Mysterious parents

In the end, Spider-Man managed to resolve the crisis, but he paid a huge price for it. George lost his life, and his final words instructed Spider-Man to stay away from his daughter, fearing she would be hurt if she stayed with him.

At this point, Peter outside the screen fell silent, his brows furrowed, and his hands fidgeting uneasily. He now believed that this strange game was indeed predicting his future. The fog on the road of his life was gradually lifting. While people were excited, they also felt some trepidation and fear, afraid that the future might be disappointing, tragic, or filled with regrets.

Previously, when talking to Wanda, Peter had mostly been confident and cheerful, partly because he had seen the sweet love between himself and Gwen in the future video, as well as his steadfast pursuit of justice as Spider-Man, which had earned him recognition and praise from people. This naturally indicated that his future was bright.

On the other hand, it was also to cover up his inner anxiety. The future held not only beauty but also regrets. The unexpected death of Uncle Ben made Peter feel as if a part of him was missing. If he weren't trapped here, he would have already gone back to protect Uncle Ben and Aunt May. This made him worry that similar regrets might occur in his future.

However, he was also a stubborn teenager in his rebellious phase, unwilling to show his inner weakness and anxiety in front of someone as beautiful as Wanda. So, he used optimism and confidence to hide his true thoughts.

Now, Peter couldn't do that anymore. He realized that the road he had to walk and the responsibilities he had to bear seemed greater and heavier than he had imagined. He couldn't help but murmur, "Does becoming Spider-Man mean no chance at love?"

"Peter, you…" Wanda noticed his heavy heart, sighed, and advised, "The captain was right. If you insist on this path, those around you will surely be affected. This is not an easy road."

Since joining the Avengers and seeing the future videos of heroes like Batman, Iron Man, and Captain America, Wanda had clearly understood that their paths were never easy from an observer's perspective.

Those with extraordinary abilities might use them as a means for recklessness, like those super villains, while others saw them as a responsibility and motivation, like superheroes Batman and Iron Man. Once you chose this path, those extraordinary abilities became a heavy burden on your shoulders. In the eyes of ordinary people, this was entirely unworthy, but it was also the reason why superheroes were admired.

Walking an easy path only requires legs, but only those who dare to brave thorns, climb mountains, and walk through fire and ice are heroes.

To be honest, Wanda sometimes felt scared and hesitant, so she particularly understood Peter's feelings. She knew that the Peter in front of her had not yet gone through the trials shown in the future video and was still not mature enough.

After thinking for a moment, she said, "Another you, another Peter Parker, faced the same dilemma. Actually, not just him, but many others like you face the same dilemma. Villains have no bottom line and will always try to target you through your family and friends. Do you know how they dealt with this problem?"

Peter looked up at her, his eyes full of curiosity. Wanda smiled and kept him in suspense, "I'll tell you once your future video is completely finished."

She wanted to see if this stubborn young man could withstand the pressure. This was also a necessary trial on his life's path. Peter took a deep breath and smiled, "Miss Wanda, you don't need to worry about me. I won't give up that easily. I believe I can reverse these tragic futures!"

As they talked, the video on the screen neared its end. Gwen didn't see Peter at her father's funeral and felt something was wrong, so she went to find him and questioned why he didn't attend her father's funeral.

Seeing the girl in front of him crying her heart out, Peter's heart ached, but he remembered George's last words and forced himself to break up with her.

Gwen was stunned, tears streaming down her face, but the smart girl quickly realized that it must have been her father who told him to break up with her, understanding her father's concerns.

The couple, who should have been together, gradually walked away in the pouring rain. The video ended there, leaving the viewers outside the screen deeply moved. They felt that today's quiz game was an emotional one, starting with Wanda and Vision, then moving to Spider-Man and Gwen. Some of the more sentimental viewers were left in tears.

Soon, a new question appeared on the screen:

[Why did Peter Parker's parents leave him?]

[A: Defected

B: Fled

C: On a business trip

D: On a secret mission.]

Seeing this question, Peter immediately perked up. Although Uncle Ben and Aunt May treated him as their own child, he still harbored resentment towards his biological parents for their sudden disappearance. As he grew up, he tried to investigate what had happened back then that led to his parents abandoning him.

Wanda looked at him and pondered, "From the video just now, we can see that your father also worked in the Osborn laboratory, researching genetic engineering projects, and had already made some progress. But at that critical moment, he left with his research results... I think we can eliminate option C."

Peter Parker frowned, "Do you think my parents might have worked for the government?"

"Maybe, or even for another country's government..." Wanda speculated, "Could they be spies?"

"No!" Peter shook his head immediately. He couldn't accept that his biological parents were villains. Although Uncle Ben and Aunt May usually avoided talking about his parents, the occasional hints they gave suggested that his parents were good people, and he firmly believed that.

Wanda shrugged, "Alright, among the remaining options, A and D imply that your father's actions were not good. If you insist that your father wasn't a spy or agent, then only option B remains."

Peter Parker nodded heavily, "Let's choose B. I guess their research results brought trouble, so they had to leave. Just look at Dr. Connors to see how important my father's research was!"