True friendship

Peter blinked, "No, it's actually quite painful."

After obtaining the player data panel, his body became digitized, and any injuries wouldn't directly show, but it didn't mean he couldn't feel the pain.

However, at times, his pain threshold was higher than an ordinary person's.

Honestly, seeing himself in the video enduring such a fierce attack, Peter also felt sore all over, experiencing the situation firsthand.

In the footage, Spider-Man was almost hammered to death, yet he kept a tight focus on Mary Jane hanging in the air. At this critical moment, his thoughts were undoubtedly on how to save his girlfriend.

In the midst of the peril, the colossal Sandman suddenly stopped his punching motion, as if something flew into his entirely sand-formed head. In the next moment, accompanied by a burst of flames, half of Sandman's head was blown open.

Harry arrived in time, gliding in on his glider, and rescued Spider-Man. The two friends faced each other, and Peter just smiled, "You came."

Harry extended his hand, pulling him up, also smiling, "Looks like I arrived just in time."

The misunderstandings and conflicts between them had been set aside; deep down, they were true friends. With a helping hand, Spider-Man turned the tide. He confronted Eddie while Harry, riding his glider, dealt with Sandman.

The two friends cooperated seamlessly, skillfully evading Eddie's entanglement. After freeing themselves from Eddie, they played with the giant Sandman together. Although Sandman possessed destructive power in every move, he was too cumbersome. Both Spider-Man and Harry, gliding through the air, were known for their agility.

The clumsy Sandman couldn't catch them, and finally, with the two' collaborative efforts, they rescued Mary Jane. Harry allowed Spider-Man to play the hero.

Seizing the opportunity, Harry launched two bombs, shattering the colossal Sandman. However, on the other side, Eddie targeted Spider-Man again, and Spiderman didn't have an easy time.

In the preceding intense battles, Spider-Man had expended a considerable amount of energy. Eddie, being cunning, hid in the shadows, waiting for the right moment while the two confronted Sandman.

Now that Spider-Man was alone, Eddie initiated a surprise attack, using the powerful abilities granted by the symbiote to overpower Spider-Man and trap him once again.

Smirking, Eddie told Spider-Man, "Never hurt those you can't kill..."

Using symbiotic threads, Eddie ensnared Spider-Man, ruthlessly striking him on the head with a steel rod, savoring the revenge.

Yet, Spider-Man hoped Eddie would turn back on the right path, spitting blood as he pleaded, "Take off that suit, Eddie! I know how it feels to wear it, it's true that it gives you unparalleled power. But you'll lose yourself. Take it off!"

Eddie laughed, "No, I enjoy being the bad guy. It makes me happy!"

Unlike the virtuous Spider-Man, Eddie had a crooked heart. After fabricating photos and being exposed, he prayed to God to kill Peter Parker. With the symbiote, he became a catalyst for chaos, reveling in his wickedness.

Just as he was about to finish Spider-Man, Harry arrived in time, once again coming to the aid of his friend. However, he was no match for Eddie. After a brief confrontation, he was sent flying and collided with a pile of steel pipes.

As the pipes clattered to the ground, creating a noisy disturbance, Eddie felt particularly uncomfortable. Seeing this, Spider-Man immediately recalled when he had taken off the black Spider-Man suit, aided by the church bells. He realized the weakness of the Venom symbiote—sound!

However, the noise from the falling pipes was too faint, only making Eddie uncomfortable for a moment before he quickly recovered. Eddie took advantage of the situation, picking up Harry's glider. Using its spikes as weapons, he leaped high, thrusting toward the trapped Spider-Man!

Once struck, Spider-Man, not possessing an invincible body like Superman, would likely face dire consequences. At this crucial moment, Harry jumped in without hesitation, blocking the potentially fatal blow for his friend, for the sake of true friendship...

Spider-Man in the video was stunned, and the audience and players outside the screen were also surprised. They didn't expect Harry to make such a significant sacrifice!

"Well, I admit I underestimated it. Harry is also a true friend, he deserves to be friends with Spider-Man!"

"His death is exactly the same as his father's, but his father was a completely fallen executioner, while he is... a good person, no, a hero. Harry washed away his father's shame and mistakes with his own life."

"Oh my god, why does someone have to die? Harry let go of his hatred and grievances for Spiderman; he would be Spider-Man's best ally now. The two could fight crime together in New York, just like Captain America and Iron Man. How good it would be for him to live."

People's feelings toward Harry were actually quite complex. Initially, he was Spider-Man's friend, but later, due to the Green Goblin's influence, people thought Harry would eventually become Spider-Man's enemy. They lamented the transformation of their friendship.

When Harry inherited his father's legacy and became the second Green Goblin, people almost thought this guy was beyond redemption, especially when he relentlessly persecuted Spider-Man. They wished they could jump into the screen and give him a beating.

But now, they had to admit that Harry was indeed a good friend to Spider-Man, a friend willing to make the ultimate sacrifice!

Outside the screen, Harry was also stunned. He didn't expect his final fate to be like this. He revealed a bitter smile: "Maybe this isn't so bad after all..."

In the video, Spider-Man, after the initial shock, exploded with anger. He tore apart the Venom 'web' binding, picked up a steel rod from the ground, and forcefully knocked Eddie away.

Seizing the opportunity, he used steel pipes to create a cacophony, forcing Venom into a state of chaos. Then, he inserted the steel pipes into the ground, creating a cage for Venom. As the echoing sound of striking steel pipes continued, Venom finally couldn't bear it and began to peel off from Eddie.

Spider-Man immediately shot out webs, forcefully pulling Eddie out of Venom. Without its host, Venom became even more terrifying and gruesome—a complete monster!