You Win or You Die

Chapter 28 You Win or You Die

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My name is Jin Bubaigawara but most know me as Twice and this is the story of how I became part of the amazing and extraordinary evil organization called Hydra led by Child Emperor… A little S-rank villain for fun and my first friend.

1 year ago

*Toc toc toc*

"There's a knock at the door!" I exclaim lying on a sofa reading a comic in this small apartment in an abandoned building while my clones do all the work for me. After unfairly losing my job I started to use my quirk on myself with the purpose of not being alone and finding someone to talk to.

Eventually, I started using my clones for criminal activities… If this society doesn't accept me as I am, then I have nothing to lose.

"Open your!" Exclaims one of my clones pointing to another clone.

"No, open your." Another clone says pointing to another and so on. I just sigh as I stand up and walk with my hands in my pockets to the door. Who could it be?

I then opened the door and on the other side was a little boy in a boy scout uniform looking at me with a smile on his face. What is a little boy doing in an abandoned building? Where are his parents?

"I'm selling Chaos Cookies!" The boy exclaims energetically holding up a box of cookies with a strange symbol on them while his face and uniform are covered in crumbs. This child... He's strange!

"This place is very dangerous for a small child, did you know that?" I whisper, crossing my arms and looking at him carefully.

The kid simply shrugs with a small smile as his eyes light up and he points his hand at several of my clones behind me. "They are clones!" He exclaims happily pushing me aside and brazenly walking into my apartment. This of course caught the attention of all the clones inside.

"Why is a child here?" One of the clones asks.

"Are we parents?" Another clone stutters.

"Your quirk is so cool!" The boy exclaimed with a radiant smile on his face causing a small smile of pride in us. "Jin Bubaigawara, B-rank villain." He hums, nodding his head which causes my body and my clones to tense up.

This kid recognized me… This is bad, I will have to leave this place soon.

"Who are you?" One of my clones asks narrowing his eyes at him.

"I think I should introduce myself properly…" He whispers placing the cookie box on the ground as a little smoke spreads from his shoes. "I'm Child Emperor a villain for fun!" He exclaims raising his fist in the air before pointing at me. "And I would like to invite you to become a part of the Hydra initiative!" He exclaims as confetti shoots out of his backpack all over him.

At that moment, my clones start clapping. I must admit that the boy has style, although I am confused... Very confused. "Aren't you too young to be a villain?" I ask. A villain for fun? It's strange...

"Yes, yes I am." He says with a slight chuckle and gives a thumbs up in my direction.

"You are a strange child." I whisper scratching my head.

"I am not strange!" He exclaims childishly crossing his arms. "Maybe a little… Anyway, you can keep the box of Chaos Cookies, consider it a friendship gift from me." He says waving his hand dismissively. "On the back of the box is my contact information." He says as a crooked smile begins to spread across his face. "However, the cookies are only for the original." He says holding up a finger.

It's the first time in a long time that someone gave me something, even if it's just a box of cookies… this feeling in the bottom of my chest… It's happiness.

"I am the original!" I along with the rest of the clones exclaimed in unison raising our hands.

Oh no.

"Huh." He says scratching his head nervously and backing slowly towards a window as my clones start arguing among themselves. "Hail Hydra!" He exclaims raising his fists in the air before leaping through the window and activating some kind of thruster in his shoes which allowed him to land in the alley below without getting hurt. "Bye-bye!" He exclaims, waving his hand cheekily before quickly running away.

That boy is very strange! Although being strange doesn't mean something bad... Child Emperor...

"Idiots, you scared the kid… He could have been our friend." One of the clones says picking up the box of cookies off the floor like it's a treasure and grabbing one of the cookies.

"Drop that cookie right now! Those cookies are for the original! I am the original!" a clone exclaims.

"Why are they called Chaos Cookies?" asks another clone massaging his chin before his eyes widen.

"Nope! I am the original!" Another clone exclaims pointing to himself desperately holding his head before cloning himself and pointing to the clone holding the cookie box. "Kill that damn impostor!" He exclaims before his clone lunges at the clone holding the cookie box.

The Twice civil war had begun, a fight for supremacy that would have no winners. All for a box of cookies...

Two weeks later.

Since that day I have not cloned myself again and now that I think about it better, this was something that would happen sooner or later. I really am a down-on-luck guy.

