1 Black Order left

These little guys' self-destructive power is not small. While charging forward, Black Dwarf was targeted by a round and chubby fellow, who punched him out of the way as he jumped over.

As a result, this round and chubby little guy inflated and self-destructed in mid-air, unleashing a green shockwave that even the famously resilient Black Dwarf couldn't escape.

Although he wasn't seriously injured, the green shockwave brought along a sticky fluid that splashed all over him, making his movements slow down significantly.

"These darn pests!"

Black Dwarf was thoroughly disgusted, wielding a hammer-like weapon that could extend and retract, he swung it violently, knocking out many of the green-skinned round fellows. However, even more of them exploded, and the green liquid kept splashing. The ground was covered with a thick, viscous layer of it, making even walking extremely difficult, like an elderly man struggling to move.

"Haha, it looks like our little green cuties are quite effective!"

MKX continued to advance on the battlefield, and Tony Stark, through his 360-degree panoramic vision, couldn't help but laugh as he saw how thoroughly Black Dwarf was tormented.

Jarvis reminded him, "Sir, please be aware that your comrades are also facing significant challenges..."

To be honest, when they first encountered these green-skinned creatures, including the Avengers and the players, no one expected it to turn into this chaotic scene.

After a series of explosions, what they saw was a green swamp covering the entire battlefield. The sticky green fluid, at least in terms of colour, appeared quite eco-friendly...

Although there was some mist dispersing, there was no foul odour. However, it was so sticky that it felt like a concoction brewed by witches or trolls using all sorts of bizarre ingredients.

Individuals with ordinary constitutions, such as Hawkeye, Natasha, and Falcon, after inhaling the green liquid mist, felt their bodies weaken as if they were drugged, making them feel feeble.

"Rhodes, we should have brought gas masks! How can we get Tony to stop? The alien army has already collapsed..."

Falcon covered his nose and mouth with a grimace.

Natasha also fanned her face vigorously and said, "We need to stay away. Even those who can fly should be cautious. If they accidentally get contaminated with this strange green liquid, I guarantee it won't be pleasant!"

Colonel Rhodes shook his head and said, "Tony, I really can't believe that this is your creation... Well, I'm curious about what experiences led to such a dramatic change in your future self."

The current Iron Man in this timeline was also at a loss, thinking, "You're asking me? Who should I ask?"

In any case, even if he dismantled this strange giant machine in front of him entirely. He doubted whether he could replicate and create a new one.

The self-destructive actions of the green-skinned goblins became more and more frequent. Each self-destruct resulted in the loss of one green-skinned goblin, but Thanos' alien army was the best source of nourishment for these creatures. As long as the alien army wasn't completely wiped out, or rather, until their bodies were used up, the green-skinned goblins would continue to be produced endlessly.

In this situation, Thanos' alien army began to collapse as well. This alien army had followed Thanos in conquering countless civilizations and planets, earning a notorious reputation in the universe.

However, facing the current situation, the alien army couldn't hold on anymore. They had no chance to even touch this strange machine, and all they faced were continuous explosions.

The sticky green liquid, accompanied by massive explosions, covered the entire battlefield. As a result, the alien soldiers and strange creatures on the battlefield had nowhere to hide. They could only watch as the green-skinned goblins leapt towards them like a green tide.

What was even more despairing was that they knew that even after their deaths, they would become nourishment for new self-destructing green-skinned goblins...


From the 'Green Swamp,' there came a furious roar. Black Dwarf, who was as tall and strong as the Hulk, found himself submerged in the green fluid up to his waist, completely unable to move.

In just a few minutes, he had experienced hundreds of self-destructive attacks. His body was covered in injuries, although there was no visible blood because he had turned green...

To be honest, if it weren't for Black Dwarf Star's tough skin and muscles, he would have died long ago, especially if it were Ebony Maw instead of him; he would have perished much sooner.

But dying too quickly wasn't a bad thing either. At least it would have spared him from this prolonged torture and suffering. Black Dwarf felt incredibly frustrated.

Since coming to Earth, he hadn't had a chance to fight. Initially, he was beaten by Thor and Wonder Woman head-on, and then he was surrounded by this group of filthy and disgusting green-skinned goblins. He felt powerless with nowhere to use his strength.

The green-skinned goblins had no real defence, and with a swing of his large hammer, he could easily knock out a large group of them, followed by a series of explosions.

Black Dwarf could only try to avoid attacking these green creatures as much as possible, but they kept coming at him relentlessly. Due to the increasingly viscous swamp created by the green liquid, his movements were severely hindered. He couldn't even move, let alone run.

"Damn Earthlings!"

Black Dwarf could only rage in helplessness, and then he watched helplessly as the green-skinned goblins flooded over him like a green tide...

"I guess no one has died more frustratingly than me, right?"

Before his consciousness dissipated, this thought popped into Black Dwarf's mind. Unfortunately, if he had seen a future video, he would have discovered that, several years later in the original timeline, there was someone who died even more frustratingly, crushed to death by someone's foot.

What was even more unfortunate was that this person was also Black Dwarf...

With Black Dwarf's death, the Black Order was now down to the last member, Ebony Maw, the ugly but elegant psychic man, who sadly realized he was the last one standing.

"Respected master, please allow me to depart from your side, but I believe your great accomplishments will prevail!"

Looking up at the sky, Ebony Maw muttered to himself and made his final instructions.