Deadly Sin

Chapter 32 Deadly Sin

"…A Little Problem…"

"I better not ask." It's all that Dabi says before cutting the communication.

"Experiment 626!" Exclaims the scientist standing in front of the titan dog and holding a switch in his hands while a vicious smile spreads across his face. "Kill him!" He exclaims pointing his hand at me before pressing the switch again causing the titan dog to roar in pain looking at me before looking at the scientist and starting to growl.

"I told you to kill him! Obey me you damn monster!" He exclaims, taking a couple of steps back and pressing the switch several times between his hands while sweat begins to run down his face before a bit of drool falls on him.

"Karma is a bitch." I hiss cruelly watching as the huge jaw full of sharp teeth gets closer and closer in the direction of the scientist.

"Wait a second, I refuse to die in this place... Please save me!" The scientist exclaims in a panic with his eyes wide open and extending his hand in my direction before being fiercely devoured causing his hand to fly out in my direction.

"Titan Fatality!" I exclaim wide-eyed and pump my fists in the air with excitement as I watch the huge titan dog munching and gulping down his appetizer.

That was incredible! I really… I really want this titan dog to be my pet! And I'll get it no matter what!

"What a turn of events, huh?" I say with a sly smile on my face and place my hands on my waist as the huge titan dog now snarls and bares his sharp teeth in my direction. He must think that I want to hurt him too. He is scared and confused!

From what I can see the strange collar around his neck is still hurting him, therefore I must neutralize that damn collar quickly. "You must be afraid of humans! Let me help you and I promise you won't regret it!" I exclaimed trying to calm the animal down. However, I fail miserably causing him to start pouncing in my direction with the intention of making me his next appetizer.

"It will be the hard way then." I whisper as my eyes lightly shine before pointing at the huge titan dog with my hands. "Underdog Man!" I exclaim causing my two robotic dogs to run past me and pounce in the direction of the big titan dog.

"Destroy the collar!" I exclaim clenching my fists as one of my robotic dogs is crushed and destroyed by one of the enormous titan's legs. At this, several robotic tentacles are shot from my backpack and wrapped around the titan dog's front legs causing him to lose his balance and crash to the ground.

At that moment, my remaining robotic dog jumps onto the titan dog's neck and holds the huge collar in his robotic hands before his robotic body begins to overheat and turn red. "Self-destruction!" Underdog Man exclaims before exploding in a controlled explosion causing the destruction of the collar without injuring the titan dog.

All this causes the huge dog to lie on the ground breathing heavily right in front of me while his three sets of eyes watch me intently in confusion for having freed him from the evil collar. "Sate, sate, sate." I hum taking a few steps forward with my hands in my pockets before patting the huge dog's head causing him to start shrinking back to his life-size turning into an adorable little puppy.

I guess after destroying the collar he has come to his senses and realized that I don't want to hurt him… After all, he's just a puppy.

"Level complete." I huff, falling to my knees before laying back on the ground while the little cub watches me contemplatively. "Do you want a Chaos Cookie?" I ask pulling a couple of cookies from my pockets before eating one and offering the other to the pup.

At this, the puppy begins to slowly approach my hand before devouring the cookie causing him to start waving his little tail. "They won't hurt you again." I say stroking the head of the little fluffy puppy. I'm sure he can understand me.

In my early childhood, I always wanted to have a pet, a faithful companion who is always by my side no matter what. However, I never got the chance. "Do you… do you want to come with me and use this world as our playground?" I ask hesitantly.

At my question, the pup's eyes glow brightly before he jumps on top of me and starts licking my face. "Stop, you tickle me, hahaha!" I chuckled on the floor pulling the pup away from my face shortly after. "You will need a new name." I whisper massaging my chin.

Experiment 626 is not a good name considering all he had to go through in this place and for some reason, I keep thinking of a blue alien.

Come to think of it, he does have a certain resemblance to… I got it!

"Welcome to the Hydra initiative, Rover." I say with a sly smile on my face as the now-christened Rover barks happily running around me.

And to think that a few moments ago this adorable puppy tried to eat me. Really the best pet that I could wish for.

"Okay, it's time to get out of this place before the heroes or commission members arrive." I whisper exhausted using my robotic tentacles to lift myself off the ground and hover in the air before Rover jumps on top of me and curls up on top of my head.

On our way out of the lab Rover snarls at the oblivious minions around us. "Don't worry boy, they won't hurt you again." I whisper with a dark look on my face.

Soon after, Dabi's figure becomes visible by the destroyed door with his hands in his pockets and looking intently at me before looking over at Rover. "Any serious injuries?" He asks seriously to which I shake my head and he sighs. I guess this is his way of worrying about me.

"All in order?" I ask taking a lollipop out of my pocket before starting to eat it, sweets allow me to think better and recover energy a little faster.

