The Laughing Joker, Arthur Fleck

Bruce Wayne intended to contact Peter Parker through the team channel, but his attempt to speak was met with buffering restrictions...

Perhaps the Quiz game realized the possibility of external assistance through the team channel during the quiz, so it patched it to limit speech.

In the Eternal Space, the atmosphere became tense and serious with the addition of three new players.

"Are you Mr Wayne? I'm Peter Parker, Spider-Man," Peter Parker said, looking at the young man with a friendly reminder, "We don't really have to worry about anything. This is a quiz game, and after the game is over, we can return to our own worlds."

"Game? Who is organizing this game? What's the purpose?" the handsome and serious young man asked with a deep voice.

Spider-Man felt a sense of familiarity when he heard this voice, carefully examining him, "Mr. Wayne? Wow, it seems like, just like my situation, Mr. Wayne from two parallel worlds looks completely different, but the charisma is exactly the same."

Bruce Wayne frowned, "Parallel worlds? It seems like you know me?"

"Yes, Mr. Wayne, I certainly know you. Just a few hours ago, we fought side by side. Oh, I mean, the other Batman and I."


Bruce Wayne's heart skipped a beat. He had just prepared to become a dark knight in the shadows and intended to give himself the nickname Batman before being brought to this strange place. But apart from his butler Alfred, no one else knew about it. Was this young man telling the truth?

He found this sudden encounter to be quite unbelievable!

"Sorry, can I interrupt your conversation?" the bearded middle-aged man made a gesture and said with a worried expression, "Can someone tell me, is this a game or some kidnapping case designed by a lunatic from Arkham?"

"Gordon, do you think it's possible for a lunatic from Arkham to project a dazzling golden beam from the sky and perform remote teleportation... Is this something a lunatic from Arkham can do? It's more reasonable to suspect aliens."

The younger Bruce Wayne turned to the middle-aged man and said.

"Mr. Bruce Wayne know me?, an Ordinary police officer?" Jim Gordon looked at him in astonishment and added, "Am I dreaming since I was already sleeping before coming here."

He pulled on his pajamas to show that he wasn't lying, while also looking at the golden beam of light that enveloped him with a furrowed brow. "Isn't this just the effect of a strong spotlight?"

"No! Mr. Gordon, this game is not as simple as you think. Listen, let me briefly introduce the rules to you..."


Enthusiastic Peter Parker was about to introduce the rules to them, but his words were interrupted by a sudden burst of laughter.

A loud and abrupt laughter that seemed exceptionally noisy.

Turning his head, the one emitting this strange laughter was the last player, Arthur Fleck, who was dressed as a Clown. He wore a green wig and a funny little hat on his head. His face was white, green, and red, and he wore a cheap checkered suit. On his feet were obviously oversized clown shoes...

A classic Clown outfit. At this moment, he was laughing uncontrollably and even coughing violently.

Bruce Wayne and Jim Gordon frowned as they looked at him, while Peter Parker, who was interrupted in a somewhat impolite manner, was more concerned and asked him kindly, "I didn't tell a joke, did I? Was what I just said was really that funny?"

"No, no, sorry..." Arthur laughed so hard that tears and snot were coming out. He shook his head and pulled out a small business card from his pocket.

He tried to hand the card to Peter Parker, but the golden beam trapped him inside, so he had to stick it to the beam to show it to them.

Fortunately, the golden beam's light was very dim, and Spider-Man's vision was beyond ordinary. He could read the words on this small card and quietly read them out, "Forgive my laughter, I have a condition..."

Arthur turned the card over, and on the other side, it said, "This condition makes me laugh out loud uncontrollably, but it doesn't reflect my mood. It may be a brain injury or a neurological disorder..."

Seeing this, Peter Parker, along with the others, nodded in understanding and had a somewhat sympathetic look.

Meanwhile, another Bruce Wayne noticed this scene and raised an eyebrow, and his butler Alfred, who was standing beside him, said, "He carries this card with him, indicating that he has a good heart and is a polite person... It doesn't seem like something the Joker would do, right, Master Bruce?"

"That lunatic has countless identities and names, and perhaps he himself doesn't know what he's called," Bruce Wayne shook his head and added, "But I'll find out sooner or later."

In the Eternal Space, Arthur laughed for quite a while before calming down. Perhaps, to accommodate these three new players, the Quiz game didn't start immediately.

"I'm really sorry, I was very nervous just now, and a bit scared... I couldn't control the laughter," Arthur apologized while wiping his tears and snot.

Peter Parker waved his hand, "It's okay, we can understand... Alright, let me introduce the rules to you."

He briefly explained the basics of the Quiz game. When the three new players learned that this game could reveal the future and would be broadcasted in their worlds and across the multiverse, their reactions were quite different. Jim Gordon was in disbelief, muttering to himself, "This is too... insane, too unbelievable, is it even real?"

Bruce Wayne, on the other hand, held his chin in thought, and as for Arthur, he kept exclaiming, "Wow, this is simply a miracle! I mean, why would someone as ordinary as me be chosen to participate in this great game? The only thing I can do is tell jokes and do stand-up comedy."

Peter Parker blinked and said, "No, Mr. Arthur, being chosen for this game means you're not an ordinary person. Have confidence in yourself. Is your dream to become a stand-up comedian? I believe you can succeed!"