Now, I find myself deep in an alleyway with a paper bag covering my face as I hold and stare at the peculiar message inscribed on the back of an empty cookie box between my hands.


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Minutes ago I tried to contact the number listed on the back of the cookie box, however, no one answered my call. "I'm a failure! Nobody cared!" I exclaimed holding my head tightly before sighing.

Maybe I should go see Giran... He might have some work for me.

At that moment, a small figure lands in front of me wearing sportswear and breathing heavily. "Sorry I didn't answer your call, I was in the middle of a soccer game at my school." Child Emperor says quickly taking a deep breath.

At this, I take a couple of steps back with wide eyes. How did he find me?!

"I came as fast as I could and on the way, I think I caused a couple of minor accidents." He says with a slight chuckle as police sirens wail in the distance. "Don't worry about it, I have contingency plans." He says waving his hand dismissively.

"Have you thought about my offer?" He asks with a strange twinkle in his eyes and his hands behind his back looking at me carefully. "On the dark side, we have cookies…lots of cookies." He says holding up a finger as he nods.

"I…" I swallow a lump in my throat.

"It must have been difficult, right?" he asks sighing dramatically. "Society abandoned you, you have no purpose and you are confused… That is the endless cycle of this dark and twisted world." He says extending his small hand to me.

He is right, society abandoned me... The world abandoned me... Everyone abandoned me!

"Take my hand and let's have fun changing the world! Take my hand and come to the dark side! Take my hand and accept your fate!" Child Emperor fervently exclaims. "Take my hand and become my friend." He whispers with a small smile on his face.

Even if it's a lie...

Even if he just wants to manipulate me…

What I so desire in the world...

"A friend…" I whisper, taking his little hand while my happy tears stain the paper bag that covers my face.

After so long... I have a reason to keep going. "Get ready world! Prepare well!" I exclaim clenching my fists. "Because Twice is ready to kick ass! Yesss!" I exclaim raising my fist in the air while a feeling of happiness invades my body.

"Now, I need a small sample of your blood." He says rubbing his hands together with a wicked smile on his face. "You'll just feel a little sting." He says as a giant syringe detaches from his backpack and hovers above him.

This is going to hurt…

"Welcome to the Hydra initiative." He says with a proud smile on his face as the giant syringe lunges at me.



Months later.

The last few months have been the best of my life, I have met a lot of new people and most important of all… Now I have more friends!

In other news, I'm helping Child Emperor on some kind of secret project deep inside a mountain.

"Test number 33 of compound H!" Child Emperor exclaims inside a fully armored room and injects a syringe with a blue liquid into his neck as a crooked smile spreads across his face before his eyes turn red.


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"It's stabilizing!" He exclaims extending his hands forward as a slime-like liquid begins to flow out of his hands. "I made it! I really am a…" is all he says before his body explodes into a thousand pieces along with much of the armored room.




"He lasted 15 seconds longer than the last one." Child Emperor hums watching the remains of his clone disintegrate as he notes the collected data on his laptop before pressing a button on his watch. "Cleaning in armored room number 3." He says as his voice comes through the speakers around us.

"So... Shall we continue?" He asks staring at me as a smile spreads across his face. I will be useful! I will be very useful! My friend is counting on me!

"Of course! Sir, yes sir!" I exclaimed giving a slight military salute before extending a hand forward causing a slime-like liquid to start coming out of my hand thus forming another clone of Child Emperor.

"I'm Child Emperor! Look at me!" The clone exclaims extending its hands dramatically into the air before laughing out loud. All Child Emperor clones are just as strange as him.

"Idiot…" Child Emperor whispered, averting his gaze and hiding a small smile.

Shortly after, the Child Emperor clone enters the armored room number 4 holding a syringe with a blue liquid while a crooked smile spreads across his face.

After all, Child Emperor is trying to replicate my quirk…

"Initiating test number 34 of compound H!"

Or so I think…



Back to the present.

I was definitely an unlucky guy…now, I feel lucky.

I can never repay Child Emperor for what he has done for me. So I will help him fulfill his dream! Even if it costs me my life!

I continue to play my flute fervently while the heroes dance in pairs, embracing to the rhythm of my slow romantic melody. At this, I watch Toga in the distance approaching me and licking her blood-smeared lips while behind her is a pale Midnight who has a pair of fang marks on her neck.

It's time to fulfill our mission!

