Another Ambitious Antagonist

"He claimed to be Batman's teacher. That's unbelievable. Batman is a human who can defeat Superman!"

"I think this guy should be locked up in Arkham Asylum! He's just insane, and the League of Shadows is a full-fledged terrorist organization! They've done so many crazy things and still think they're saving the world?"

"I feel like this guy is just like Thanos, both obsessed maniacs. They are ruthless and don't value human life at all! Even scarier than villains like the Joker!"

Of course, not all of the live viewers are fans of Batman or Iron Man. Some actually prefer characters like Thanos and the current Ra's al Ghul, considering them cool and not your typical villains. They have big ambitions and want to change the world in their own way, even if their methods are extreme.

It's undeniable that, from some perspectives, Ra's al Ghul shares some similarities with Thanos, even though there's a significant power gap between them. Both are antagonists with 'ideals,' looking beyond wealth and personal desires, pursuing higher goals, and believing in the concept of 'balance.'

Thanos believes that the universe's resources are limited, and the ever-increasing population will inevitably lead to its destruction. Therefore, balance is necessary. On the other hand, Ra's al Ghul sees the issue differently, believing that a civilization will eventually decline after its peak. He and the League of Shadows aim to accelerate the process of destruction when a civilization decays, in order to foster a new flourishing one on its ruins. He calls this balance.

At first glance, their notions of balance might seem similar, but upon closer examination, they're nothing more than selfish and arrogant ideas. Both Thanos and Ra's al Ghul are convinced that their way is the only way to save the world and elevate themselves to a level even greater than the gods.

However, no matter how eccentric or ambitious these antagonists may seem, they undeniably have more charm than the run-of-the-mill villains who chase after personal desires and wealth.

This has led to some viewers being drawn to Ra's al Ghul...

While it takes courage to admire figures like Ra's al Ghul and Thanos, they won't show you any leniency in their pursuit of balance, even if you're a fan.

However, this is quite ordinary. After all, the universe is vast, and it houses a diverse array of species. Moreover, this isn't a single universe but rather a multiverse. The audience's tastes are limitless, and, of course, there are numerous alternatives that defy the mainstream.

These fans naturally admire Ra's al Ghul's strength and his confrontations with Batman.

However, at this juncture, true fans of Ra's Al Ghul, or his followers, might not be in the best of spirits.

Dr. Jonathan Crane, the director of Arkham Asylum, is in his office, watching the live broadcast video. Before this video of Ra's al Ghul came out, he, like Falcone, believed that this so-called Quiz Game was just a scam, a ruse staged by a few self-proclaimed justice-seekers targeting Falcone.

Just a while ago, he was leisurely sipping red wine while enjoying the spectacle, but now his mood has taken a downturn.

The shattered red wine glass by his feet is a testament to how bad he's feeling. Jonathan Crane's face is now dark and ominous.

"Damn it, is all of this is real? No, this can't be!"

He's having a hard time accepting it, but reason tells him that the video is likely real, depicting future events. Moreover, the intelligence revealed in this video is also genuine.

And these secretive pieces of information are unlikely to leak out.

Jonathan Crane can't accept the exposure of the future brought about by the Quiz Game, and he's equally unable to come to terms with the deception by Ra's al Ghul. They had initially planned this big operation to control and extort Gotham City, seeking massive profits and benefits. How did it turn into saving the world through balance?

Why can't things be simple?

Jonathan Crane is undeniably an ordinary-level antagonist. His misdeeds are purposeful, driven by profit and self-interest. But now, he's facing someone like Ra's al Ghul, who aspires to higher ideals, something more elusive.

What makes him even more alarmed is that he's been exposed, even before the plan has been formally executed. How is he supposed to profit from this situation now?

He's not afraid of official investigations or pursuits. Those are mere trifles. But with someone of Ra's al Ghul's vast powers and future-seeing abilities fixated on him, Jonathan Crane feels a chill running down his spine. All he can do is mask his fear with impotent rage...

At the same time, in the Eternal Space, the atmosphere is tense.

Commissioner Gordon frowns, "How is this Ra's al Ghul planning to destroy Gotham City? Surely, he's not going to drop a nuclear bomb on the city?"

Peter Parker grins, "Isn't this just like the Battle of New York... Oh, wait, during the Battle of New York, it was the authorities who launched the nuke at the city. But I doubt it's something like that."

Bruce Wayne speaks gravely, "I don't know what he's going to do, but it definitely involves the Blue Flower. The chemicals it secretes induce severe hallucinations."

"Regardless, this guy is a maniac, just like Thanos!" Peter Parker sighs, "These maniacs are often hard to deal with. Mr. Wayne, Commissioner Gordon, you must be careful when you get back!"

From their perspective as ordinary individuals, they can't understand or endorse the ideas of maniacs like Ra's al Ghul and Thanos.

However, Arthur, the humble one, finds Ra's al Ghul's idea of balance quite reasonable, especially considering the decay of the Gotham City he knows. Perhaps it's time to push the reset button?