
Chapter 34 Fuyumi-Sensei

Shortly after walking through the school doors, my brother says goodbye to us and goes to his classroom.

Then, Kacchan and I walked briefly through the corridors and entered our respective classroom, attracting the gaze of everyone present. "Izuku-Kun, Katsuki-Kun, welcome back, class started 15 minutes ago. Something to say?" Our teacher asks, crossing her arms while I start to stutter.

A few months ago our previous teacher suffered a mental breakdown claiming that evil spirits had taken over the school and that we were all being watched from the dark by a demonic entity. The next day a kind and beautiful lady would become our new teacher.

"We... We're sorry, Fuyumi-sensei." I stutter leaning quickly at a 90-degree angle in front of her while Kacchan just whispers something incomprehensible and looks away from her.

"You guys can take a seat." She snorts with a cute little smile on her face as she adjusts her glasses before holding a book in her hands. "Continuing with the lesson..." She says resuming the class.

She really is a good teacher, she really cares about me unlike my previous teachers and she is very cute. At this, my cheeks start to blush as I get closer to my seat... Don't think about it, don't think about it... Bad Izuku, Bad!

"Heh…Nerd." Kacchan quietly teases me as I take a seat and quickly hide my face in one of my notebooks.

What am I supposed to do in these kinds of situations? I want to thank Fuyumi-sensei for being so good to me, however, every time I'm around her I get nervous for some reason…

I really… I really don't know how to talk to a girl!

What would they do in my situation?

"Kacchan would definitely challenge her in a fight to prove who is the strongest…"

"Mom for some reason would give me the embarrassing 'talk' about bees, so that's permanently out of the question…"

"Isamu would probably give her a cookie… Bah! What am I thinking, Isamu is only 9 years old, surely he thinks that girls have lice. However, he has some female fans so I might ask him for advice on how to deal with…" I muttered at incredible speed without noticing my surroundings.

"Hey, nerd...shut up...it's creepy." Kacchan whispers hitting my chair which causes me to stop muttering as my eyes widen.

"Izuku-Kun, is everything okay?" Fuyumi-sensei kindly asks as she watches me carefully before hiding a small smile.

At this, my cheeks turn red as I squeeze my eyes shut. "Hai!" I exclaim praying internally to any deity and wishing to become invisible.


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POV Third Person

Months ago, at the Todoroki residence.

"Ta~Da!" Isamu exclaims happily in his school uniform after having infiltrated one of the Todoroki residence's bathrooms, abruptly interrupting Fuyumi Todoroki's shower.

"Kyaaa!" Fuyumi exclaims in alarm and completely naked before hastily covering herself with a nearby towel as the temperature of the bath drops slightly. "What the hell?! Do you want to give me a heart attack?" She asks confused, controlling her breathing as she looks at the small figure of Isamu smiling in front of her. "Why are you in my bathroom in the first place?" She asks narrowing her eyes in his direction.

"Dabi told me days ago that Fuyumi~Oneechan had something to tell me personally, so here I am." He says innocently with a shrug. "And good? What did you want to tell me? Onee~Chan." He hums, tilting his head slightly and placing a finger on his lip in feigned confusion.

"You're just as cheeky as always." She huffs, massaging her forehead before shaking her head at him, "Could you at least wait until I put some clothes on? It's rude to sneak into a bathroom." she says authoritatively.

"I just wanted to see Fuyumi-Oneechan before leaving for my secret lab…" Isamu says sadly, ducking his head like a kicked puppy. "I guess I can come back next month." He snorts, turning his back on Fuyumi as a shitty grin spreads across his face waiting for her reaction.

Ever since Dabi has reunited with his brothers thanks to Child Emperor's help, Fuyumi has tried to personally thank him for rescuing her family from misery and darkness. She knows perfectly well that he is the reason why her brothers smiled again and Isamu knows it very well.

"Wait!" She exclaimed moving towards him before hugging him. "Sometimes I forget that you are just a child… A strange and unpredictable child." she whispers.

"I'm also adorable... And dangerous." He says puffing out his chest proudly causing a small smile from her.

"Honestly, I wanted to personally thank you for saving Shoto from dad and making my brothers smile again… That is something that is priceless to me." She whispers clenching her fists.

"Even though you trusted us by revealing your true identity and participating in some of our family dinners as an honorary member of our strange family… I haven't had the courage to thank you for everything you've done for us. Even if some people call you a villain… For us, you are and always will be our little hero." She shakily says hugging Isamu tighter.

"Anything you need... whatever it is... I'm willing to do it." She says determinedly. For her the happiness of her family is priceless and if it means getting involved in some of Child Emperor's plans, she will do it with a smile on her face.