"Some idiots tried to escape… I quickly dealt with them." Dabi says with a shrug as we walk out of the warehouse and I notice some burn spots on the floor along with traces of ash.

It seems that Dabi was taking out his frustrations on these poor bastards. However, I don't blame him… These people are the worst.

If the Hero Commission manages to recover the data stored in the computers that still remain in the laboratory, they will be able to resume these twisted experiments again in another clandestine location.

So the most logical option at this point is to completely destroy the entire lab.

"What are your orders?" Dabi asks narrowing his eyes in the direction of the lab behind us.

I am not a hero, nor am I a vigilante... I am a villain for fun and in my game, I make the rules.


POV Third Person

"Inside that laboratory, there are no humans or animals... only monsters." Child Emperor whispers cryptically licking his lollipop innocently as a vicious smile spreads across Dabi's face.

He perfectly understood what Child Emperor meant.

"Well said." Dabi says cruelly pointing his hands in the direction of the laboratory and using his special gloves with the symbol of Hydra. "Blood and fire!" He exclaims furiously snapping his fingers, this causes a huge explosion of blue fire which begins to consume the lab fiercely.

However, this was not enough for him and he kept snapping his fingers furiously, a snap of fingers followed by an explosion, another snap of fingers followed by another explosion, and finally… "Hail Hydra!" Dabi exclaims snapping the fingers of both hands causing a huge explosion of fire completely destroying what was left of the laboratory in a magnificent spectacle of blue flames.

While this was happening Rover's eyes shone with contemplation and it was at that moment that he knew... That he would accompany and protect this strange little human with all his strength until the end of his days.

A wild Rover has joined the team!


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The accident was later covered up by the Hero Public Safety Commission as a gang fight gone bad and they quickly closed the case.

Sometime later.

With the loss of information in the laboratory computers, any attempt to resume the investigation was in vain until the project was closed by the president of the Heroes Commission.

Unbeknownst to them, Child Emperor used all the data obtained from the laboratory to launch his own research, and with the new technology developed by him and the help of his faithful companion Rover, the results were exceptional.

"Are you ready? You don't have to worry, my calculations are infallible." Child Emperor says pointing to himself with a confident smile on his face before he starts typing rapidly on his computer deep in a secret underground lab.

At this, Rover quickly licks Child Emperor's face before jumping to the ground and heading towards a huge machine with the symbol of Hydra in the distance. Since Rover was rescued, Child Emperor has treated him kindly and has never harmed him, therefore Rover fully trusts the abilities of his favorite human and after this, he knows that he will have many Chaos Cookies to devour.

Chaos Cookies are Rover's favorite food.

"Good boy." Child Emperor whispers with a proud smile on his face before pressing a huge red button.

*Connected to the main Musutafu power grid*

*Full power charge*

*Systems working at 100%*

"Activating the Homunculus-Inator!" He exclaims pulling a lever causing the entire laboratory to light up brightly and causing the city of Musutafu to go without electricity for a few minutes alarming many people and heroes.

"The Deadly Sins project has started."


Back to the present.

Sitting on the Iron Throne is the main clone of Child Emperor cosplaying and responsible for spawning the Chaos Clones as Compound H courses through his veins dooming him to an explosive end in approximately 7 minutes.

"Mirko is already here, which means the rest of the heroes on the outside will be here soon." He hums, watching with division all the chaos unfolding around him as he stands up and adjusts his military uniform before approaching one of the compartments that emerged from the ground around the Iron Throne.

He has a role to play.

"Oh god of chaos, lend me your strength to punish my opponents." He cheekily says taking a futuristic-style rifle from inside the compartment. "Let me spread this wonderful chaos around the world." He says devoutly holding his rifle tight as several holographic screens appear around the rifle before pointing forward.

"And turn this world into my playground!" He exclaims passionately as a crooked grin spreads behind his gas mask before he pulls the trigger.


POV Eraser Head

The enemy has captured Power Loader along with Sir Nighteye and taken them to an unknown location… I couldn't do anything to stop it.

This situation is way beyond us… No matter the planning, the brat is always one step ahead of us with a damn smug grin behind that gas mask of his.

"Shota, watch out!" Present Mic exclaims snapping me out of my thoughts and pushing me to the side allowing me to dodge a laser blast that was coming toward me.

Damn, I lost my concentration for just a moment and I almost paid dearly for it… This can't happen again! At this, I adjust my glasses as Present Mic stands next to me breathing heavily with sweat pouring all over his face before a small smile spreads across his face. "Constant vigilance, huh?" He snorts mocking my slip.

I'm sure he'll be rubbing this in my face for a long time, however, there are more important things right now. "Are you okay?" I seriously ask preparing my capture weapon.

