Your Pain Nourishes Me

There were too many suspicious points about the fire at Wayne Manor back then. The fire spread too quickly and fiercely. Even if it was the work of the League of Shadows, without insider assistance, it wouldn't have caused such a commotion. However, at that time, the only occupants of the manor were the Wayne family and the butler, so Arthur didn't think much about it.

Now everything is clear: young Bruce Wayne was the insider!

Arthur carried the Joker virus, and upon entering this world, he regained his sanity and intended to live a normal life. However, the Joker virus, unwilling to be idle, silently infected the young Bruce Wayne, transforming him into the Batman who Laughs.

Back then, Bruce, just a little kid, quietly made a big move. That night, after returning home, he secretly spiked the drinks of his parents and Arthur with sleeping pills. He then cooperated with League of Shadows assassins to set fires throughout the manor, causing the raging flames to consume everything!

Alfred did not drink the spiked drinks, but his abilities were limited, and in the end, he only managed to rescue Arthur... But all of this was not coincidental. Bruce, or rather the Batman Who Laughs, needed Arthur alive. In his eyes, he was incomplete, lacking a part, and that part was naturally Arthur.

Bruce needed Arthur to complete himself, but Arthur back then was not qualified. Like a newly sprouted sapling, he still needed the nourishment of blood and flesh to grow into the form Bruce expected - just like now, it's time for the harvest.

Facing Arthur's shocked and sorrowful gaze, Bruce laughed happily. He reached out, grabbed Arthur's mouth, and then pulled it up and down, "Cheer up, smile! Why so serious? Look, your smile and the scars on your face match so well!"


In a fit of anger, Arthur threw a punch, fiercely hitting Bruce's nose. The human nose is a weak spot, and although Arthur was in a rage, these skills had already been ingrained into his instincts and muscle memory. However, when the punch landed, it didn't feel like hitting flesh and bone, but more like hitting thick leather. With a dull thud, a force bounced back, making Arthur's wrist sore.

Bruce didn't even flinch. As Arthur narrowed his eyes and another fist came from the other hand, Bruce effortlessly grabbed it, like a vice grip, rendering Arthur's fist motionless.

"Haha, Batman is not my match." Arthur's fist was caught, and Bruce spoke mockingly, "Believe me, I understand Batman better than you do."

"But you don't understand me!"

With a shout of anger, Arthur headbutted Bruce fiercely on the forehead, with the same muffled sound, the same sensation, but this time Arthur used all his strength, staggering Bruce, and at the same time, he lifted his leg and kneed him in the abdomen, this combo counterattack completely broke free from Bruce's restraint.

The two exchanged blows under the narrow grave. Arthur was the first to jump up, followed closely by Bruce, chuckling, "Arthur, we were supposed to be one. Your game of house should end now, return to the embrace of chaos! Don't deceive yourself, you're not a hero, you can never be a hero!"

"I never wanted to be a hero, even with this attire... Don't you understand Batman? You should know that Batman was never a hero!"

Arthur threw a row of batarangs, but Bruce didn't even dodge, allowing the sharp batarangs to pierce his throat. With Arthur's strength, even a wooden stick could deeply penetrate, yet when it came to Arthur's neck, it only made a slight puncture, hanging for a moment before falling to the ground.

"Hehe, useless... Do you know what I've been through these years?"

Bruce brushed away the batarangs on his body like dust, with a faint smile on his lips, "Every time, every time you master a skill, I suffer for it... Can you understand that feeling, of rudely opening the skull, and then stirring the brain with an iron rod? Hehehe... It's wonderful, I enjoy it every moment."

Warm sunlight shone down, but the Bruce enveloped in sunlight, had a skin color that was difficult to describe, like a corpse soaked in formalin for years.

Arthur couldn't even be sure whether the person in front of him, who could talk, walk, and even spar with him, was dead or alive.

But what surprised him even more was what the other person said, "Arthur, you must admit, you are mediocre, with average aptitude. You can't learn or master those complex and superior knowledge and memories!"

"You not only stole my identity but shamelessly took away my talents and intelligence, cramming your dirty and mediocre aptitude into my head!"

"No, you're lying!" Arthur's voice changed. In the early stages of his training, he did indeed struggle, no matter how much effort and hard work he put in, he always achieved less than expected. It wasn't until he discovered the darkness and chaos within himself and entered that mysterious state that he could effortlessly master those abilities and knowledge, just like a true genius.

He had thought that this was a derivative of the darkness and chaos deep within himself. But now he was being told that all of this was simply the result of him being a shameless thief, stealing Bruce Wayne's wit and intelligence, which directly negated all of his efforts.

Seeing Arthur's panicked expression, Bruce laughed even louder, "Stop pretending, you actually know this is the truth! The Joker is the nexus and bridge between us...

Everything you've experienced, I've experienced as well. Your pain, your suffering, I've tasted it all. I have to say, it's quite delicious!

No need to feel guilty, Arthur. I must also thank you for providing nourishment that allowed me to grow. But there's just a little bit left, just a little bit more. Come on, Arthur, let's complete this final piece together!"

He laughed as he slowly approached Arthur, who felt troubled and his head throbbed in pain. He lowered his head, the turn of events beyond his expectations.

Emotionally difficult to accept, but his reason told him: "This is it, Arthur. Since the moment you decided to take control of your own destiny and abandon the Joker, haven't you been anticipating this day? You've always wanted to bid farewell to the past. This is what you wanted!"

Yes, to break free from the Joker, there's inevitably a price to pay!