Thanos: Who Are You?

The final battle between the Avengers and Thanos erupted, and the chaotic battlefield made the Infinity Gauntlet the focal point of contention.

This new gauntlet was crafted by Tony Stark, but since they had already brought back those who had disappeared, it needed to be thrown far away to prevent Thanos from seizing it.

However, Dr. Banner reminded them that they still needed to return the Infinity Stones to their original timelines, or it would cause significant problems!

Time travel wasn't as simple as it seemed. Aside from Dr. Banner's retrieval of the Time Stone, the Ancient One had repeatedly reminded him to return the stones, as not doing so would have severe consequences.

Just from the fact that Thanos suddenly travelled to the future, you could tell that "if You play with time, then time will start playing with you" was not just a saying. The Infinity Stones had to be returned to their rightful places; otherwise, it would undoubtedly result in extremely serious and terrifying consequences.

But there was one problem: the time-space transfer tunnel located in the Avengers' base had been completely destroyed by Thanos' warship's firepower, along with the Avengers' headquarters building.

So how were they going to return the stones?

Scott Lang provided a solution. They could use the miniaturized quantum tunnel that Dr. Hank Pym had created!

This miniature quantum tunnel was inside an old-fashioned commercial van, and luckily, it hadn't been destroyed by the warship's cannon fodder. However, its location wasn't ideal, as it was situated amidst Thanos' army.

So, the Avengers began their search for this brown commercial van.

During this process, some interesting incidents occurred.

Spider-Man took the opportunity to meet with Iron Man and talked incessantly about his experiences. Unfortunately, he had turned to dust after Thanos snapped his fingers. Even though five years had passed in the outside world, for him and those who had turned to dust due to Thanos' snap, it was just a moment.

Tony Stark listened to Spider-Man's chatter with a warm and indulgent smile on his face. After losing this kid, he had finally managed to find him again.

Without much ado, he went in for a hug.

On the other side, the resurrected Peter Quill met Gamora. He had learned of Gamora's death before disappearing, and now seeing her standing before him, he was naturally overjoyed.

"Gamora? I thought I had lost you."

He walked up to her slowly, gazing at her affectionately, and reached out to touch her face.

In theory, the next scene should have involved this lovelorn couple tightly embracing and crying and laughing. However, the reality was different. Gamora grabbed Peter Quill's arm and delivered two fierce knee strikes on his main point.

"Don't touch me!"

Peter Quill, as a man, was particularly vulnerable to pain on that part, he curled up in agony like a boiled shrimp.

Holding his crotch in pain, he said, "The first time you didn't kick me, but this time, you got two birds with one stone."

"Is it him?" Gamora looked at Star-Lord with disdain and asked Nebula, "Really?"

Nebula replied truthfully, "You didn't have many options left besides him... and a tree."

Seeing this scene, the Guardians of the Galaxy, who were flying their ship in space like Thanos, looked at each other and burst into laughter.

Rocket Raccoon looked at Star-Lord's crotch and said, "Wow, this was really painful to watch!"

Groot chimed in, "I am Groot!"

Drax laughed so hard that he quavers, "Quill is so foolish. Whether it was the last time or this time, he's just plain dumb."

Peter Quill's face was in agony, and he had just seen this scene in the video. He instinctively covered his crotch, even though he was separated by a screen and space, he seemed to vividly feel that intense pain.

At this moment, Loki was also on the spaceship, and after laughing for a while, he found it quite boring. In the normal timeline, Peter Quill and the others still had the "dying and resurrecting" storyline.

But what about himself?

As exciting as the final battle was, it had nothing to do with him.

Loki glanced at the dejected Peter Quill and casually said, "Even if you embarrass yourself, you still have a role to play, at least better than me. I wrapped up early."

Peter Quill felt somewhat relieved at Loki's words, and he hugged Loki's arm with a smile. "Come on, buddy, don't be so down. We're a team!"

During this time, they had gotten along quite well. Mainly, they both had the identity of Players, and they had exposed each other's dark histories in the quiz game. They had a sense of camaraderie and knew each other inside out.

In the vast and boundless universe, companionship and support were indeed needed to survive better. Therefore, Loki was also pulled into the Guardians of the Galaxy by Peter Quill, Although he was not very fond of the name; he found it rather silly.

While they were fooling around, the atmosphere on Thanos' warship grew increasingly tense.

In the video, the battle between the Avengers and Thanos' army couldn't be determined in a short amount of time, and this was not the situation they wanted to see.

They had just boasted about looking down on Earth's people, thinking they were a bunch of insignificant ants, but now they were entangled in a difficult fight with these ants.

But the most exciting part was yet to come.

In the video, Tony Stark found Doctor Strange and asked him, "Hey, you said we have one chance in 14,000,605 to win, is that this time, right?"

Doctor Strange looked at him quietly, neither confirming nor denying it, but instead, he said, "If I tell you, it won't happen."

At this point, the audience also realized that Doctor Strange, who possessed the Time Stone, had been observing the future trends frequently even before facing Thanos.

In the end, he came to an astonishing conclusion: he had seen over 14 million possible outcomes, and only once could they win against Thanos!

This undoubtedly validated Thanos's power from a different perspective!

In the video, Thanos who had traveled from the past to the future was indeed easy to deal with, as he didn't have any of the Infinity Stones.

And because of that, Thanos realized he couldn't delay any longer. He set his sights on the gauntlet.

At that moment, the gauntlet was in the hands of Black Panther, but Thanos intercepted it by swinging his large sword. The Infinity Gauntlet fell to the ground, and just as he was about to pick up this treasure...

Scarlet Witch appeared. She was surrounded by a crimson glow, and her eyes blazed with deep anger as she stared directly at Thanos. "You took everything from me!"

Naturally, Thanos was utterly baffled. "I don't even know you."