Darkness Under the Light

Having obtained a lead, Arthur immediately conducted an investigation based on the provided numbers. Focusing on the license plate, he speculated that Alfred might have been kidnapped at the cemetery. The numerical sequence was unlikely to represent an address, and his assumptions proved correct.

A car owner with an identical license plate number reported to the police, sharing a similar story of being attacked near the cemetery and having his car stolen. Arthur located the victim and attempted to extract more information. However, the victim claimed to have been knocked unconscious without witnessing anything during the quiet night.

Nevertheless, before losing consciousness, the victim mentioned hearing peculiar sounds. Arthur inquired, "Was it laughter? Did you hear strange laughter?"

The victim nodded with a fearful expression, "Yes, I apologize, I don't want to recall... it would give me nightmares for a long time, it was terrifying."

The situation grew increasingly eerie. Unusual and frightening laughter, likely originating from Joker – a character that should not exist in this world.

Despite Arthur transforming himself into Batman, the absence of the Joker was perplexing. The realization dawned on Arthur that this world, stemming from a seemingly idyllic dream, was inherently unreal. Therefore, encountering illogical events was deemed normal.

Up to this point, Arthur understood the rewards from the Quiz game were intended to help him rid himself of the internal Joker or, more precisely, to gain the right to choose.

Regardless, he wished to continue this beautiful dream and reach a positive conclusion. Arthur devoted himself to tracing the whereabouts of the car. The police were preoccupied with recent major incidents caused by the League of Shadows in Gotham, leaving Arthur to independently investigate the location of the vehicle.

Eventually, he discovered the car in a nearby ruin – the remains of Wayne Enterprises' warehouse. Previously destroyed in a fire, Arthur had rebuilt Wayne Manor but neglected this charred ruin, much like the scars on his face, constant reminders of hatred and pain.

Realizing the kidnapper concealed in this nearby ruin knew him well, Arthur felt a chilling sensation. Despite seldom visiting the cemetery and intentionally avoiding the ruin, he had invested considerable effort to unveil the kidnapper's hiding spot.

Considering the victim's account of hearing strange laughter during the car theft, Arthur's apprehension deepened. Prepared for the worst, he headed to the ruin, even contemplating a possible end in a confrontation with the enemy.

Over the years, this ruin had been abandoned, overgrown with weeds, and surrounded by a small forest, making it an ideal hiding place. Following the clear tire tracks, Arthur silently navigated through the grass, tracking them into the ruin.

The warehouse, originally a three-story structure, now only had the underground basement intact after the fire. Arthur swiftly found an old camper van with an open door nearby. As he approached, he noticed the entrance to the underground passage, where a wooden door once stood, now replaced by a dark corridor leading into the depths like a path to hell.

Initially planning to proceed cautiously, Arthur changed his mind upon hearing faint groans, recognizing Alfred's weakened voice. The strained sounds indicated his deteriorating condition.

With heightened concern, Arthur threw a few illuminating flares down the passage before descending. The brief brightness was swiftly swallowed by the overwhelming darkness. The possibility of a trap lurked below.

Arthur had no other choice but to adapt. Proceeding cautiously, he entered the basement, where the groans became increasingly distinct. Fortunately, there were no ambushes or imminent dangers.

A flare illuminated the basement, revealing a gruesome sight. Hanging from the ceiling, covered in blood, was Wayne Manor's loyal butler – easily identified by his white hair and silhouette. It was Alfred!


Arthur's eyes widened in horror. The once dignified butler was unrecognizable, and subjected to brutal torture. Missing an ear and an eye, he struggled to lift his head upon hearing Arthur's voice. Attempting to speak, red blood oozed from his mouth – his tongue severed.

Alfred's breathing was heavy. Arthur hastily freed him from the rope, gently placing him on the ground. Tears welled up in Arthur's eyes as he reassured, "Alfred, don't worry. I'll take you to the hospital. You'll be fine!"

Alfred shook his head, acknowledging his limited time. Spitting blood, he made a feeble attempt to turn over, revealing letters carved into his back with a knife – "happy."

Furious, Arthur pounded the ground. "Damn it, I knew it was that lunatic!"

Despite his weakened state, Alfred gestured for Arthur to turn him back. He blinked at Arthur with his only remaining eye and, using bloodied fingers, wrote on the ground, "Graveyard, Joker, Bruce, dig…"

In the throes of his last moments, Alfred managed to convey a few words before giving in, leaving Arthur to decipher the cryptic message.