Enigmatic Man

Bei yinyao sat on the ground and took a breath. She stood up and helped Yang Luo up. After walking a few steps, he stood there for a rest, and then he simply took off his high-heeled shoes and went barefoot. Fortunately, her house is a villa, and the door is the hall. It took more than ten minutes to help Yang Luo to the sofa in the hall within a short distance of more than 20 meters.

He also did it himself. Looking at Yang Luo's sleeping face like a child, a smile appeared on his cold face. "What kind of person are you?" She stared at Yang Luo for a moment, then stretched out her hand to take off Yang Luo's clothes. When she saw the scars on Yang Luo's body, her heart began to tremble, and her trembling hands gently stroked her. "There must be many stories on your body."

Yang Luo seemed to feel something and moved slightly. Bei yinyao jumped up like a frightened rabbit. She was relieved to see that Yang Luo had not woken up. Her face slowly turned purple. In addition to her father, she has never been in close contact with a man in such a big age, and it is still when the other side is naked.

Bei yinyao goes to the bathroom and comes back with a wet towel to gently wipe Yang Luo's body. When she turned Yang Luo over to wipe his back, she saw a pistol in his belt. She reached out and wanted to take out the gun. Just as her hand touched the gun, suddenly her wrist was held by a powerful hand. At the same time, the black muzzle of the gun pressed against her head. "Who are you?" My voice was cold and devoid of emotion.

Bei yinyao turned pale and said in a trembling voice, "I, I, I am the one you saved in the bank today." As if he felt there was no danger, Yang Luo lay down on the sofa again and slept soundly, while the gun in his hand fell to the ground.

It took Bei yinyao half a day to regain consciousness. "What has he experienced? He has so many scars on his body, and he can maintain such vigilance even when he is sleeping so soundly. He is not a soldier or a policeman, but he legally owns a gun. He is really a mysterious man."

Thinking of this, she continued to help Yang Luo wipe her body. When she finished wiping her upper body, she hesitated and took off Yang Luo's pants with a red face. Seeing Yang Luo with only one pair of underwear left, his face became redder and redder, and his trembling hands gently wiped it bit by bit.

Finally, she wiped Yang Luo's body. She was also relieved, and then found a blanket to cover Yang Luo. I picked up Yang Luo's clothes again. I flipped through my pocket and took out the contents. I saw a small green book in addition to a dozen yuan. I don't need to look at it. It should be the gun license. Pick up the gun and gun license on the ground, put them on the tea table, and then take the clothes out to wash.

When she washed, dried and folded the clothes and put them on the tea table, she felt that her body had been beaten through with sweat, and it was difficult for her clothes to stick to her body. After a rest, she stood up and went into the bathroom to take a bath. When she came out from the bath, if Yang Luo was still awake, she would have a feast for her eyes and shout "best".

Bei yinyao is surrounded by a bath towel. Her snow-white skin, thin shoulders, round and slender legs are full of elasticity and faint luster. The two jade peaks in front of me seemed to break free from the shackles. The two protrusions on the jade peak are more eye-catching.

She went to Yang Luo's side and helped him up and walked to her room. The feeling of skin touching made her heart tremble. Her originally white skin was dyed pink. Put Yang Luo on the bed, covered him with a quilt and walked out. Lying on the sofa, she saw that it was two o'clock in the morning, but she didn't feel sleepy at all. She didn't fall asleep until it was almost dawn.