Who snapped the second time

"Forget it anyway, even though my child hasn't been born yet, I'm willing to do anything for him!"

Upon hearing his father say this, Tony Stark's expression in the frame became incredibly complex. He had the urge to immediately pour out his feelings and confess to him.

But he restrained himself in the end, and at the same time, he noticed Captain America giving him a meaningful look not far away.

Tony Stark hesitated for a moment, then went forward to return the flowers and gifts to Howard Stark. He also hugged his father and said, "Thank you, thank you for doing all of this for me!"

Howard Stark felt a strong connection with this young man. As he left, he curiously asked his driver who had come to pick him up, "Jarvis, have we met him before?"

Jarvis shrugged and said, "You've met so many people, sir."

Watching his father leave in the car, Tony Stark let out a sigh of relief. Without wasting any time, he found Steve Rogers and prepared to travel back home together.

The video ended at this point.

Natasha praised, "I have to admit, Tony always comes up with ideas for any trouble."

Scott Lang smirked, "This trouble was brought by Tony, if the previous mission had succeeded, we wouldn't have to time travel again."

Steve Rogers said, "Such unexpected events are hard to avoid, and making an extra trip isn't necessarily a bad thing."

Natasha smiled and nodded, "Yes, after all, you reunited with your lover, and Tony also met his father. That's not a bad thing."

Steve Rogers chuckled, "Anyway, they've managed to gather all six Infinity Stones. Maybe they can undo everything!"

To be honest, after the future was revealed to Thanos, both the superheroes and ordinary people felt immense pressure.

Fortunately, they had the quiz game in this timeline, which allowed them to avoid the devastating catastrophe. However, other parallel timelines might not be as fortunate.

Steve Rogers and Tony Stark, among others, had discussed that if they had the opportunity, they would use time travel portals to go to other parallel timelines to fight against Thanos and save those worlds. This was also the purpose and initial intention of Batman's creation of the Multiverse Defenders.

They continuously gained rewards through the quiz Game, improving their strength. With Peter Parker's team mission system, it wouldn't be difficult for them to go to other parallel timelines. They had the confidence to save those tragic futures.

But now, it seemed that they didn't need to go the extra mile. The Avengers and other superheroes in the normal timeline seemed to be actively saving themselves after the exposure of Thanos' future.

At this moment, Scott Lang raised an eyebrow and said, "Our future selves did gather all the Infinity Stones, but the past-time Thanos also knows about it. This might become a big problem!"

Natasha frowned uncertainly and said, "It shouldn't be... We gathered the Infinity Stones and directly travelled back. Even if Thanos knows, can he even time travel like us?"

Time travel was a massive undertaking, and it could only become a reality with the Pym Particles provided by Tony Stark, Dr. Banner, and Scott Lang. Before that, it existed only in theory and imagination. It couldn't be that common after they completed a one-time travel, could it?

However, Steve Rogers said with a solemn expression, "Thanos can time travel. Don't forget, Nebula didn't return with Colonel Rhodes. If she's captured by Thanos... Thanos can obtain Pym Particles and the time-travel suit!"

Scott Lang thought for a moment and said, "Even if he gets his hands on them, I don't think Thanos can develop time-travel technology. He doesn't look like a scientist."

Natasha furrowed her brow, "Thanos may not be a scientist, but there may be henchmen under him who understand scientific technology. Nebula was modified like that, and he has a massive spaceship. These are all manifestations of high technology!"

On this side, they began to worry, while Team A's three members remained silent. Tony Stark was still immersed in the video from earlier, and Nebula continued to play the role of the quiet observer.

Only Thor teased, "You cried when you saw yourself in the video, didn't you?"

Tony Stark glared at him, "No, I didn't!"

"You cried, and everyone saw it, Tony, you cried and looked for your dad!" Thor said loudly, feeling much more balanced now.

Tony Stark rolled his eyes, "No, you're the one who cried."

Nebula, seeing them argue over such a trivial matter, couldn't help but roll her eyes and remind, "Pay attention, a new question is coming!"

After the video segment ended, the screen displayed the points earned. After the rapid-fire answering in the previous round, Team A had 14 points, taking the lead, while Team B had only 11 points.

If you compared this round of the Question and Answer Game to the previous ones, all six players in the room were quite satisfied because they were awarded a significant number of points.

However, the problem was that in this team competition, the losing team would be stripped of all their points, no matter how many were on their accounts. So, even if they had many points now, they might not be able to keep them in the end.

As the points list gradually faded away, Scott Lang couldn't help but say, "My goodness, so many points... If we lose the game, they'll all be gone!"

Thinking about the last round of the quiz Game, where he and Hank Pym were in the winning team but still couldn't earn many points, often hovering between zero and negative points, Scott Lang was on the easy street this time and had earned quite a few points. This made him happy but also gave him a strong sense of crisis: "We can't answer incorrectly anymore; we must win this game!"

Natasha glanced at her side at Captain America, hinting, "Of course, we can't afford to lose."

Captain America had earned many points, and everyone knew about his wish to restore his lover's youth. Unfortunately, they couldn't help with that. Now they could only do their best, and if they lost this game, Captain America's loss would be too great.

Steve Rogers himself remained calm, "It's not time to determine the victory or defeat yet, and the gap between us and Team A isn't that big... To be honest, even if we lose, this game will still be a great gain for us."

Now he had figured it out. It wasn't realistic to expect to keep winning all the time even if they frequently participated in the quiz Game. That was impractical.

The most important thing was that Captain America had spent some of his points after the last team mission, buying some items in the store.

He now had ten points accumulated. Even if they lost this game, the loss wouldn't be that significant.

As they discussed, the screen displayed a new question:

[Who was the second person to wear the Infinity Gauntlet and snap his fingers]


Translator-Sama: Is My Cell Prison a good novel.❓❓