This Is The Way

Chapter 20 This Is The Way

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POV David Shield

"Hail Hydra!" I exclaim in front of the small hologram of Child Emperor, donning my combat helmet which covers my entire face and distorts my voice as the three I-Island heroes follow my lead heading to their designated posts.

It is not the time to doubt, it is the time to act.

Shortly after, I find myself walking down a long illuminated corridor with my cloak billowing behind me as I approach a huge metal gate that begins to open revealing a huge and impressive amphitheater on the other side.

Child Emperor spared no expense when building this awesome and terrifying tower. I still ask myself what kind of mysteries hides the twisted and fascinating mind of Child Emperor.

As I get closer to the center of the arena two flying figures land in front of me creating a small shock wave that causes dust to cover both figures.

"It took us a while to destroy that pesky devil laser." Hawks says chuckling lightly shaking his big wings clearing all the dust and revealing his figure along with Captain Celebrity.

"And I must admit that Child Emperor certainly has good taste." Hawks says dusting off his clothes and looking around the amphitheater with a shocked look on his face before narrowing his eyes at me.

"On that, we can both agree, hero." I say sizing up both heroes in front of me ready to jump into action at a moment's notice.

"We don't have time for this, the other heroes will soon catch up with us." Captain Celebrity whispers looking at Hawks before staring at me. "If you answer a simple question we will let you escape and you can return from the hole you came from." Captain Celebrity says with a smug smile on his face.

"Where is Child Emperor?" Hawks asks seriously with a dark look covering his face which sends a shiver down my spine. This feeling… It's the killing intent directed at me!

Child Emperor was right, the Heroes Public Safety Commission is making its move.

"And if I refuse to answer?" I ask curiously.

"You die." Captain Celebrity says with a crooked smile on his face as Hawks remains silent.

The battle is unavoidable.

"So be it." I growl unsheathing a hilt and pressing a small button on the side, immediately afterward, a black light materializes from the hilt thus forming a black lightsaber. Child Emperor's technology is simply impressive.

At that moment, three hidden figures descend from the air using jetpacks and position themselves at my sides ready for battle while at the same time a conspicuous explosion occurs behind us.

Child Emperor's penchant for dramatic entrances has no limits.

"Let the Games Begin!" Child Emperor's excited voice is heard through all the speakers in the amphitheater.

I snort remembering the chain of events that brought me to this position. It is impossible to go back, I chose this path and I plan to move forward with my convictions... the future depends on it.

A determined look spreads across my face as I point my lightsaber in the direction of the pair of heroes who have dark looks on their faces. They don't plan to hold back and neither do we. So, a few words from me were enough to unleash hell.

"This is the way."


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POV Hawks

A few hours ago

After Sir Nighteye adjourned the meeting and most of the heroes were preparing to leave for the Hydra tower I was summoned by the president of the Heroes Public Safety Commission.

I will save Child Emperor from the clutches of Hydra and keep my promise! Or so I thought before walking into that damned meeting room at the HPSC headquarters.

"What? Wait a minute, I don't get it." I ask in shock, taking a couple of steps back as a dozen people in business suits sit around a huge table in the meeting room. They are part of the board of directors of the Heroes Public Safety Commission.

"We ask you because we believe you can do it. You are not interested in honor or fame." One of the executives says typing on his laptop at an impressive speed without even deigning to look at me.

They know perfectly well that I cannot refuse. What cruelty!

"We made a deal with Captain Celebrity whereby he will support you on this mission." Another executive says yawning a bit while Captain Celebrity smiles brightly. No! This can not be happening!

"He was not present at the meeting with Sir Nighteye." I say quickly gritting my teeth.

"I'm Captain Celebrity and I do what I want." Captain Celebrity says with a smug smile on his face with his hands behind his back.

"And I'm sure my friends here can safely include me in Sir Nighteye's assault group." He says placing his hands on his waist. Dammit!

"Are you okay, Hawks? You look a bit pale." Says the president of the Heroes Public Safety Commission leading the meeting and watching me carefully while some executives narrow their eyes in my direction.

"There is no problem." I respond monotonously masking my facial expressions. "If by getting my hands dirty I can reassure them, I'll be delighted to do so." I say with a slight bow.

"The child is a threat to the hero system, after the failure of Endeavor our finances were negatively affected by compensation to those affected while doing damage control and removing all Endeavor merchandise from stores." Another executive says adjusting his glasses while the other executives nod their heads.

"I repeat the order, Hawks." The president of the Heroes Public Safety Commission says seriously. "Before the rest of the heroes get to him." She says standing up and pointing her hand at me as all the executives in the room stand up following her example.

"Kill Child Emperor!"

Shortly after, I leave the building and vomit into a nearby garbage can before using my wings to propel myself into the air, needing to get higher… much higher.

Where no one can hear me scream in frustration.

"Damn! He's just a little kid! A confused child who needs help!" I exclaim with all my strength flying over the clouds.

I promised him I would save him...

And even so...

"Sorry… Child Emperor, I really am the worst." I whisper, clenching my fists tightly as I watch the horizon.

This is the way.


POV Third Person

Back to the present.

"Come for me!" Captain Celebrity exclaims with a vicious smile on his face. "I'll show them what it means to be the greatest American hero." He says flexing his arms and legs as a flying figure speeds towards him using a jet pack.

"They'll tell me where the brat is hiding one way or another." Captain Celebrity growls swinging his fist with the intention of splitting the figure that approaches him in half. However, the figure stops abruptly at a safe distance, and pointing his wrist in his direction activates a small device that causes a large flame to rush towards the hero, covering him completely.

Given this, Captain Celebrity quickly creates an aerodynamic barrier that protects him from the flames, affecting his visibility. However, as the flames cease, several metal cables wrap around his hands and legs, immobilizing him momentarily as a powerful electrical shock spreads throughout his body.

