Spectral Highlight

After listening to Peter's analysis, Wanda regained confidence and chose option A.

On the other hand, Erik also made his choice. Though he only had a simple understanding of Wanda and Vision from the videos, he could still analyze something.

"I don't agree with Wanda's weakness, but I still believe she'll be the one to win in the end, with her reality-altering magic... This woman has more potential than she imagines!"

He said this aloud, but in his mind, he had another thought for some reason. He found Wanda, as well as her brother from the videos, quite appealing, though he couldn't pinpoint why.

Logan remained silent as before. Soon, the countdown for answering began, and both teams pressed the buzzer at the same time. Ultimately, Erik won the right to answer. He naturally chose option A without hesitation, and on the other side, Wanda made the same choice.

Soon, the correct answer was announced:

[Congratulations to Team B for answering correctly. Player Erik Lensherr and Player Logan Howlett each receive 4 points.]

[Congratulations to Team A for the correct answer. Player Wanda Maximoff and Player Peter Parker each receive 1 point.]

Peter smiled happily, "See, Miss Wanda, I was right, you can definitely handle that cunning witch. It's just a pity we weren't the ones to buzz in first."

Wanda also smiled. Even though she didn't entirely agree with the future version of herself and Vision's romance in the video, she naturally hoped for a good outcome. The witch Agatha and the people from S.W.O.R.D. were despicable. She had been boiling with anger while watching the video.

After the answering session, the video began playing again on the screen. Faced with the crisis, both Wanda and Vision had reasons to fight. As before, the couple had clear roles. One dealt with the witch Agatha, while the other dealt with the White Vision. As for the agents of S.W.O.R.D., they were no match for them. Two kids were more than enough for them.

As the battle began, Vision and White Vision crashed into a nearby building. Since they both had the same abilities, it was like a person fighting with their left and right hands. However, there were still differences between the two Visions. Vision, created by Wanda in the Westview Hex, using her chaotic magic to bring him into existence from nothing, had regained his memories. He was more like an independent sentient being with his own thoughts, unlike White Vision, controlled by S.W.O.R.D., who lacked this advantage.

So Vision approached dealing with White Vision differently. If a direct attack couldn't subdue him, then perhaps a strategic approach could. He learned from White Vision that his orders were to eliminate "Vision."

Vision recounted the story of Theseus' ship to White Vision. A ship named Theseus, to keep sailing smoothly, its crew would continuously replace the planks on the ship. If all the framework was replaced, would it still be the same ship? If the old planks were used to rebuild another ship, which ship would be the true Theseus' ship?

Obviously, the Theseus' ship in the story referred to themselves, the two Visions. One was created by Wanda from scratch, like a new ship with unchanged memories. The other was pieced together by S.W.O.R.D. from Vision's wreckage, akin to the old ship.

Though it might sound convoluted, it served Vision's purpose. White Vision seemed perplexed. His orders were to kill Vision, but which one was Vision?

He couldn't possibly kill himself, right?

He hesitated and questioned, "No, I don't have Vision's memories!"

Vision reassured him that it wasn't a problem; his memories were just sealed away. He could help him retrieve them if he wanted. After a brief hesitation, White Vision decided to reclaim his memories.

As Vision placed his hand on White Vision's forehead, in a fleeting moment, White Vision's memories began to awaken. These memories were merely sealed away by S.W.O.R.D., but obviously, with S.W.O.R.D.'s technology and methods, they couldn't completely erase or alter these memories.

After regaining these memories, White Vision's face displayed a complex yet vivid expression. His eyes also gleamed with vitality. Now, he wasn't just a controlled weapon anymore.

"I am Vision."

After locking eyes with Vision for a moment, he left these words behind and soared into the sky. Obviously, he was still somewhat confused about these memories, and he didn't immediately throw himself into Wanda and Vision's camp. But if he really did, think about it, On either side of Wanda stood two Visions, which would have been quite amusing.

Outside the video, Tony clapped his hands forcefully, "See, I knew it would be like this. Just relying on those fools from S.W.O.R.D., they attempted to control Vision to become their weapon?"

Steve shook his head, "Such thinking was flawed from the start. Once artificial intelligence goes rogue, the harm caused is unimaginable!"

The others nodded in agreement, but Tony glanced at him, and rubbed his nose, looking somewhat embarrassed.

Regardless, the situation with Vision was resolved, and outside, S.W.O.R.D. was being thoroughly troubled by the two kids. Wanda's two children had also awakened their abilities; one was as fast as their uncle, while the other could telepathically communicate like their mother. The two brothers cooperated seamlessly, although they were still children, they completely bewildered the S.W.O.R.D. agents.

Let's face it, even the most elite special forces soldiers are ultimately ordinary people. When faced with extraordinary abilities, most are powerless, just like these S.W.O.R.D. agents. Not to mention dealing with two kids, even if Wanda and the witch Agatha cast spells on each other, they would be affected. They were simply a group of normal people.

As the leader, Tyler Hayward naturally couldn't just stand by. This guy had some courage, not hiding behind, but leading from the front. And he was ruthless and experienced enough. Seizing the moment while the two kids were celebrating and playing, he suddenly attacked, pulling out a gun and aiming at them before pulling the trigger.

Just then, Monica arrived just in time, standing in front of the two kids. She took several bullets head-on, but when the bullets hit her body, there were no wounds or blood. In that instant, her body turned into electromagnetic waves, completely avoiding the bullets' harm.


(T/N):"Power Stones are like magic for authors! If you want to sprinkle some on this story, I'd be incredibly grateful."🌊🌊😇☺️☺️🌊🌊