The Continuation of the S.W.O.R.D from the S.H.I.E.L.D

The S.W.O.R.D. echoes the S.H.I.E.L.D. of the past, with its founder also being Nick Fury. In the post-Avengers era, the S.W.O.R.D. is considered a successor to the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s functions. However, its current director is not Nick Fury, but Tyler Hayward.

A few days ago, the S.W.O.R.D detected anomalies in Westview and Director Hayward dispatched Monica to investigate. She inadvertently entered the illusion of Westview.

At this point, the S.W.O.R.D. realized there was a significant problem in Westview. Nearly four thousand residents of the town had disappeared collectively, and even the memories of people nearby about Westview seemed to have been erased. Now, with an agent lost inside, the S.W.O.R.D immediately organized a team and built a temporary base outside Westview within twenty-four hours.

Seeing this, many viewers are pondering over the relationship between the S.W.O.R.D and S.H.I.E.L.D. It's quite clear now, the approach is too familiar. Thor remarked, "When I first came to Earth, they did the same, appearing very professional, but actually useless!"

The S.W.O.R.D undoubtedly inherited S.H.I.E.L.D.'s tradition of wasting resources. Steve, with raised eyebrows, said, "Nick really is someone who can't stay idle. After the dissolution of S.H.I.E.L.D., he created the S.W.O.R.D Bureau. I guess he really enjoys lurking in the shadows, spying on everything."

Tony mercilessly teased, "I think he just uses the S.W.O.R.D. as a shell to request various funds. And since reconnecting with Carol, he's been secretive and elusive. Natasha, do you know what he's up to?"

Nick Fury is also a member of the Multiverse Defenders, but his focus is mainly on S.H.I.E.L.D. He knows that the Multiverse Defenders, entirely made up of superheroes, isn't quite right for him. He can't compete with heavyweights like Batman, Superman, or Captain America in terms of influence.

Of course, the most important thing is that the organization is self-sustaining financially. Where then, can one mooch off funds?

Thus, Fury is almost uninvolved and does not interfere with the operations of the Multiverse Defenders, barely considered an outsider. He just came to have a look when the organization was first established.

Black Widow shook her head, "I'm not sure. You should ask the captain; he's the one Fury trusts the most."

Steve appeared helpless, "In the past, he wouldn't keep secrets from me, but since the quiz game revealed the Civil War incident within the Avengers, he's been more guarded around me. Well, it's not exactly being guarded, but he definitely won't tell me what he's busy with now."

Tony suddenly chuckled, pointing at the screen, "Look, Thor, does this scientist look familiar to you?"

In the video, the S.W.O.R.D., following old practices, invited some professionals to investigate, including a young female scientist, Darcy Lewis. No need to guess, inviting these scientists for investigation definitely involved a significant expense, especially when it comes to footing the bill.

Thor's forehead darkened, no need for Tony's reminder, he had already noticed Darcy in the video. After the quiz game exposed his dark history, Darcy became famous for achieving the feat of electroshocking Thor!

In the normal timeline, when Thor was banished to Earth without his powers, he encountered two female scientists upon awakening, one of them being Darcy. Scared by Thor's temper, she immediately used her taser on Thor, rendering the mighty God of Thunder numb, which became one of Thor's embarrassing moments.

Reminded by Tony, the others also recalled this story and couldn't help but burst into laughter, making Thor's face even darker. He glared at Tony, who was enjoying the spectacle, and clenched his teeth, "Quiet and watch the video!"

In the video, after beginning their investigation, the S.W.O.R.D. discovered an energy barrier enveloping Westview. Any person or object crossing this barrier would be affected, losing their self-awareness, while objects would transform to match the era inside the barrier.

Indeed, under the energy barrier, the era of Westview seemed entirely different from the outside. This was evident from the start of the video. The items in Wanda and Vision's home, including their attire, were not modern but from a bygone era.

The most bizarre part was that, through the research of the female scientist Darcy, they received magnetic field signals from inside the energy barrier, projecting on an old-fashioned bulky TV, beginning to play a sitcom of Wanda and Vision's happy family life. These strange occurrences left the S.W.O.R.D. filled with confusion.

They were still unclear about who set up the energy barrier and for what purpose. All they could do was attempt to make contact with Wanda inside the energy barrier, but all attempts ended in failure. It was at this time that Monica was thrown out of Westview by Wanda for revealing the truth about the death of Wanda's brother, Pietro.

After waking up, she immediately contacted S.W.O.R.D. and brought back first-hand detailed internal intelligence.

After analysis, they believed that all of this was the work of Wanda. Unable to bear the pain of losing her loved one, Vision, she took control of the entire town of Westview, including its more than four thousand residents, and played sitcom with them.

In the process, the video also revealed what happened after Vision's death. Vision died at the hands of Thanos, who brutally shattered his vibranium skull and plucked out the Mind Stone. Therefore, when Dr. Banner snapped his fingers to resurrect the others who died because of Thanos' snap, Vision was not revived, as he was directly killed by Thanos, not a victim of the snap.

Vision's remains ended up in the hands of S.W.O.R.D. Facing this hero who had stood by humanity to fend off Thanos, S.W.O.R.D., following its fine traditions, unceremoniously dissected Vision's remains for study.

Seeing this scene, the audience and players outside the video were stunned. They didn't expect S.W.O.R.D. to be so inhumane!

"My God, how could they do this? Vision might be a robot, but he had awakened thoughts and consciousness, a sentient being through and through. Plus, Vision sacrificed himself to protect Earth. He's a hero; he shouldn't be treated this way!"

"It's too much. Damn S.W.O.R.D.! If they could treat Vision this way, what about others, like Captain America, Iron Man? Would they end up the same?"


Translator-Sama: guys I need help, my grammarly is not working properly, I need alternative for grammarly so do you guys have any app in mind?😔