All Might Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 26 All Might Bizarre Adventure

As chaos spreads within and without the Tower of Chaos, the symbol of peace, All Might, fights fiercely against the horrors that lurk within the depths of the Tower of Chaos.


POV All Might

"Here below everyone floats." Says a scary robotic clown floating in the air while a dozen red balloons float around him. "And you will float too, All Might!" The clown exclaims, reaching forward with both arms as the balloons rush toward me.

"Texas Smash!" I exclaim, extending my fist forward as a powerful gust of wind deflects the balloons, which are now heading in the clown's direction. In that, the balloons explode engulfing the clown in an explosion of fire and setting fire to part of the corridor.

There seems to be no end to these strange and terrifying robots… Only a twisted mind could create such a thing and I am terrified to think that Child Emperor was the one who built them.

"I'll be back..." The robotic clown says crawling on the ground as it begins to melt from the flames. "With more balloons…"

"How the hell did I come to this." I sigh scratching my head as the flames die down and I continue down the endless corridor.

"I must remind you that you put yourself in this situation." Says a voice through the speakers scattered throughout this strange and twisted maze. He calls himself The Doctor and is the person in charge of controlling this sinister place.

Minutes before, when I answered the old phone, he explained my delicate situation. At first, I didn't believe him, but then a holographic screen appeared right in front of me replaying how chaos spread around the Tower. It turns out that things on the surface are worse than I imagined.

Uwabami as well as the Water Hose hero duo are being controlled through a hat along with a pair of very dangerous villains wreaking enormous havoc as countless Battle Droids, traps and robotic tentacles attack all the heroes on the surface.

"If you really want to save them all, you'll need to find the control room and destroy the generator which will disable all of the Tower's defense mechanisms. Remember, if you try to escape without disabling the Tower's defenses, you will start the self-destruct sequence, killing everyone you are trying to protect." The Doctor says through the speakers as I clench my fists.

"You should be thankful, the little brat is giving you a chance to save them all while I take the opportunity and collect the brat's bioweapons data. Everybody wins!" He exclaims excitedly. "So do your best, All Might." He laughs slightly mocking me.

Biological weapons? So far I've only fought strange and twisted robots while desperately trying to find the control room.

Then the Doctor's next words caused my body to tense up at what was to come.

"The Backrooms Sequence Activated."

"Biological Weapons Released."

My Bizarre Adventure Had Begun.


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At that moment, heavy footsteps began to approach me from a distance, so I squint into the darkness in front of me and brace myself for anything. However, my body freezes upon hearing a loud siren used many years ago in the event of a nuclear attack.

Then I saw it, a large creature with long limbs made of what appears to be wood and most disturbing of all... It has a siren instead of a head.

"Child Emperor... what have you done?" I whisper horrified.

"Experiment number A-12, it says here that it was created based on a DNA sample from Kamui Woods and Present Mic... mmm this is interesting, very interesting." The Doctor calls through the speakers as the creature continues to get closer.

"It is a genetically modified plant organism through a secret procedure… Secret procedure? Cheeky brat." He pauses briefly as he sighs a little. "Anyway, the brat calls this thing, Siren Head." He growls.

What kind of horrors has Hydra been doing under our noses? What has Child Emperor been up to? Hero DNA? Genetic manipulation? A plant organism? Dammit!

"Starting Data Collection!" The Doctor exclaims causing the creature to come to an abrupt stop before a powerful sonic wave generated through the creature's siren hurtles through the hallway toward me.

At this, I use my arms to cover myself from the sonic wave as I prepare to finish off the creature with a single blow, however, something wraps around my leg causing me to lose my balance and fall to the ground. There are roots all over the ground!

The sonic attack was a distraction for the purpose of spreading the roots through the ground without my noticing. This creature, despite not having a brain, is able to adapt to the situation, which makes it even more dangerous considering the fact that it has two quirks.

Genetic manipulation, humans should not get involved with the laws of nature. I must stop this madness as soon as possible, otherwise… Child Emperor will become the next All For One!

My thoughts are interrupted as the roots around my leg begin to drag me through the hallway toward the creature. A lot of people trust me and I don't plan to let them down. Then with both hands, I grabbed the roots that were dragging me, and with my powerful strength, I pulled them in my direction at a great speed.

This takes the creature by surprise who is propelled in my direction, at this, I extend my fist forward and release a fraction of my strength. "Texas Smash!" I exclaim generating a powerful shock wave that sends the creature flying through walls. That should be enough to put the creature out of action.

I must carefully ration my strength, the embers of One For All still burn brightly in me, however, constant use will cause my time as a hero to be greatly reduced before I become a burden to others. I do not have time to lose!

So I started running through the endless corridors desperately searching for the control room while occasional tremors shake my surroundings. What kind of battle is taking place on the surface? What other creatures lurk in the depths of this maze? I need to try harder!

I will stop this evil organization and put an end to its reign of terror!

Shortly after, I stop when I notice that the hallway is divided into three different corridors. "Which path should I take?" I whisper, carefully observing each of the corridors, however, my body tenses as I observe another creature in the middle of one of the corridors motionless and staring at me. Why didn't I realize this presence before?

