Batman's Tactics, Iron Man's Technology

Bruce Wayne's deceptive plan was well thought out. While explaining it, he also briefly explained the division of the battlefield and Thanos' intelligence to others.

This information naturally came from the future videos revealed in the Quiz game. After each Quiz game released a part of the video, players would record it and carefully study it afterwards.

Of course, ordinary onlookers also did the same. In the timeline where the quiz game emerged, it became an absolute focus, a hot topic of discussion both online and offline.

Batman, as a renowned tactical master, had devised a convincing tactical plan under the circumstances of knowing his enemy.

Superheroes were also abundant in talent, but Bruce Wayne believed that they didn't need too many people. With players at the helm, along with Superman, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, and Scarlet Witch, that should be enough.

Facing an enemy of Thanos' caliber, a large-scale strategy wouldn't be very effective. Small elite teams were more suitable, and the selected individuals were indeed numerous.

Those chosen had no objections, but those who weren't selected were a bit unhappy, feeling underestimated.

In this timeline, Captain America and Iron Man were not pleased. Both being part of the triumvirate of the Avengers, Thor had been selected, but they hadn't. Did that mean they were inferior to Thor?

Bruce Wayne calmly said, "You don't need to go in a group. One of you is enough."

Black Widow couldn't help but laugh. "Exactly, Tony, and Steve, we don't need two Captain Americas or two Iron Men."

Though she said this, in reality, she also felt that they were less powerful, especially when compared to player Captain America and Iron Man. They were indeed somewhat lacking.

But there was no way around it. After all, players had received rewards from the Quiz game, which put them far ahead.

Loki was also dissatisfied. After watching the video of himself being choked by Thanos, he was full of anger and eager for revenge.

"As long as I'm prepared in advance, I can definitely slip away from that madman!"

Loki didn't actually claim he could defeat Thanos, as he knew that was unlikely. But if he focused on escaping, he believed Thanos wouldn't be able to kill him as easily as shown in the future video. He could certainly cause trouble for that madman!

Player Tony Stark rolled his eyes. "Really, sometimes having more people isn't a good thing. They can't help and might just make things worse!"

Loki, hearing him, became even more annoyed. "Hah! Tony Stark, the arrogant one, I think you might be the troublemaker here!"

"Me, a troublemaker? Are you kidding me? I'm the saviour who reversed the future!"

Player Iron Man just shrugged, not bothering to argue. At this point, player Captain America stepped in to mediate. "Earth must have defenders, and we can't guarantee we'll win the final battle on Titan. If something goes wrong, you guys are Earth's hope!"

Captain America's words broadened the perspective, and everyone found it easier to accept.

The pre-battle meeting ended smoothly. Now it was time for the actual battle. Batman, Superman, and the Avengers, through the Space Stone, were teleported to the desolate Titan.

Bruce Wayne held the Space Stone, allowing Superman and the Avengers to patrol outside the planet. Although Batman was quite confident that he could lure Thanos using himself as bait with the Infinity Stones, it was better to be cautious.

Once Thanos' whereabouts were confirmed, they would proceed with other tactical deployments.

At the same time, people on Earth were not idle. Player Iron Man found Doctor Banner and the local Iron Man, along with Hank Pym, to research a secret weapon against Thanos.

All three of them were top-tier scientists, and when they worked together, they were preparing for something significant.

Dr. Pym manipulated precise instruments while glancing at the two Iron Men on the other side, shaking his head. "It's really crazy. I never thought I'd see the day when I'd cooperate with Stark's kid on instruments, let alone two of them."

If it weren't for the threat of Thanos, if he hadn't seen him wiping out his wife, daughter, and everyone with a snap, Hank Pym would never agree to share a lab with two Tonys.

Dr. Banner, on the other hand, didn't feel the same way. He smiled and said, "Honestly, seeing two Tonys in one place is quite strange. And the one from the future seems even weirder."

"No, I think he's crazy!" Hank Pym retorted. "You should know, some of the questions and theories he brought up don't sound like they're from a scientist at all. He seems too inexperienced."

Dr. Banner had a different perspective. He smiled and said, "Tony's ideas may not be achievable for us, but in his hands, he might create miracles—just like the new armour, MKX."

"Do you know, I've seen the structure inside that armour, and the fact that it can move is already a miracle. And it can still slaughter those alien legions on the battlefield... I can only say that the future Tony has mastered a different kind of technology that can turn the impossible into possible."

Hank Pym raised an eyebrow. He wasn't very interested in robots, but he had to admit that MKX was indeed incredible. The construction of this robot was unscientific, yet it operated with a bizarre logic.

The experimental plan this time was initiated by player Iron Man. He wanted to create a secret weapon against Thanos. There was no problem with that, but the problem was player Tony Stark's ideas, and there were substantial problems.

He wanted to merge Pym Particles with the energy of the Infinity Stones and then utilize the connection between the Infinity Stones to target the two Stones Thanos held.

In theory, what player Tony Stark envisioned wasn't impossible, but the practical issue was that their research on the Infinity Stones had many bottlenecks and problems, and Pym Particles were involved in the quantum realm, which also had many issues.

To fully understand these two profound problems wasn't a matter of a day or two. Yet, player Tony Stark was supposed to produce results within one or two days?