"Anything?" Isamu asks innocently with a twinkle in his eyes engulfed in her embrace before looking straight into her eyes like a little puppy. At Isamu's tender gaze, she nods with fervor and determination.

"You said so…" Isamu whispers as a mischievous smile spreads across his small face. "In that case, I'll make you pay me with…" He says licking his lips before gently holding Fuyumi's cheeks.

"…With your body."




"With my... huh?" Fuyumi stammered in a panic with her face flushed red and backed up a few steps as she tightly gripped the towel covering her naked body before comically slipping and falling to the ground.

"Fuyumi~Oneechan, you're quite right, only an altruist does things selflessly." Isamu says with a predatory smile on his face as he approaches her. "It's the law of equivalent exchange." He hums, crouching in front of her. "I lighten your burden…" He says intertwining his hands with Fuyumi's trembling hands.

"…In exchange, I'll take…" He whispers seductively leaning closer to her face causing Fuyumi's breath to quicken and her heart to pound as the temperature in the bath begins to drop rapidly.

"…Your work." Isamu says brightly with a beaming smile before helping her up off the ground to her surprise.

"...What?..." It's all Fuyumi can say swallowing a lump in her throat and in confusion after what she just went through.

"What a relief." Isamu snorts dramatically. "My brother's teacher had a mental breakdown at school today after seeing something he shouldn't have seen." He says waving his hand dismissively. "And considering you have teaching experience, you're the ideal replacement." He says nodding his head.

"So that's what you meant..." She whispered internally with relief and looked away as the temperature in the bathroom returned to normal which was not lost on Isamu.

"Did you think I meant something dirty?" Isamu asks with a mischievous smile placing his hands behind his back and swaying on himself as Fuyumi's eyes widen and her face turns red with embarrassment again.

"You're wrong… It's just…" She stammers rapidly before being pointed accusingly and interrupted by Isamu.

"Onee~chan, you pervert." Isamu hums shaking his finger reproachfully as his eyes sparkle with amusement enjoying seeing Fuyumi covering her face with her hands.

"However, I'll let your inappropriate behavior go if you promise to help my brother in school, he needs a push to come out of his shell and develop social skills with people of the opposite sex." Isamu says looking closely at Fuyumi. "After all, Izuku is still Izuku... My nervous and dramatic big brother." He whispers with a small smile on the curve of his lips before looking away quickly.

"Toya warned me that you would try to get into my head and manipulate me in any way imaginable at the first opportunity... You really are a strange and unpredictable child who enjoys the chaos around you." Fuyumi snorts with a small smile on her face before ruffling Isamu's hair. "But at the same time, you are an extraordinary child who cares about his family even if you don't want to admit it." She whispers leaning forward and kissing his cheek like she did in the past when her brothers were smaller and more adorable.

"I suppose you will get along with my brother." Isamu snorts with his arms crossed as she kisses him sweetly on the cheek.

At that moment, footsteps are heard from the other side of the bathroom door as the door handle slowly turns. "Nee-san, is everything okay? I heard screams…" Shoto monotonously says opening the bathroom door and instantly his eyes widen as he observes his sister next to Isamu in the bathroom.

So like every hormonal teenager, Shoto quickly came to a conclusion. "Sorry for my intrusion!" He exclaims quickly, his face completely red and steaming before abruptly shutting the door and running off into his room.

"Huh? How strange, I thought Shoto would be happy to see you… Why did he run away?" Fuyumi asks in confusion scratching her head.

"By my calculations, he misread the situation, in addition to the fact that your towel is not where it should be." Isamu says with an innocent smile looking her up and down before pointing to a towel on the floor next to her. Due to the previous situation, she didn't realize that she had dropped her towel, so she was completely naked.

"Because... Because you didn't tell me before..." She stutters blushing, covering her private parts with her hands before picking up the towel from the floor and covering herself with the towel again.

"You said so, Fuyumi~Oneechan... Or should I say... Fuyumi~Sensei." Isamu hums happily as an evil grin begins to spread across his small face. "I love chaos!" He exclaims dramatically raising both fists in the air.

"Oh no... Shoto!" She exclaims with wide eyes realizing her terrible carelessness before rushing out of the bathroom. "Shoto, wait! This is not what it seems!"

After this, Isamu quickly left the Todoroki residence with a satisfied smile adorning his face. "Oh, my little big brother... I wonder how you'll deal with a sweet teacher who cares about you." Isamu hums lightly touching his cheek where he was kissed.

"It will be uncomfortably fun to watch! Hah!"


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To Be Continued...