My eyes widen when I recognize this figure, I remember it from my childhood... It was part of a children's show that was broadcast a long time ago, however, few copies of the program remain today.

Then a melody that I thought I would never hear again reached my ears causing a chill to spread through my body before the creature pounced on me at full speed.

~ I love you ~

~ You love me ~

~ We're a happy family! ~

"But what the hell!" I exclaim back a couple of steps due to the shock while the creature crashes against my body with an enormous force and causing me to slide several meters backward.

"I agree with you, the brat can be very scary when an idea enters his twisted head." The doctor whispers through the speakers with a faint hint of amusement.

~ With a great big hug! ~

Then the creature wraps itself around me and begins to hug me using its enormous strength causing me to growl in pain and clench my teeth as its huge mouth covered in sharp teeth slowly approaches my face. Child Emperor is a Monster!

~ And a kiss from me to you!!! ~


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POV Third Person

"Let's see, it says here that it's called Animatronic Dino-Chaos." Doctor Daruma Ujiko says excitedly through a comlink as he reads the information provided by Child Emperor on his computer.

"Created with a special alloy of metal, DNA from various reptiles, sugar, flowers, and many colors…" He pauses, noticing the fragrant taunt as his face turns a little red.

"Damn brat…" He sighs in frustration, frantically typing on his laptop while several holographic screens surround him. "However, the data collected is exceptional." He says with a dangerous glint in his eye looking at one of the holographic screens as the room shakes a bit.

"Get away from me demon spawn!" All Might exclaims with a powerful headbutt into the Dino-Chaos's head causing a powerful shock wave, which causes the Dino-Chaos to stagger backward releasing All Might from its embrace.

At this, the Dino-Chaos's eyes turn red before energy begins to swirl around its mouth. "Dinosaur Grrr!!!" The Dino-Chaos roars sending a powerful beam of energy at All Might destroying everything in its path.

"Texas Smash!" All Might exclaims with a determined look on his face as he sends several punches forward. "Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora!" He exclaimed with sweat running down his face sending several very powerful currents of air in the direction of the energy beam. This causes the attacks to collide with each other and a powerful explosion is generated in the middle of the corridor enveloping them as debris and dust spread in all directions.

At that moment, the instincts implanted deep within the Dino-Chaos' battered robotic body kicked in causing it to quickly flee the area as it determined that it would not be able to defeat All Might.

All Might sighs in relief as he watches the Dino-Chaos disappear from sight. In other circumstances he would not let a dangerous creature like the Dino-Chaos escape, however, he finds himself in a race against time. "I need to find the control room and save everyone." He whispers clenching his fists while his clothes are in a mess and with some minor injuries on his body.

"I have to be more aware of my surroundings, danger can be found in the least unexpected place." He whispers wisely, however, a laugh through the speakers caught his attention.

"I think it's a bit late for that." Ujiko hums through the speakers. "Two bioweapons are rapidly approaching you." He says with a crooked smile on his face as he presses many buttons on his computer and collects the data.

At this, All Might's eyes widen at the imminent danger as the smoke obscures his vision. At that moment, a loud growl is heard through one of the corridors in the distance as if it were a gigantic creature. However, that was the least of his problems.

"Haaa!" All Might exclaims in pain just as a small knife plunges into his leg causing him to fall to the ground after losing his balance. Then a small figure jumps on All Might's chest holding a small knife.

"Die! Muahahaha!" A small doll exclaims on All Might's chest laughing out loud with a sadistic smile on its face as it swings a small knife and tries to stab All Might.

"Fuck!" All Might exclaims with wide eyes before quickly smacking the doll with his palm as if he were brushing off an annoying insect. This causes the doll to crash into a nearby wall, causing the doll to break into several pieces.

"What the hell was that thing?" All Might whispers, slowly getting to his feet as he presses the small wound on his leg and gazes at the remains of the demonic assassin doll.

"Good Boy-666, is a toy created from the DNA sample of a serial killer who was sentenced to death in a country far, far away. The doll possesses a personality chip created by the brat, predatory instincts, and the ability to regenerate." Ujiko whispers through the speakers as the doll's remains begin to reform, bringing a look of horror to All Might's face.

"Toys can see everything, All Might." The doll says ominously turning its head at an unearthly angle as if possessed, grabbing the knife from the ground before starting to scream and running towards him like a lunatic.

However, a huge mutant dog almost the size of All Might pounces on the doll and begins to quickly devour it as if it were a dog toy. "Stop, stop!" the doll exclaims before being swallowed whole by the gigantic mutant dog.

Just then, the mutant dog begins to shrink into an adorable little pup under All Might's dumbfounded gaze. "What just happened?" He whispers as the cub vomits up a small knife and starts circling harmlessly around All Might as if he's looking for someone.

"You won't try to attack me? Or eat me?" All Might whispers with his guard up, at this, the pup simply flicks his tail and slowly approaches him causing All Might's body to tense up before the pup sniffs and licks his leg. This causes the wound on All Might's leg to slowly begin to heal much to his astonishment.

