The Hunting Adventure

Peter is very smart. He faintly sensed something, and then he discovered that the laboratory mice had become extremely irritable. They had also grown larger in size, and their bodies had features resembling lizard scales!

Seeing this, Peter finally understood. The large lizard he encountered last night was actually Dr. Connors. Instead of choosing to put on his Spider-Man suit and directly confront Dr. Connors, Peter went to the police station and found his prospective father-in-law, revealing all the clues and speculations he knew.

However, his prospective father-in-law didn't take it seriously at all. He knew Dr. Connors, who was also the laboratory mentor of his daughter, Gwen, and even wrote her a recommendation letter for college. Obviously, he had a good impression of him.

In his eyes, Peter was just an inexperienced kid, a student. The two argued at the dinner table last night, and he didn't have a good impression of Peter, especially with his inherent arrogance and stubbornness. So, he didn't believe a word Peter said.

At this point, Wanda jokingly said, "You have to learn to please him, otherwise, it'll be difficult for you to ask a girl out in the future."

Peter rubbed his nose. "He's biased against me. I feel it's hard to convince him. But fortunately, Gwen isn't as stubborn as her father."

Wanda winked at him. "You don't have to worry too much. I believe you'll eventually change your father-in-law's impression of you. He'll understand that Spider-Man is a good person who can protect this city because only Spider-Man can deal with that lizard man."

"Really? If it's like what you said, then it's great. I was actually scared and worried after being bitten by the spider. I didn't want to become a freak, but now I know what to do!"

Facing such direct praise, Peter grinned. If he had a tail, it would definitely be wagging high. This was also the difference between him and Tobey's version of Spider-Man. The latter would definitely be shy and reserved.

Just then, the video on the screen paused, and a new question popped up:

[After George Stacy learns that Peter Parker is Spider-Man, will he agree to let him be with his daughter]

[A: Yes

B: No.]

Both Wanda and Peter were surprised. They were just discussing this question, and now it appeared on the screen. Peter curiously looked up, "They've been monitoring us all along. I mean, the people who created this magical game."

"Definitely," Wanda shrugged, "Peter, which option do you think we should choose? a or b?"

The multiple-choice question was relatively simple. Peter smiled and said, "Of course it's a! didn't you just say that only Spider-Man can deal with the lizard man? I also believe in this, so he'll definitely like me."

Wanda also smiled, "You're really different from the Peter I know. He wouldn't say that. But of course, I believe in you, Peter. Let's choose a."

The countdown for answering began, and both of them confidently pressed the answer button. Unfortunately, the right to answer went to Team B, to Eric's hand.

Eric chose b, without any complicated reasons, just simply because he felt that the police chief in the video didn't like Spider-Man, and probably wouldn't approve of Peter either, most likely because he didn't want his daughter to date someone who constantly gets into trouble.

Logan, who had been silent like a transparent person, spoke up, "Even if he likes Spider-Man, as a father, I think he wouldn't want his daughter to be with someone who often gets into trouble."

Thinking of his own lover, it was because he was a troublesome person that brought danger to his lover's life. So, he obviously had some feelings about this question.

Eric glanced at him, "What you said makes sense too."

The correct answer was announced, [Congratulations to Team B for answering correctly. Player Eric Lancher and Player Logan Howlett each receive 4 points.]

[Team A's answer is incorrect. Player Peter Parker and player Wanda Maximoff each deduct 1 point.]

Peter and Wanda looked at each other, feeling very surprised and confused. They were confident about this question, but they didn't expect to get it wrong. This actually surprised many viewers outside the screen as well. As ordinary viewers, they hoped that the love between Spider-Man and Gwen would have a happy ending, but now it seems that their love might encounter many obstacles.

Wanda frowned, "Didn't you finally defeat that lizard monster? It shouldn't be like this. I can see that your skills are not inferior to the Spider-Man I know, and you are also very smart."

Their train of thought was that Spider-Man was not recognized by George Stacy because of misunderstanding.

When the lizard man caused a bigger incident and the police were helpless, Spider-Man appeared and naturally gained the approval of George by solving the big trouble.

So in Wanda's view, this question is actually directly related to whether Spider-Man can deal with the lizard man, and Peter thinks so too. He also furrowed his brows and said, "Is there a problem somewhere?"

They couldn't figure it out themselves, so they had to wait for the screen to provide the answer. Soon, as the countdown ended, the video replayed on the screen.

Peter initially sought help from the police but was ignored and even mocked by George Stacy. Naturally, he was very disappointed, but he didn't give up investigating the lizard man. Since others couldn't be relied upon, he had to rely on himself.

When the lizard man escaped on the bridge, Peter suspected that he had entered the sewer. He was really smart. After some investigation, he arrived at the junction of the sewer. Peter truly regarded himself as a big spider and spun a huge spider web in the complex network of pipes. Each strand of the web led to the depths of the pipes, so whenever there was any movement, he would immediately know, just like a wild spider hunting.

As Spider-Man lay on the web playing with his phone and waiting for his prey, Dr. Connors was not idle either. He was indeed hiding in the depths of the sewer, where the extensive underground sewer system of New York City provided him with a quiet and concealed testing ground.

Dr. Connors continued to use himself as a guinea pig here, delving deeper into the study of the lizard serum, and even brought in a computer to record his experimental results with a camera.

The camera then shifted to Peter, who noticed the web beneath him starting to tremble. He immediately put on his mask. This humanoid spider was about to hunt, and his prey was naturally the powerful and cold-blooded lizard.