Who Can Save Gotham

Superheroes also experience lows, feelings of frustration, and failure.

They can't always have smooth sailing, but the difference lies in whether some can climb out of the low and failure, while others remain down.

The former, even without any superpowers or monetary abilities, is still an extraordinary person!

When watching the live video, where Bruce Wayne looks dishevelled and full of desolation, some viewers exclaim that this isn't the Batman they know; he's an impostor.

But many others believe that such superheroes should be more relatable, and closer to ordinary people.

And the person in question appears emotionally stable; at least, on the surface, Bruce Wayne has prepared for this.

It must be admitted that looking at it from a third-person perspective is indeed a very novel experience.

"Mr. Wayne, did you ever have such moments?" Peter Parker scratched his head. "I mean, feeling lost. I thought you were always so strong."

Bruce Wayne raised an eyebrow. "Everyone has moments of weakness, and I'm no exception."

Commissioner Gordon blinked. "But you're lucky to have such a caring and loyal butler."

In the video, when Batman was in his low moments, Alfred said solemnly, "The Wayne family's legacy isn't just made of concrete and stone."

But what he worried about most was the injuries to Bruce Wayne. His chest and abdomen were already stained with fresh blood.

However, the mental blow to Batman was even more severe. He said in a despondent tone, "I wanted to save Gotham, but I messed it up in the end."

Alfred asked him, "Sir, why do we fall?"

A downcast Bruce Wayne looked at him, remembering that this phrase had been taught to him by his father when he was very young.

The old butler smiled and consoled, "We fall so that we can learn to pick ourselves up."

Batman chuckled, "You haven't lost faith in me, have you?"

When he first returned from his out-of-town studies, he appeared quite low-spirited, and at that time, it was Alfred's encouragement that helped him. Bruce Wayne had also asked this question back then.

Alfred's answer had not changed; he replied affirmatively, "Never!"

The two shared a smile, and Batman regained his composure. Meanwhile, outside, Gotham City was in chaos.

Ra's al Ghul's plan had gone smoothly. He had infiltrated the authorities and gained control over Gotham's underworld. He used both the black and white forces of the city.

All patients and criminals detained at Arkham Asylum were released, and this mental hospital was located on Narrows Island, a slum and one of the most chaotic places in Gotham City. It was also the location of Arkham Asylum.

Chaos first fermented here and gradually spread to the city center. In this critical situation, Commissioner Gordon took a strong stance. He arranged for the police to maintain order and planned to close the bridge from Narrows Island to the city, organizing haphazard expansions.

At this time, Bruce Wayne's childhood friend, Rachel, found Commissioner Gordon and handed him a vial of antidote for the fear gas.

However, Commissioner Gordon was unaware of Ra's al Ghul's comprehensive plan and didn't take the fear gas threat seriously, believing it wouldn't harm all of Gotham City in a short time.

Outside the video, Commissioner Gordon shrugged. "Well, I admit I made a foolish mistake, underestimating their deception."

"No, Commissioner Gordon, you've done a great job. Even if you had used the antidote in advance, it wouldn't have helped much," Peter Parker praised. "You're a competent and responsible commissioner."

Commissioner Gordon had indeed done his best to do what he had to do. However, Ra's al Ghul's cruelty was unimaginable for ordinary people.

It seemed that he had also anticipated that the police would block Narrows Island and control the spread of the fear gas. At the same time, the police closed the bridge, they officially took action.

Using Wayne Enterprises' microwave emitter, they instantly evaporated the poisoned underground water. All manholes on the streets flew into the air.

The fear gas began to spread rapidly. Anyone who inhaled even a small amount of it would immediately experience hallucinations, seeing extremely terrifying entities!

In the blink of an eye, Narrows Island became a forbidden place of fear, where everyone saw distorted and terrifying things. This made them panic and flee in fear, often resorting to violence against each other.

Watching this scene, many viewers covered their mouths, horrified by this malicious method. Compared to this, Thanos' snap, where people disappeared in silence, seemed merciful.

Gotham City needed a savior at this moment, and without a doubt, that savior was Batman!

After a painful failure, Bruce Wayne didn't give up but rallied. When the live camera showed Bruce Wayne putting on the iconic Batman suit, many viewers cheered. All they wanted now was a savior, a hero, to defeat this evil villain!

Fully armed as Batman, he drove his impressive Batmobile out of the Batcave.

At the same time, Commissioner Gordon was stranded on Narrows Island, communicating with the outside police chief to request support. Because he had taken the antidote, he wasn't affected by the fear gas.

However, he had witnessed the dangers of the fear gas and knew that Narrows Island needed a large number of professional rescuers. But the police chief told him that nearly all the riot police in the city were on Narrows Island, and they couldn't send any more support. They couldn't create a city-wide crisis, could they?

At the moment he said this, the Batmobile sped directly from one side of the bridge to the other, leaving Commissioner Gordon astonished.

Batman had finally arrived!

He found Commissioner Gordon and wasted no time in explaining that Ra's al Ghul would use the Wayne Tower's underground hub to engulf all of Gotham City in fear.

If that happened, the entire city, including millions of citizens, would be torn apart by fear!

Batman said he would find a way to stop it but needed Commissioner Gordon's help. He handed the Batmobile to him for use.

Then, he went to see Rachel, making sure his childhood friend was safe, and hurriedly went to confront Ra's al Ghul.