"It says here that the puppy is called Rover and it is one of those rare cases where an animal is born with a quirk, the brat rescued it from a horrible fate at the hands of a laboratory associated with the hero commission sometime ago. There is no information regarding his anatomy or special abilities. The brat certainly hides his cards very well." Ujiko hums through the speakers before shaking his head.

"What are you up to, brat?" Ujiko wonders to himself massaging his mustache.

"So your name is Rover." All Might says lightly caressing Rover's head who has proven not to be a danger to All Might. "I will find the control room and save you all." He whispers causing Rover to start barking towards one of the hallways getting All Might's attention before biting into his pants and leading him in a specific direction.

At this, All Might's eyes widen. "Do you know where the control room is?" All Might asks with hope plastered on his face before starting to follow Rover.

Meanwhile, in the control room, sweat broke out on Ujiko's face before a crooked smile spread across his face as he began to store all the collected information on his hard drive.

Unbeknownst to All Might, Rover is following the orders of his favorite chaotic little human who promised him all the cookies he could eat.


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POV All Might

I'm sure after finishing this whole operation and bringing these nefarious villains to justice, I'll have nightmares… I hope that once Child Emperor is captured, Principal Nezu can reform him. However, the chances of capturing Child Emperor are getting slimmer.

Shortly after having started to follow Rover through several corridors, I finally managed to spot a huge door with the symbol of Hydra in the distance, being guarded by two huge, heavily armored robotic figures. I'm pretty sure the control room is behind that door. This bizarre adventure is about to come to an end.

"Thanks for bringing me here, Rover." I whisper looking at my surroundings and looking for the little cub, however, he has disappeared as if he were some kind of spirit guide. I hope we meet again under better circumstances my furry friend.

A determined look spreads across my face as I clench my fists and start moving toward the blast door. This causes the eyes of both robotic figures to glow red before they begin to move toward me holding and lighting a laser staff in their hands.


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"Unauthorized life form, prepare for elimination!" They exclaim at the same time with their robotic voice as they begin to spin their laser batons in front of them at high speed.

I'm not going to hold back this time, on the other side of that gate is the control room and therefore the key to our victory.

"Washington Smash!" I exclaim causing the ground below me to crack and with a mighty force I rush forward destroying everything in my path.

"Hail Hy..." Is all the two robots say before their robotic heads are detached from their bodies and the blast door is destroyed scattering debris and dust all over the place.

"I'm here." I growl with a serious look on my face looking around the control room and crushing a couple of robotic heads in my hands while behind me both robots drop their laser batons to the ground before falling to their knees and exploding epically.

"All Might!" An old man stutters, wearing the usual clothing of a scientist, emerging from the rubble as alarms go off throughout the control room. "You arrived faster than anticipated, the damn brat certainly had a hand in this." He grunts getting to his feet and dusting off his lab coat as he coughs a bit before quickly approaching a computer that is starting to crash.

My attack destroyed a large part of the control room so there are destroyed computers and machines all over the place. At that moment, a robotic voice reaches my ears and a feeling of hope spreads through my body. I had made it...

*Critical damage to the generator, all defensive systems have been disabled.*

Or that was what I thought.

*Security restrictions of the SCP01 project have been disabled.*

*All doors to the outside have been unlocked.*

"The defensive system didn't just keep the heroes away from the Tower!" The Doctor exclaims with an evil grin on his face as he punches the computer and presses a few buttons before reaching for some sort of activating device.

"It kept the ultimate weapon contained!" He exclaims pressing the trigger causing a current of electricity to begin swirling around a large pod behind him.

"SCP01 Wake up!"


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Then the capsule exploded in flames and from inside a figure emerged which caused my eyes to widen and my body to tense while my breathing quickens in panic as I recognized those flames.

"And this is my cue to escape." The Doctor hums as he quickly sits in a chair and holds his laptop in his hands as a rocket deploys from his chair and he is propelled through some kind of secret passageway at top speed while laughing out loud. However, my attention is on the creature in front of me.

In front of me is the former hero number two. "Endeavor…" I stammer clenching my fists as I look at a person who was presumed dead after the events of that fateful night months ago. I still have nightmares about not being there on time and I recently got over my trauma thanks to the help of young Isamu-Kun. However, this changes everything.

What have they done to you because of me, Endeavor!

Endeavor's body has completely changed due to the experiments he was subjected to. This has gone too far!

"All Might…" He growls in a thick voice as he flexes his muscles. "I will show you who is the strongest." He says as the temperature in the control room begins to rise sharply and the powerful flames from him begin to swirl behind him, rising higher and higher.

At that moment, a sense of danger spreads through my entire body as the voice of my former teacher, Nana Shimura reaches my ears in the form of a desperate whisper. "RUN!"

Following my instincts, I quickly flexed my legs causing the ground beneath my feet to crack preparing to flee at full speed while the flames behind Endeavor form a huge and majestic creature made of fire...

It's a fucking Hydra.






In the Next Chapters...

Chapter 27 Team Hydra

Chapter 28 You Win or You Die

Chapter 29 Gremlins