peter and dr. octopus talk

After Peter returned, life became somewhat monotonous. First, he passionately kissed his girlfriend, then he received numerous cheers and praises from the onlookers, spending an unforgettable night.

People witnessed the sacrifices he made for New York, undoubtedly making him a true hero. Some even voluntarily apologized to Peter, as they previously thought their Spider-Man was a fake...

To say that Peter completely disregarded external comments would be deceiving. He was, after all, a young man and couldn't achieve the level of composure like Batman and others. Naturally, he was very happy.

Of course, there were also some troubles. On one hand, he had to cooperate with the authorities to form a special task force to deal with potential super criminals in the future, such as Doctor Octopus, Green Goblin II, Sandman, and Venom Eddie, who had already been put under surveillance by the authorities.

Even though these individuals hadn't committed any crimes yet, people had already seen their future actions in the videos from the future. There was public pressure, and on the other hand, it was deemed necessary to take preventive measures and consider locking them up.

Sandman and Eddie were relatively unknown minor characters, especially Sandman aka Flint Marco, who was still in prison at the moment. He was swiftly transferred to a special laboratory, likely unable to escape the fate of becoming a guinea pig.

Although in the future videos, his transformation into Sandman was probably due to an accident, after analysis by official scientists, they found that Flint's body had some differences from ordinary people. His ability to turn into Sandman during that accident was truly a miracle, regardless, it was of great research value.

Doctor Octopus was different. He was originally a talented scientist, and although his research results failed in the future videos, they were still valuable. The authorities were considering whether to recruit him.

Compared to Doctor Octopus's lifelong effort in nuclear fusion, the authorities were more interested in the artificial intelligence he created. For Dr. Otto himself, naturally, he was not very willing, but he had no choice. Either he would be charged with some fabricated crimes and thrown into prison, or he would cooperate with the authorities research institutions. He could only choose the latter.

Peter managed to spare some time to meet with Doctor Octopus. At this moment, the once-spirited scholar, although not wearing handcuffs or ankle chains, had lost his freedom and was naturally in a low mood.

"Peter, I don't blame you. I can also understand people's hatred and disgust towards me, but I really can't accept the job they arranged for me. Yes, nuclear fusion does pose great risks, but no one can deny that once the experiment succeeds, it will benefit the world! Yet they sneer at such scientific projects and focus solely on having me research highly efficient weapons for killing..."

Doctor Octopus was full of complaints. In reality, this was the first time he had met Peter, but due to the nature of the Quiz game, he naturally didn't feel unfamiliar with Peter.

During his confinement by the military, he couldn't even see his wife. At this moment, he could only vent to Peter.

Peter didn't know what to say. Kind-hearted as he was, he felt that Doctor Octopus's predicament was indeed somewhat related to himself, but he couldn't help much.

He could only say, "Doctor, I'll try my best to help you get out of here."

Doctor Octopus shook his head, smiling bitterly and helplessly. "Where else can I go? You know, before they brought me here, someone had already thrown stones outside my house... To be honest, although it's not very free here, it's relatively quiet. Peter, I don't blame you, or that miraculous game. Although it has taken away my freedom, at least it allows me to keep my loved ones safe."

Peter Parker nodded. "Yeah, although the Quiz game exposed our privacy, it also allows us to change the tragedies that were supposed to happen..."

Spider-Man's reason told him that although Doctor Octopus had lost his freedom and was not living a pleasant life, this outcome was actually good for everyone.

Doctor Octopus looked at him with a complicated gaze and suddenly asked, "Harry Osborn... How is he now?"

Peter wasn't good at hiding his expression. Hearing this, his face became somewhat conflicted. Instead of directly answering, he asked back, "Why do you suddenly ask about Harry?"

Doctor Octopus shrugged. "The military suggested that he become my assistant, but Harry isn't as weak as I am. He chose to resist and is currently being hunted, right?"

"Um... yes," Peter scratched his head. He had sent his friend to the headquarters of the Multiverse Defenders, where he could avoid harassment and pursuit by the authorities.

Doctor Octopus looked at him with a complicated expression. "I envy him, with his substantial inheritance and a superhero friend who will help him."

Peter wasn't stupid. Hearing this, he understood that today's meeting with the other party was obviously not as simple as catching up.

Dr. Otto Octavius was probably commissioned by the authorities to persuade Spider-Man in a roundabout way to bring Harry for experimentation. Spider-Man's reputation is currently high, and he has also hitched his wagon to powerful superheroes. The authorities can only take a soft approach with Peter.

Before Peter returned, Harry had already clashed with the authorities. They valued him more than Dr. Octavius, but ultimately couldn't capture him.

And on the second day of Peter's return, Harry found him hoping for help to escape to another world.

Seeing in the future video that his friend would sacrifice himself to save him, of course, Peter didn't refuse and immediately sent him to the Multiverse Defenders headquarters.

The authorities were aware of this and didn't conflict with them, instead letting Dr. Octavius persuade Peter.

The awkward situation between Peter and Dr. Octavius was intentional on the part of the authorities. Now everyone knows that Spider-Man is kind-hearted, which can naturally be exploited. Since he can save his friend then why not also save Dr. Octavius?

At this point, Dr. Octavius smiled with relief and whispered, "Peter, they hope you can bring Harry over and have made me many promises, but honestly, I don't want you to do that."

"Huh, why?" Peter was somewhat puzzled.

Dr. Octavius shook his head. "Your friend doesn't have your talent. If he comes to assist me, it will only cause trouble."

.....Translator-Sama important words.....

Guys, about the reason why I was not uploading even after my exams ended. It was because I was feeling down you know even after 500+ chapters this ff is not even getting 200 power stones or any reviews or comments so I was just down and took a break to make my mind healthy from all the stress I had from exams and translatingšŸ˜”. Sorry