"Yes, I only have some minor injuries… However, for some strange reason, the clones that were attacking me decided to retreat while mentioning something about giant turrets." Present Mic says scratching his head nervously.

At that moment, a childish laugh in the distance immediately catches my attention as my hands tighten on my capture weapon. "There is coming... The main clone." I growl watching a small flying figure rapidly approaching us.

"We all are the jingoes~ oh-oh-oh!" The main clone exclaims, flying quickly towards us holding a strange futuristic rifle in his hands.

"Sonic Boom!" Present Mic exclaims, stepping in front of me before activating his quirk to full power and sending powerful sonic waves in the clone's direction. However, he was not the only hero attacking the flying target.

"You made a grave mistake by not defeating us when we were defenseless!" Snipe exclaims from a distance with both his revolvers smoking and surrounded by a pair of clones who fall to their knees due to a small hole in their heads before beginning to dissipate. "Don't underestimate us!" He exclaims pointing his weapons in the direction of the flying clone before starting to shoot and guide his projectiles with the help of his quirk.

At this, the main clone rises higher and higher and performs some evasive actions in the air, nimbly dodging Present Mic's powerful sonic waves while some projectiles follow him and hit some kind of protective barrier generated around him.

Immediately after, he positions himself directly above us in the air… Headfirst and pointing his rifle at us. "We are in the jungle~ oh-oh-oh!" He exclaims as electricity begins to swirl around his gun and he points it directly at Present Mic before pulling the trigger.

"Nooo!" I exclaim with all my might with bloodshot eyes reaching my hand forward trying to reach Hizashi as I watch everything around me slow down epically.

I will not lose another partner...

In that, memories of my former partner Oboro assail my mind... not again...

I have never believed in the existence of some kind of god, I have always been guided by logic and reason... However, if there really is a god... Please, let me save my friend!

Then as if my prayers were answered, a small but powerful kick smashed into the clone's protective barrier causing the shock wave to send him flying into a pile of rubble in the distance. This, of course, caused the clone to miss the shot and hit just millimeters from Present Mic's feet.

"I saw my life flash before my eyes." Present Mic whispers, his face completely pale as he clenches his trembling fists.

I sigh in relief as my breathing returns to normal and I watch Gran Torino land in front of us. "I'm old, but I can still put up a good fight." He says breathing heavily as beads of sweat stain his old face. He must have reached his limit a long time ago and from what I see he's not the only one.

"Eraser Head, do you have any plans?" Snipe asks quickly approaching us and starting to reload his weapons with live ammunition.

Then the same childish laughter reaches our ears causing our bodies to tense up and keep us on high alert. This clone is undoubtedly more resistant than the others. "It will take more than a small hit to dispel me." He hums from a distance, shouldering his rifle and dusting off his strange military uniform before glancing at his watch.

"Looks like it's time for you guys to face the floor boss." The clone says cruelly causing a chill in our bodies while the ground begins to shake slightly.

In that, a feeling of fury invaded my body. "This is not a game! Your actions have real consequences! Understand it!" I exclaim clenching my fists as the tremors get stronger.

"Oh? And who can stop me?" The clone asks tilting his head slightly mocking us. "I am inevitable!" He exclaims, spreading his arms out theatrically just as the ground below him collapses and a huge creature emerges sending debris everywhere.

What the hell!

"What is happening? The tower is collapsing? Snipe quickly asks in a panic. "I think we should…" is all Snipe says, dropping one of his weapons to the ground with wide eyes.

"I think I'm going to need this." Gran Torino snorts, drawing and activating a small green lightsaber as a challenging grin spreads across his old face.

"Cute little dog…" Present Mic whispers, taking a couple of steps back, watching with wide eyes a huge creature snarling with his sharp teeth in our direction. Two turrets are positioned on the creature's back while a strange and terrifying symbol is present on the creature's forehead.

However, this was only the tip of the iceberg.

In front of us is the main clone of Child Emperor… standing on the massive creature's head alongside Toga and Twice while Power Loader and Sir Nighteye are bound unconscious behind them.

"The boss of this floor is my little puppy! Rover the Sin of Gluttony!" The main clone exclaims as the creature's tail wags erratically as if he's happy before roaring loudly in our direction making the place shake slightly.

"Right/Left Turret Ready!" I hear a couple of childish voices exclaiming from inside the turrets... They are the remaining clones! This is bad… very bad.

"Get ready." I snarl, clenching my grab gun as my fellow heroes prepare to fight for their lives.

Little brat, I really wanted to help you… However… This is beyond my capabilities. Damn problem child!

"Rover!" The main clone exclaims happily, spreading his arms to his sides as bolts of electricity are generated inside the creature's mouth which grows larger and larger.

If I can get out of this… I'm going to need a well-paid vacation away from this little demon.


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To Be Continued...