Multiple Choice Questions

After the question session ended, the screen did not replay the video. Instead, it presented another question.

[Who is the hidden mastermind behind the Westview illusion created by Wanda?]

[A: Agnes

B: Vision

C: Tyler Hayward

D: Nick Fury.]

As the video played, both the regular audience and the players had somewhat guessed that there was a mastermind behind the Westview illusion, so this question didn't come as a surprise.

In the Eternal Space, Peter was the first to speak up: "The answer should be c, right? The hints from the previous video were quite obvious."

Wanda had no objections, expressing her dislike with a look of disgust, "This Hayward is annoying, but I can see that some of his actions seem to be deliberately provoking the future me."

After all, S.W.O.R.D. is a major organization with an official background, specializing in special events. As the director of S.W.O.R.D., Tyler Hayward should have some skills, even if he got in through connections without much brain. His performance shouldn't be like this because, in several confrontations with Wanda, this "smart" director did show up on the frontline, showing some courage and bravery.

Connecting to the confidential files within S.W.O.R.D.'s internal network, their understanding of Westview wasn't as superficial and blind as it seemed but was targeted, with clear conspiracies and schemes behind the scenes.

Both Peter and Wanda guessed that the mastermind was Tyler Hayward. On the other side, Erik also knew this, and both sides knew this question was practically giving points away. So, at the start of the countdown for answering, they all pressed the buzzer without hesitation.

This time also Erik was the first to buzz in, immediately making his choice: "I choose c!"

Peter and Wanda felt a bit regretful but also quickly chose c. As the countdown ended and the correct answer was announced, both teams thought they had secured the points, but then they heard.

[The correct answer is — a and c. Team B Player Erik Lehnsherr and Player Logan Howlett both lose 4 points!]

[Team A, Player Wanda Maximoff and Player Peter Parker both lose 1 point!]

Peter was shocked, his eyes wide: "It was a multiple-choice question! That's too much; it should have been indicated in the question, like with a parenthesis or something..."

Wanda was also taken aback. Although she was an older player compared to the other three newcomers, she hadn't encountered such a situation before in quiz games she participated in, only shaking her head and frowning, "Agnes, that seemingly ordinary neighbour, she was also one of the masterminds?"

"Could she be a spy that the S.W.O.R.D. director placed in the illusion?" Peter reflected, "I didn't notice anything off about this Agnes."

"She appeared around me a lot!"

Before this, like Peter, Wanda hadn't noticed anything amiss about Agnes either. But now, revisiting the correct answer, she indeed realized that this seemingly ordinary neighbour was not simple, not only appearing frequently in the camera but also often at critical moments.

Of course, what exactly was going on could only be revealed in the follow-up videos provided by the quiz game.

All four players in the Eternal Space got the question wrong, but at the headquarters of the Multiverse Defenders, Bruce, Stephen, and Tony, among others, got it right.

Especially Tony, who had a bet with Thor that this question would be a multiple-choice question. Now that he had won, he was naturally smug, "Thor, you're just too young, inexperienced. Let me tell you, I guessed it was a multiple-choice question from the moment I saw it."

Thor, looking as if he had swallowed a fly, retorted, "With my age, I could be your grandfather, no, your ancestor!"

Tony Stark chuckled, "Age doesn't bring wisdom, did you evolve from a flatworm?"

Thor was so enraged that he was about to swing his hammer, providing a spectacle for everyone, before the conversation returned to the serious topic. They were curious why Tony and the others were so certain it would be a multiple-choice question.

Tony, having just shown off, didn't keep it to himself. On one hand, they all noticed from the video that there was more than one hidden force behind the Westview illusion. On the other hand, it was based on their understanding of quiz games.

Iron Man, Captain America, Batman, and others frequently participated in quiz games. Although they hadn't completely figured out the rules of the quiz games, they definitely understood them better than other players and felt that this question was the quiz game's way of causing trouble.

Besides, as spectators, they were also curious about the future developments in Westview.

Waiting for the follow-up video, they didn't expect this time not to be a double-question round, but a triple-question round, as a new question appeared on the screen.

[what is special about August 23rd for the couple, Wanda and Vision]

[A: Wedding anniversary

B: Vision's boss comes to visit

C: Vision's death anniversary

D: Moving anniversary]

The date, August 23rd, was mentioned early in the video, marked with a heart on the calendar in Wanda and Vision's home, reminding the four players of its significance.

Peter scratched his head, saying, "It should be A, the wedding anniversary, right? I remember it was mentioned in the video by future Miss Wanda."

However, Wanda said, "No, it ended with Vision's boss coming over for dinner, so b seems more like the correct answer, but... I feel it shouldn't be that simple."

Having been misled by the previous question, they were naturally very cautious this time. Wanda felt that both a and b should be eliminated, as these options, previously presented in the video, seemed correct but might be red herrings. The correct answer should be chosen between c and d.

"Vision died at the hands of Thanos, not on August 23rd, so the answer must be d!" Wanda finally decided.

The crisis involving Thanos had been exposed in earlier videos, and though the series of future videos related to Thanos did not specify exact dates, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the forces of light later deduced specific times and locations from various details. Wanda had heard them mention it, which is why she ruled out option c.

Hearing Wanda's analysis, Peter thought there were no major issues but still worried, "Could this question also have multiple correct answers?"