The flying figures had surrounded him and he hadn't realized it. At that moment, Captain Celebrity realized that he wasn't dealing with just some small-time villains. He was dealing with professionals.

In the air, two figures hold the metal cables that restrain Captain Celebrity while a third figure quickly lands on the sand bending his body and exposing a missile that protrudes from his jet pack pointing directly at him.

"Hail Hydra!" The figure exclaims firing the missile in the hero's direction as Captain Celebrity's eyes widen.

A loud explosion followed by a trail of smoke rises rapidly into the air where a pair of figures engage in a deadly duel.

"Haaah!" David Shield exclaims with determination as his black lightsaber smashes into a feather-reinforced blade that Hawks use to defend and counterattack.

In that, a strong kick slams into Hawks's chest propelling him quickly backward causing Hawks to spread his wings and send a flurry of sharp feathers in David's direction with the purpose of causing serious injuries.

At this, David places one of his arms in front of him, thus causing a circular blue barrier to begin to extend protectively in front of him as he uses his jet pack to propel himself at full power toward Hawks.

Then the razor-sharp feathers begin to slam into David's circular barrier with breathtaking speed as he moves closer and closer in Hawks' direction. Some feathers bounce off while others embed themselves in the barrier causing the protective barrier to begin to crack until eventually the barrier is destroyed just inches from Hawks to both of their surprises.

This caused both figures to collide in the air holding each other before beginning to collapse at high speed at the same time they tried to hit the other.

However, both collided at high speed with the ground causing a large amount of dust to rise and spread throughout the amphitheater.

"That had to hurt." Child Emperor grimaces watching the whole situation through one of his holographic screens as many catastrophic ideas start to form in his little head.

"The Heroes Public Safety Commission has made its move, that being said, I think it would be impolite of me if I didn't return the gesture." He says as a crooked smile begins to spread across his face.

"Will you leak their dirty secrets to the public?" Twice asks excitedly.

"That would be too boring and predictable, Twice." Child Emperor hums standing up and performing a stretch. "Besides, I have something much better in mind." He says with a crooked smile on his face as he holds up his phone.

"It's time to go out and play, Twice!" Child Emperor exclaims happily spreading his arms theatrically. "All of us!"

"Time to kick some butt! I am so excited!" Twice exclaims placing his shield on his back before taking his measuring tape and stretching it out.


Shortly after, at the headquarters of the Heroes Public Safety Commission, in one of the many offices packed with analysts and clerks, Yokumiru Mera is in front of a computer.

Yokumiru Mera is a worker for the Hero Public Safety Commission, he is a generally sloppy-looking middle-aged man with a tired-looking face and unkempt hair and clothes. He suffers from a lack of sleep due to overwork, something he frequently complains about.

You are currently checking your email when you suddenly receive an email with an attachment. "What is this?" He yawns checking the message.

*Lack of sleep? Download our method to sleep like a baby right now!*

"Has someone played a prank on me?" Yokumiru asks himself before shrugging and clicking the download option out of curiosity.

At that moment, all the computers and electronic devices inside the building begin to show the Hydra logo, surprising all the people and especially Yokumiru who began to sweat when he realized what he had done.

"Link Start!" The Red King's voice is heard through all the speakers in the building as all the doors begin to lock along with a metallic layer that begins to cover all the windows in the building.


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The building has entered full lockdown mode. No one goes in… No one goes out.

"What's happening?!" An employee screams in panic as all the lights go out and the emergency lights come on.

"Open the doors!" Another employee exclaims banging on a reinforced door.

"The elevators are still working!" Another employee exclaims pressing the button to call the elevator as a crowd of people gathers around him waiting for the elevator.

"Do you hear that?" Another person asks approaching the elevator. "Are those screams?" He stammers, bringing his ear closer to the elevator door as his face turns pale.

In that, the sound of the screams becomes louder alarming all the people present causing them to step back a bit as they watch dumbfounded as an elevator descends at full speed in front of them out of control. However, it is not the only elevator out of control.

An electronic display next to the elevator call buttons shows how all the elevators in the building begin to rapidly descend between floors.

7th floor… 6th floor… 5th floor… 4th floor… 3rd floor…

"Oh my God!" A woman exclaims in panic falling to her knees with her hands to her mouth. Unbeknownst to them, the elevator abruptly stopped a few floors before reaching the ground floor, avoiding crashing but knocking out the occupants.

Then a strange sleeping gas begins to circulate through the ventilation rapidly. "The security system has gone out of control!" One person exclaims grabbing an emergency fire ax and starting to bang on a blast door to no avail.

"Open the door this instant!" Another person exclaims looking directly at one of the security cameras as he falls to the ground along with the rest of the office workers.

While all this was happening, Yokumiru was looking at an image on his computer with his eyes wide open as beads of sweat ran down his face. "I am going to be fired." Is all he says before falling into a deep sleep.

At that moment, the image of the Red King is visible through all electronic screens, computers, telephones, and everything that is connected to the network of the building. Thus causing expressions of terror and panic among the members of the board of directors when observing the symbol of the Hydra organization next to the Red King.

"Child Emperor-Sama sends greetings." The Red King says holding a rifle in his hands through the screens. "That said, you dirty mongrels. Let's start the party!" He exclaims cruelly.


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The Red King has taken control of the building.




In the next chapter...

"I brought you a present!" Child Emperor exclaims happily as he removes the shackle from a strange grenade adorned with lights flashing...


Author's note:

Hydra needs you! Enlist now and get early access to recent chapters.

Shinzo wo Sasageyo!

Hail Hydra!

PD: I like to take my time with chapters, I prefer quality over quantity. Thank you for your patience.