It's terrible for a woman to get angry

Wang Tong suddenly smiled: "anyway, I didn't promise. You can call me whatever you like."

"Wife! Where shall we eat?"

Wang Tong was stunned for a moment, then his face turned red and he said angrily, "Yang Luo, if you're talking nonsense, I'll get off."

Yang Luo immediately shut his mouth. Wang Tong said coldly, "since you are so sincere about inviting me to dinner, go to the Ritz Carlton Hotel."

Yang Luo is not familiar with Shanghai, nor does he know how big the Ritz Carlton Hotel is. When he arrived at Ritz Carlton under Wang Tong's guidance, he was foolish, secretly touched the only ten pieces in his pocket, and said with a smile, "Xiao Tong, let's change our shop. The food here must be bad."

Wang Tong twitched at the corner of his mouth and said coldly, "I just like to eat here." After that, he turned and walked in. At the moment of turning, his face was full of happy smiles. Seeing Yang Luo eat up, he said, "let you bastard take advantage of me. See how I can deal with you."

Wang Tong walked to the elevator entrance and looked back to see Yang Luo slowly walking in. He said with a cold smile: "Yang Luo, what are you dallying about? If you don't have money, I can invite you."

As soon as Yang Luo straightened up his chest and quickened his pace, he said with a firm head, "isn't it just a meal? I can afford it."

Two people took the elevator to the hall on the 52nd floor. A beautiful waiter hurried over and respectfully said, "how many are you, miss? Dining or accommodation?"

Wang Tong said, "you two, have dinner. Go to the outdoor restaurant on the 58th floor."

The waiter smiled and said, "OK! I'll take you there."

Under the guidance of the waiter, we went to the outdoor restaurant on the 58th floor. A gentle breeze blew us a refreshing feeling in the hot summer. It's definitely a great pleasure to eat at such a high place with the view of Shanghai.

Wang Tong found a seat and sat down. Yang Luo sat beside her and said with a smile, "this place is really good."

Wang Tong glanced at him and muttered to himself, "I'll make you laugh, and I'll make you cry in a moment."

At this time, the waiter of the restaurant came over with the menu and said, "Sir, miss, what would you like to eat?" Then put the menu on the table.

Yang Luo was about to reach for it when Wang Tong snatched it: "I'll order it." Open the menu: "one Australian lobster, four excellent abalone, naked salmon, zuoan fishbone, Sanbao bird's nest soup, and finally a Russian black caviar." Every time Wang Tong read the name of a dish, Yang Luo's heart trembled. When she finished reading, a layer of sweat came out on her face.

Wang Tong looked at Yang Luoqiang's support and felt happy. Let you bastard take advantage of me. Today I will eat up your salary for a year.

The waiter picked up the bowler hat and asked, "what else would you like to drink?"

Yang Luo said hurriedly: "no! No! Don't you see her in a police uniform? She will have a task later. Drinking will make mistakes."

Wang Tong doesn't want to forget about it like this. "He's right. We'll have a mission later. We'll stop drinking Baijiu and beer and have a bottle of Lafayette from 82 years ago."

"OK, two, just a moment." The waiter turned and left.

Yang Luo covered his face with his hands and looked at Wang Tong through his fingers. This woman was no longer so beautiful and lovely in his heart. She was simply a devil. There was a groan in my heart. This girl can't help him any more.

It wasn't long before the waiter served the dishes. Yang Luo smashed it. He suddenly covered his stomach and said, "elder martial sister, my stomach is a little rough. Go to the toilet first, and you can eat it yourself."