"Stop! Hizashi!" Eraser Head exclaims as Present Mic's face begins to slowly approach him.

"I can not stop!" Present Mic exclaims in a panic squeezing his eyes shut as he accepts his shameful fate. Then Eraser Head's hand slams into Present Mic's face just in time to stave off the trauma as I suddenly change the tune to a more upbeat one.

It's time to take these heroes to the throne room…and what better way to do it than in style!

At that moment, the heroes raise both hands in the air and give a loud clap before starting to follow me, swinging their bodies down a long, lighted corridor.

"Twice is the Pied Piper!" Toga exclaims happily, swinging her body back and forth in front of the group of heroes as they move single file right behind me.

"You will pay for this!" Snipe exclaims swinging his hat in the air as his other hand slams into Sir Nighteye's butt.

"I will definitely send them to Tartarus." Sir Nighteye growls as his right eye twitches violently.

"Move your ass! With energy! With passion!" Toga exclaims jumping up happily and spreading her hands in the air as an evil smile spreads across her face.

Soon after, we approach a huge blast door while the heroes behind me are exhausted with their bodies dripping with sweat and heavy breaths as they keep swaying their bodies to the beat of my melody. They are on the brink of collapse.

"We have arrived." Toga whispers placing her hand on the huge armored door that leads to the throne room. "On the other side of this door... is my favorite blood." She says blushing.

The large armored door is closed, so a series of passwords is necessary to unlock it. It's time to free the heroes from the control of the melody.


POV Third Person

"Fire and Blood!" Toga exclaims licking her lips.

"Chaos and Fun!" Twice exclaims, stopping playing the flute which causes the heroes to be released from the control of their melody and fall to the ground due to fatigue. The effect of the Boogie Bomb has completely worn off.

"An Infinite Game!" Toga and Twice exclaim in unison causing the door to begin to slowly open as the Game of Thrones opening theme music begins to play from inside.

Twice's quirk only allows him to make two copies at the same time, Toga is the second copy while on the other side of the door is the other copy. However, this is not an ordinary copy...

Then the door was fully opened surprising all the heroes.

"Damn you, Nezu… Just thinking about capturing Child Emperor and making him your student, even thinking about making him a hero." Sir Nighteye whispers shirtless and on his knees as he grits his teeth and watches a small figure sitting on a huge Iron throne in the middle of the great room.

"This is not some fucking cheap novel!" He exclaims in frustration clenching his fists. He knows that by now it is impossible to redeem Child Emperor.

Sitting on the iron throne is the copy of Child Emperor wearing his characteristic gas mask, a World War II-era uniform, a helmet with an H inscribed on it, and a blonde wig. "Do you like my cosplay?" He cheekily asks, standing up and spinning around as a devious smile hides behind his gas mask.

"You! Problem child!" Eraser Head exclaims resting his hands on the ground as he tries to stand up. "You're in a lot of trouble." He growls slowly getting to his feet as he wobbles a bit.

At this, the rest of the heroes begin to slowly rise from the ground through gritted teeth. "We once made the mistake of underestimating you." Midnight says massaging her neck as she makes a face.

"We will not make the same mistake again." Present Mic whispers with a slight bruise on his cheek.

"I think a little old-fashioned discipline will solve this whole situation." Gran Torino chuckled slightly.

"Save your sermons for the original!" The copy of Child Emperor exclaims, crossing his arms. "I'm just a copy created by Twice." He says waving his hand dismissively before pulling out a syringe of blue liquid from his belt. It is Compound H.

"However, being a copy has its benefits." He says smiling cruelly and injecting the H compound into his neck before his eyes turn red causing worried looks from the heroes.

"What the hell are you doing? What was that thing?" Snipe exclaims.

"Strayed sheep must return to the right path." The copy says extending his hands to his sides while a liquid similar to mud begins to come out of his hands, immediately afterward, a dozen Child Emperor clones materialize at his sides. After this, his eyes return to normal.

"Now..." He says taking a seat on the iron throne again as he draws and activates a red lightsaber. "Let's get started." He says with an evil grin on his face as his clones grin cruelly behind their masks.

Then a countdown began on his watch.

"You Win or You Die."


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In the Next Chapters...

Chapter 29 Gremlins

Chapter 30 An Even Fight and Two Angry Women

Chapter 31 A Little Problem

Chapter 32 Deadly Sin