Living in Pain

Kleiner opened the bedroom door. He saw Vyschella from the doorway closing her eyes with a frown as if she was thinking about something.

"Hum ... I'm too worried about you, Cia!"

Kleiner approached his wife. He looked at Vyschella's beautiful face starting to turn pale. The man, who is now her husband, reached out his hand to examine the woman's forehead, who was lying weak.

"You're warm, Cia! Do you have a fever? And, oh! These foods haven't been touched!"

Kleiner stared at the various foods and drinks on the classic carved white table right beside the bed. The food consists of; chicken soup, various fruits and ginger ale that he had asked the chef for, but none of them were touched.

"Ci-Cyra, wake up! Cyra, you've to finish all this!"

Kleiner shook Vyschella's frail body. He was worried and furious to see his wife's behaviour, which he thought had gone too far.


'Damn! Why can't I call her Cyra!' cried Kleiner in his heart furiously.

"Uhh! E-Ethan, are you back? Are you really going to help me? I-I can't stand all this any more!"

'Gluck! How could she mention another man's name in her sleep! Ugh, that man from the William family's named Ethan,' Kleiner thought as he ruffled his hair.

Kleiner was burning with jealousy. His eyes lit up, and then he stretched out his hands to grab the woman's neck, who was still tightly closing her eyes. He held his wife's smooth neck while babbling.

"I would rather not see you cheating a second time with that man, Cia! You ... you better go to Hell!"

Kleiner tightly strangled Vyschella. He was very desperate as his mind drifted to remember what happened of the day before.

"Cough ... cough ...."

Vyschella's face turned red from difficulty breathing. Oh, no! Kleiner acted stupidly because the fire of jealousy had already eaten away at his heart and darkened his eyes.

"E-Ethan ...."

Vyschella was still trying to speak, though stammering. She still remembers the handsome man, who was with her that afternoon.

"E-Ethan ... I-I missed you too, but now I'm a wife! Yes, I'm married. You know that, don't you?"

Kleiner loosened his hands on Vyschella's neck. The man woke up from his heinous act.

"Oh my! What have I done?!"

Kleiner removed his hands from Vyschella's neck. He was touched when he heard his wife babbling in her sleep. There was a certain satisfaction that he felt when Vyschella acknowledged his position as the husband of the woman, who was sleeping.

Kleiner walked over to the phone that was on the bedside table. He picked up the receiver and pressed the number one button on the number listed there.

"Hello, Sir!"

Ellie's voice snapped Kleiner out of his reverie about. It was Vyschella, who was raving earlier.

"Ellie, call the family Doctor right now to my bedroom in ten minutes!"

"Ohh, yes, Sir."


Kleiner hung up the phone. He walked back to the bed where his wife was.

"What made you like this, Cia?! And, what made me go crazy to strangle you like that?!"

Kleiner tightly gripped Vyschella's hand, and occasionally, he kissed the back of his wife's hand.

His cell phone vibrated, forcing Kleiner to pull the flat object out of his trouser pocket. He saw the incoming message on the notification on his phone screen.

"Why is Oscar texting me? He can call me, can't he?"

With great curiosity, Kleiner opened the brief message from his assistant. And his eyes widened when he read the contents of the brief message.

Oscar : Mr. Kley, I'm so sorry to interrupt your break! There's something important I want to tell you. Please take a look at some of the photos I sent!

Without replying to the message from his assistant, Kleiner pressed the word open on his phone screen and prepared to see the surprise Oscar had sent him.

"Oh my! What's this?"

Kleiner's eyes widened when he saw some photos of his ex-fiancee making out with her former best friend, Brandon Burke.

"They really have gone mad!"

The photos show the two people, who love each other, are moving out of one of the luxury flats of the windmill country, the Netherlands. The joyous aura on their faces was evident and managed to make him broken heart.

Kleiner quickly pressed the number two on his phone's keypad. He contacted Oscar and gave some orders regarding his great disappointment to the two families.

"Hello, Young Master?"

Oscar greeted his master. He knew that eventually, Kleiner would move to destroy the two families, who had dared to harass him.

"Oscar, where's the investigation process about the fake accounts belonging to the Demougust family going?"

"Our team has obtained two account numbers belonging to the Demougust family, Sir. Those accounts are where their funds flow from the investments you make to their company, and one of which is used by Mr. Drake to gamble in your casino."

Kleiner rolled his eyes while massaging his forehead. He felt extremely dizzy.

"Alright, carry on investigating the Demougust family, and what about the termination of bilateral cooperation with the Burke family?"

"Tomorrow morning, I'll go to the Burke family's company to sever our ties with them, Sir."

Kleiner took a deep breath as he looked at Vyschella. His attention was focused on the blush on the woman's neck that came from his actions.

"You know what it's like to be betrayed?"

Oscar was surprised because a master is off-topic.

"What's it, Sir?"

"You don't have to go there, Oscar! Tell Diana to call 'em and disconnect by phone. Then, tell 'em after wards that I'll compensate all the fines I terminated without spending a dime."

"If that's your wish, fine, Sir. I'll give Diana an order tonight."

"Never give 'em mercy! Let 'em beg to me!"

"Yes, Sir."

Oscar could only agree with the master's orders.

"And one more thing, Oscar. Find out about Ethan William!"

Oscar was taken aback when he heard the name of the man from the William family that Kleiner had just mentioned.

"S-Sir, is he the man that Miss Cia was with this afternoon?"

Kleiner got up from his spot and walked to the window. He slowly opened the window and looked at the night from inside his bedroom.

"Yes, right."

"D-don't you recognize him, Sir?"

"What do you mean, Oscar?!"

Kleiner didn't understand what the assistant meant.

"He's one of the top domestic celebrities, who managed to make his name abroad, Sir."

'Ohh, damn it! Where did Cia know this man? No wonder his face is familiar to me!' cried Kleiner inwardly as he ruffled his hair again.

"Hello, Sir? Are you still there?"

"Yeah, find out where the two of 'em know each other, Oscar! And, which agency is he from?"

"I understand, Sir. I'll report it to you immediately."

Knock! Knock! Knock!

There was a knock on the door. Kleiner ended his conversation with the assistant.



Kleiner put his phone back in his trouser pocket and sat back down beside Vyschella.

"Come in!"

Kleiner shouted from inside telling the person, who had knocked on the door, to come in immediately.


Ellie's figure came in Kleiner's bedroom, followed by a doctor.

"Young Master, Doctor Hans has arrived."

"Quick check Miss!"

Hans Reid, is a personal doctor of the Stonevrustarios family, who has worked at the Stonevrustarios mansion for more than ten years. He walked over to the bed.

"Good evening, Young Master."

Hans greeted Kleiner with a bow.

"Check her carefully and correctly! Don't get the wrong diagnosis!"

"I see, Sir."

Hans nodded his head, then stepped closer to the weak Vyschella. He took out various medical equipment and without hesitation began to examine the health condition of young master Stonevrustarios's wife carefully.