Is Aunt May More Useful Than the Police?

In the video, the boss of the Daily Bugle just mentioned firing Peter, but then changed his mind, saying, "Never mind, I need you... How much do you know about high society?"

Peter moved his mouth, and the editor waved, saying, "You don't need to answer."

Judging by how Peter occasionally has to advance his salary, it's clear he has no connection to high society. Little did he know that although Peter may be poor, he still had one wealthy and handsome friend.

Jameson asked Peter to attend a so-called high society dinner to celebrate his son, a hero returning from space, and Peter was needed as a photographer.

Peter's only question was, "Can I advance my salary?"

Jameson laughed heartily, "Haha, are you serious? I'll pay you to stand here?"

Obviously, this modern-day boss, equivalent to a new-age J. Jonah Jameson, wanted Peter to do some publicity for him.

The scene shifts to Peter taking Aunt May to the bank. Unfortunately, after Doctor Octopus turned villainous, he decided to rob the bank to fund his nuclear fusion experiment. And he chose this particular bank.

Aunt May's financial situation is tight; she applied for a loan, but the bank rejected her for not having the right qualifications, and not even having a deposit of three hundred dollars.

Aunt May and Peter Parker look at each other, both helpless.

At this moment, Doctor Octopus goes on a rampage, creating chaos in the bank. Aunt May and the bank clerk hide under the table, and Peter, taking advantage of his powers, quickly runs away.

Aunt May anxiously shouts, 'Peter, don't leave me!'

The nearby bank clerk sarcastically remarks, 'This kid is a real hero.'

Peter, in a hurry to escape, doesn't even care about Aunt May. He goes to change into his Spider-Man suit. Soon, Spider-Man makes a dazzling entrance, and Doctor Octopus spots him through the camera on his mechanical tentacles.

Spider-Man avoids getting hit by a bag of coins thrown by Doctor Octopus and even throws it back, making Otto dizzy.

However, Spider-Man faces trouble as his powers malfunction; he can't shoot webs at a crucial moment. Doctor Octopus takes advantage, smacks him in the face with the bag of money, and lifts him up with the mechanical arms.

Spider-Man finally manages to shoot webs, grabbing onto two counters, pulling them towards him, and freeing himself. He then hurls the bag of money back at Doctor Octopus, knocking him away.

But soon, Spider-Man encounters another problem: his powers malfunction again, and he can't shoot webs. Doctor Octopus seizes the opportunity, slamming Spider-Man to the ground.

The mechanical arms lift Spider-Man, and Doctor Octopus coldly says, 'You've angered me!'

Spider-Man retorts, 'I'm here to catch the bad guys!'

'You're done for!' Doctor Octopus's mechanical arms are formidable, restraining Spider-Man. Two arms tightly grip his head, intending to crush him.

Fortunately, Spider-Man is not an easy target. He finally manages to shoot webs, sticking them to two counters, and pulls them towards him, creating a distraction. This allows him to break free and sends Doctor Octopus flying.

Doctor Octopus crashes onto the street outside, promptly dismantles a taxi, and hurls the heavy metal shell toward Spider-Man.

Although Spider-Man can't shoot webs, Doctor Octopus's mechanical arms function similarly in some areas. The battle continues, and just at this moment, the video suddenly pauses. Viewers, enjoying the action, express their dissatisfaction with the interruption.

In the video, related questions are displayed: [Question: With whose help did Spider-Man defeat Doctor Octopus?]

[A: Police

B: Harry Osborn

C: Helpful bystander

D: Aunt May.]

Seeing the question, Arthur can't help but laugh, finding the options increasingly absurd. Peter Parker admits he's unsure of the correct choice.

Commissioner Gordon frowns and asserts, "The answer is clear; it must be A. Harry Osborn can't handle Doctor Octopus, so option B can be ruled out. Option c is an unlikely option; ordinary bystanders should avoid getting involved. As for option D, it's absurd; an elderly woman with a cane can't be the key. Peter, take care of her; don't let her take care of you."

Peter Parker nodded appreciatively, grateful for Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Thankfully, with the Quiz game, their future looks much better than the original timeline.

At this point, Arthur laughed, "Enough! I'd rather believe in the old lady with a cane than think the police could be of any help. My answer is definitely d!"

He stared directly at Commissioner Gordon, provoking him. Gordon was clearly annoyed and retorted, "The answer is definitely a; just wait and see!"

Bruce Wayne chimed in, "I remember Peter mentioning that some questions in the Quiz game have misleading options. Right?"

"Yes," Peter nodded. "There were many questions with seemingly unreasonable options. We used to eliminate those seemingly irrational choices first, only to find out later that they were the correct answers!"

Bruce Wayne advised, "In this question, the most seemingly irrational option is probably d. In any case, stay calm when answering."

Commissioner Gordon realized that Bruce Wayne was deliberately reminding him. He was about to speak when Arthur laughed again, saying, "Always slow and full of lies, only good at fooling the public and superiors... Everyone can see clearly now, police just follow in the dust of superheroes and supervillains!"