Space Chase

Thanos and his group watched in shock as Superman lifted the Asgardian refugee ship and ran away.

For a moment, the scene was silent. Thanos then regained his composure and immediately ordered a pursuit. He couldn't let such a ripe opportunity slip through his fingers.

Clark Kent's move seemed to be inspired by Captain Marvel's rescue of Iron Man. Of course, Superman had lifted various objects on Earth before, such as planes, trains, and even satellites. So, he was quite proficient in this technique.

He also connected to the communication channel of the Asgardian refugee ship and reassured them, "Don't be afraid. I'll take you to safety!"

At this moment, the Asgardian refugees and Thor were all astonished.

"The ship is moving! My goodness, we might survive!"

"What's happening? Our engines are all damaged. Why can our ship still fly? And who are those enemies outside?"

"It's Thanos! I've heard of them. This is Thanos' army! Oh god, why is this terrifying guy attacking us suddenly?"

"We've already lost our home. Why do we have to face this now?"

The Asgardian refugees were in a panic, discussing anxiously. Thor, standing above them, shouted, "Listen! I, Thor Odinson, the God of Thunder and the son of Odin, promise you that I will lead you to a safe place!"

Then he turned to Loki and said, "Go, Loki, temporarily keep Valkyrie and the others off the lifeboats. Also, get Doctor Banner here; we need them now. I need to contact our friend from outside!"

After experiencing the Ragnarok and the destruction of Asgard, Thor matured significantly and displayed the qualities of a leader. The people of Asgard recognized him, and if it weren't for Thanos' sudden attack, Thor might have become a capable king who could lead the Asgardians to a new home and restore their former glory.

In the normal timeline, the ruthless and formidable Thanos destroyed all of this. But now, there seemed to be a chance to change their fate.

Loki smirked, "Wow, your commanding king demeanour is becoming more like Odin."

He teased, but he also understood the seriousness of the situation and didn't waste time. He left to find the others.

After calming the Asgardian refugees, Thor anxiously looked out the window. The spaceship's speed was impressive, far surpassing the speed of light thanks to Superman's immense power.

However, Thanos' warships continued to pursue relentlessly, releasing smaller, faster ships that closed in from all directions like a swarm of bees.

Countless gun barrels were aimed at them, creating a barrage of firepower, yet space remained eerily silent, like a grand and awe-inspiring silent play.

Initially, the barrage was directed at Superman. After a long bombardment, he still maintained the posture of carrying the ship, and even though his cape rippled from the energy blasts, they couldn't harm him.

Thanos realized that this unexpected enemy was formidable and ordered a change in tactics, focusing the fire on the Asgardian refugee ship, which was a much larger and more vulnerable target.

The ship's defence barrier, under the onslaught, seemed as fragile as banana leaves in a storm, on the verge of breaking at any moment. The Asgardians onboard couldn't help but scream in panic.

Thor had to reassure them, but he also noticed that the ship was accelerating. He immediately asked Bruce Banner, "Do you know the person carrying the ship?"

Banner, puzzled, shook his head. "I've never seen anyone like that before."

Valkyrie chimed in, "The problem now is that even if he can carry our ship, we'll eventually be caught. And our ship's shield won't hold for much longer!"

She continued, "Thor, listen to me. Take a portion of the Asgardians with you in the lifeboats!"

When they were under attack by Thanos' warships earlier, Valkyrie had suggested that Thor flee, but he had refused. However, this time, she urged him to take some Asgardians and escape.

Thor decisively rejected her proposal, saying, "No! As the King of Asgard, how can I flee in the face of danger and abandon my people?"

As they were debating, Doctor Banner gestured to them, "Everyone, stop talking. I've established contact with that man outside!"

Superman had greeted them when he first arrived, but they couldn't establish proper communication due to the intense pursuit. However, with Doctor Banner's technical support, they finally established a communication channel.

Thor grabbed the wireless communication device and said, "Hey, friend, we don't know your name, but we're extremely grateful for your help, and we're sorry for dragging you into this crisis!"

After some crackling electrical sounds, Clark Kent's voice came through, "At this rate, the ship will be destroyed, and I can't protect all of you."

Hearing this, Thor widened his eyes, feeling a mix of gratitude and embarrassment. As the God of Thunder and the protector of Asgard, he had become the one needing protection.

The communication was on speaker, and Loki, Valkyrie, Doctor Banner, Heimdall, and the others were all watching him.

Thor, feeling a bit embarrassed, immediately raised his voice, "Listen, since we can't shake off our pursuers, let's just take care of them! I'll find a way to get on their ship, and you take the opportunity to evacuate everyone!"

He proposed a plan. He intended to use an escape pod to board Thanos' warship and create a diversion. If they could eliminate the relentless pursuers, it would be ideal. If not, it would at least buy time for Superman.

Valkyrie frowned, "This is too risky, Thor. Those people are more dangerous than you think. Going alone... you might not come back!"