nothing... but that's fine, just don't cause trouble. But don't forget, you're now a selected player in the quiz game and a new player at that. I'm sure there will be questions involving you later, so when that happens, don't pretend to be silent, understand?"

Nebula stared at him silently for a moment and then nodded, indicating her willingness to cooperate.

Tony Stark breathed a sigh of relief. After all, this was a team competition, and while Steve's team was united, he had two teammates who weren't contributing much, making the challenge much harder.