Spider-Man in a Tight Spot

Although Peter lives a somewhat difficult life, he has his loved ones, family, and a girl who loves him. He also has a good friend who considers him a family.

Harry Osborn is indeed good to Peter. In the video, he is yet to realize that the Peter Parker before him is Spider-Man.

He knows that Peter admires a scientist, Dr. Otto Octavius. Coincidentally, Harry is collaborating with this scientist and has promised to introduce Peter to him.

"I believe he will help Osborn Industries achieve great achievements beyond even my father's dreams!"

After Norman Osborn's death, Harry inherited the family business and is now in charge of a crucial project.

Outside the video, Commissioner Gordon says, "This guy is not bad. The mistakes his father made have nothing to do with him. He's a very talented young man."

Peter Parker nods, saying, "Of course, Harry has always been good to me. Back in school, only he and Mary Jane looked at me differently... To be honest, the Green Goblin, I mean Norman Osborn, was good to me before his fall, but unfortunately, he ended up on the wrong path. Now I just hope Harry can overcome the setbacks and not be too influenced by his father."

Bruce Wayne says in a deep voice, "It's not an easy thing. When you go back, talk to him and pay attention to his movements."

Following Batman's personality, if he had a friend like Harry Osborn, he would surely secretly monitor his every move to prevent him from following in his father's footsteps. Now, he subtly hints at Peter.

As they discuss, the video freezes on the screen, fading away gradually, and a new question appears: [Question: Can Dr. Otto Octavius help Osborn Industries achieve its peak achievements?]

[A: Yes

B: No.]

Bruce Wayne, Commissioner Gordon, and Arthur all look at Peter. They know nothing about Dr. Otto Octavius, and the video didn't provide much information or clues.

Peter Parker blinks and introduces, "Dr. Octavius is a renowned physicist specializing in nuclear physics. I've read his papers, well-written, but... I don't know if he can help Osborn Industries."

"That's up to speculation, a fifty-fifty chance..." Bruce Wayne thinks for a moment and says, "I hope the answer is b."

Commissioner Gordon looks at Batman and strokes his beard, saying, "Well, I also hope the answer is b."

"Why is that?"

Peter Parker leans towards option A. On one hand, Dr. Octavius is his idol, so naturally, he wants to support and believe in him. On the other hand, he hopes his good friend Harry can revitalize the family business and prosper.

Bruce Wayne and Commissioner Gordon don't explain. Instead, Arthur chuckles, "Peter, look, you always see people in a good light. They hope the answer is b, in other words, they don't want Osborn Industries, or your good friend, to gain more power and capital. They perceive your friend as a threat, fearing he might follow in his father's footsteps, or should I say Green Goblin's footsteps. Once he has more influence, if he falls like his father, the harm caused might be even greater. People can be quite hypocritical, don't you think? Look at Commissioner Gordon; he was just praising your friend, and now he sees him as a criminal!"

Commissioner Gordon frowned and coughed twice: "No, I don't regard him as a criminal, I just think he is indeed a little unstable."

Hearing his defense, Arthur smiled even more happily: "Really?"

Peter, even in his innocence, can sense from Commissioner Gordon's uneasy expression that Arthur is right. He sighs, "I hope Harry will be okay, unrelated to the Green Goblin."

"Kid, you've seen it too. In the video, he insists on getting revenge on Spider-Man!" Commissioner Gordon says, "Once blinded by hatred, he might make some wrong choices."


Before Peter finishes his sentence, the countdown for the answer begins. After a brief hesitation, he presses the answer button a bit late. Bruce Wayne successfully answers first, and following his earlier statement, he chooses B: No.

After some thought, Peter chooses A. Commissioner Gordon and Arthur both choose B. Soon, the countdown ends, and the correct answer is revealed:

[Congratulations to player Bruce Wayne for the correct answer, earning 4 points.]

[Players Arthur and Player Jim Gordon both answered correctly, earning 1 point each. Player Peter Parker answered incorrectly, losing 1 point.]

Although he got the answer wrong, Peter doesn't feel too disappointed. He continues with the previous topic: "I know Harry will probably hate me, and I know that even if it happens again, I will still go after the Green Goblin. If Harry doesn't want to forgive me, I won't expect it. I just hope he can overcome the setbacks, and I believe he won't take the wrong path!"

Commissioner Gordon shrugs, "I hope so too. Let's hope for no bad situations."

As the answering session ends, the video on the screen continues, shifting to Peter accompanying Harry to meet Dr. Octavius and explore the scientist's research project.

Initially, Dr. Octavius doesn't have a good impression of Peter Parker. He holds a misunderstanding due to knowing Peter's mentor in college, who complained about Peter being smart and clever but lazy, always late for class, and failing courses. The mentor advised him that talents shouldn't be squandered but used to benefit humanity.

It's clear that Dr. Octavius, with his scholarly demeanor, has grand aspirations. However, he misunderstands Peter Parker; Peter isn't lazy but devotes his time and energy to helping others.

From this video segment, it's evident that Peter Parker has fully embraced his uncle's admonition, "With great power comes great responsibility."

He has extraordinary abilities, and if he were to use them for monetary gain, aside from engaging in illegal activities, he could easily become a boxing champion or a movie star with his exceptional skills. Yet, he chose the path of a superhero, as seen in his early days as Spider-Man, fighting crime with his enhanced physical abilities.