Unexpected Answer.

As the video concludes, a new question emerges on the screen: [Question: Is Joker Arthur the son of Thomas Wayne, the half-brother of Bruce Wayne?]

[A: Yes

B: No.]

At first glance, this seems like a straightforward 50-50 chance, but considering the information presented in the video, it appears more like a hint.

After a moment of silence, Arthur speaks with a hoarse voice, "I'm starting to dislike this game..."

Suddenly, he bursts into laughter, "Hahaha, damn, do I really want everyone to know about this? Is it a joke specially made by fate for me?"

While his face displays laughter, there's no amusement in his eyes, and they even seem a bit moist, creating an eerie and indescribable sense of horror.

Commissioner Gordon furrows his brow, "I understand your condition, but... your laughter reminds me of the Joker."

Bruce Wayne squints his eyes, "I would choose B for this question. I still believe the video wasn't authentic enough."

This statement enrages Arthur, who laughs and curses at the same time, "Bastard! Do you think my mother would lie about something like this? Bruce, your high and mighty appearance disgusts me!"

"Um, Mr. Arthur, Mr. Wayne didn't mean that. Please don't get upset," Peter intervenes, turning to Bruce Wayne, "Mr. Wayne, I think the video was fine. The answer to this question is likely A. I understand it might be hard for you to accept, but the issue is that Gotham City, where Mr. Arthur lives, may not be the same as your world's Gotham. You come from different parallel timelines!"

Commissioner Gordon nods in agreement, believing the answer to be A. Regardless, people naturally feel sympathy for the poor and sick.

In the previous video segment, Arthur and his mother lived as described in the letter, facing hardships and turning to Thomas Wayne for help.

Gordon, Peter Parker, and Arthur all think the answer is A, while Bruce Wayne insists on B. However, Bruce is more concerned about something else.

He notices the specific mention of the Joker's title before Arthur's name in the question, implying something. Considering the previously revealed future videos about the Joker, Bruce Wayne starts to suspect – could Arthur be the Joker?

Even before this moment, he had some suspicions, gathering basic information and intelligence about the quiz game from Spider-Man.

The crucial point is that the selected players for the game are not ordinary people; they are either superheroes or closely related to superheroes, like Gordon and Loki. Yet Arthur, based on his revealed information, seems like an ordinary, impoverished loser.

The only notable aspect is his occasional fits of laughter. Combined with his Joker-like appearance, Bruce Wayne suspects that Arthur might indeed be the Joker from another parallel world.

After Spider-Man's calming words, Arthur regains composure. At this point, Bruce Wayne asks him, "I'm curious, Arthur, is your job to play the Joker?"

Arthur stares into his eyes and slowly nods, "Is it a job worth everyone's concern?"

"No, I think your job is great. It brings joy and happiness to people!" Spider-Man praises.

"Thank you..." Arthur genuinely smiles this time, appreciating Spider-Man's positive words. In Arthur's life, besides his mother, hardly anyone cared about him.

Bruce Wayne doesn't say much more because the countdown for answering the question has started.

The four players exchange glances. Even Arthur, by now, realizes that the quiz game is real, not just his imagination. The rich imagination couldn't create such logically coherent future videos.

Since the game is real, winning it could potentially change his and his mother's lives. Arthur clenches his fists, determined to win. Bruce Wayne and Commissioner Gordon also don't want to lose, so when the countdown ends, all four simultaneously press the answer buttons.

Ultimately, Commissioner Gordon gains the right to answer. A smug smile appears on his face as he looks at Bruce Wayne, "For this question, I choose A!"

"I also choose A. "

"I choose A. "

"I don't believe this video my father can't do that, I choose B. "

In the preceding future videos, although Bruce Wayne has been the main character, Commissioner Gordon also glimpses the dangers and challenges his future and his family will face.

Even if the exposure of these events by the quiz game alters the future, some things won't change, such as his commitment to justice alongside Batman.

The darkness and crime in Gotham won't disappear just because of the future videos revealed by the game. This implies that Commissioner Gordon and Batman, standing against the darkness and crime in Gotham, will always face danger and challenges.

Gordon naturally hopes to become stronger to protect his family and uphold justice better. Gotham is just too dangerous; without some self-defense skills, the future could be like the previous videos, with his wife and children kidnapped, relying on Batman for rescue.

But Batman isn't omnipotent; who knows if one day he might arrive a step too late?

"I hope this strange game brings me a surprise."

Commissioner Gordon anticipates this while an unexpected announcement follows,

[player Jim Gordon's answer is incorrect, deducting 4 points. Players Peter Parker and Arthur also answered incorrectly, deducting 1 point each.]

[Congratulations to player Bruce Wayne for the correct answer, gaining 1 point!]

The unexpected answer baffles everyone. Commissioner Gordon, initially hoping to profit, finds himself in a significant loss. He widens his eyes, "Is it fake? But the video just now..."