In Which, Motherfucker.

The Outside world again. This will never get old.

Logical passed me all information needed to my consciousness. That means the girl to my right is the assassin.

I want-- I really want to fight her so... badly... But I need to focus.

I see her wielding this strange piece of thin metal brick that Logical hadn't informed me about.

"What is that?" I ask.

"Oh? Monster... Hello, my name is Laura Esmerald-

"Girl, I don't care about introductions. Just tell me already."

The girl frowns under my gaze.

"Hologram phone." That's what she says.

"Hologram phone?" I tilt my head.

"Yes." She clicked a button by the side of it.

A levitating digital clock appears above the 'hologram phone' Then, she touches it and moves it out of the way. It's like magic.

Subsequently, an app icon with an 'SOS' symbol appeared from the side. She clicks on it and then puts her phone back in her pocket.

*TING* The elevator door opened.

"It's alright since I jammed the communications the people here shouldn't know who we are." She said.

"Just show me where the enemy is. Hehehahaha. I'll destroy them."

"You're weird,"

I smirked, "And what if I am?"

Just as I said that two security guards came from the corner behind the Buddha statue, she speeds off first, but I reach the guards first and clap both of their heads together, cracking their skulls.

"You're... fast."

I just gave her a shoulder shrug and kept on running. She shakes her head in disbelief while her face speaks of excitement.

Good. This will be fun.

"Whoever puts downs the most guards win," I said with a grin.

Then, two guards are coming from the left, and one more guard is coming from the right cross-section.

I rushed towards the two guards and Laura rushed to the left where the one guard was coming.

"Hey, you!" The guard said as he unsheathed his katana. The other one took a stance and struck me. The first guard circled me and intended to attack me from behind.

"Like I'm gonna let you."

The other one strikes me diagonally I dodged to the left and used Makuza's move.

Makuza style: Leg grapple

But I modified it so that I pushed him not hugged him.

My fighting instinct flares. I quickly step to the left and see the first guard's attempt to slice me from up to down.

Releasing from his stupor the guard quickly redirected his sword to my face and slashed the air when I ducked down.

I sense a breeze of wind on my neck. I see the person in front of me return his sword and is on his way to stab my head.

I jumped, frontflip, and kicked the guard sneaking behind me while floating above the first guard's katana. My body went backward and collided with the first guard's face, and we fell down.

They're poorly hurt from the fall and from my hit. I rolled sideways and ended both of them with a straight punch to their faces.

I look behind me and see that Laura is finished. I look behind her and see the guard's body left all bloodied. Her hands soak wet on blood.

"Took you so long." She said with a smirk.

"Ohohohohoho girl. You have no idea what you're challenging."

"Don't care." We turn in the open yard's direction. "It will get easier by now. Those three are the elite guards. The weaklings use silver-plated katanas not golden."

"Nice." I then rushed to the yard where it was currently empty with a couple of guards patrolling left and right.

Laura rushed behind me with her claws out and ready.

You're correct, Logical. This girl is rash. But that's what I like about her.

Hahahaha! This is fun!

All guards are alerted by our fast movements and try to contact others on their walkie-talkies. After they found out it was useless, they unsheathed their katanas and rushed toward us.

All of them are silver-plated, and none are golden.

There are 3 of them heading toward me. So, I come running to them.

One attack but I suddenly halted my movement, and his strike ended right in front of me. I right hook him in his chin.

Another one works with the other. They tried attacking me from opposite sides.

From my right a horizontal slash. From my left a vertical slash.

I looked at both slashes and deduced that the horizontal slash was going to reach me first, so I went to my left and grabbed the guard's wrist before he successfully slashed and uppercut his body. Then, I hook his face.

"Too slow."

I let go of his wrist and then bend backward 90 degrees, dodging the other guard's another horizontal slash. I recover myself and dodge another of his attack before I knock him down with a kick beside his head. I rush to the far exit where five more guards rush to fight me.

I run at them. They ran at me with their sword, ready to slash me. I dodge one by spinning and elbowing him with the force of the spin's momentum.

Another one came, but before he attacked, I suddenly appeared before him and punched him hard in his ribs. The punch threw him at another guard, and both fell to the ground.

"Too slow."

My fighting instinct flare. I quickly dug down to dodge an incoming slash behind me. I then kicked his chin. Another one came.

I took a very familiar stance.

Yuto Kageyama's style: Sumo flip.

Before the guard could attack me a very fast scoop hit his legs and his shoulder and turned him upside down before I palmed his body.

I rush towards the exit that is still far from me.

On the way there numerous guards try to stop me.

I punch, kick, throw, body slam, knee, elbow, step.

10 minutes later, the yard's filled with 30 weak guard bodies. Standing above them is a boy with an unsatisfied grin still punching an already dead guard.

"COME ONE! Bring me a challenge!" I shouted right at the dead guard's ear.

I threw his body away like he was worthless.

I look behind me and see Laura stabbing her claws into a guard's neck and scratching another one behind her with one swift and agile movement.

Once the two last guards fall down. I approach her with a naughty smirk on my face.

"Oh? Took you so long." I said.

"Shut up. Let's go! Yuto must be on his way to us now." She sheathed her claws back into her gloves.

We ran through the exit when we heard a loud voice from the direction of the Buddha statue.


Hahahahaha! It's Yuto.

We ran through the large gates which is the exit and laughed while running through the rocky mountain.

An escape from the inescapable fortress made by a parentless teenager and a wannabe girl. The world can't get any crazier than this.