Game Over

Chapter 36 Game Over

POV Third Person

As chaos quickly spreads around the world, the headmaster of Japan's most prestigious school of heroes sits quietly meditating in his office, holding his cup of tea and trying to piece together all the pieces of this twisted game.

Attempts to contact the assault group have failed as have attempts to contact the Hero Commission. "This game... It's very curious." Nezu whispers taking a sip of his tea.

At that moment, the professional hero and U.A professor, Cementoss enter the office with a dark look on his face. "Principal, according to his instructions no student was allowed to leave the school, the general education, support, and administration students were escorted by the available teachers into the auditorium where they will remain safe until the situation improves outside." Cementoss seriously says.

"Security robots along with some staff members are conducting patrols around the entire perimeter of the school, so only an idiot would attempt to attack this place." Cementoss snorts scratching his head.

"However, I am concerned about the students from the heroic department, they are currently in their internships… I can't imagine the harsh situation they must be facing outside right now." Cementoss whispers clenching his fists in frustration and helplessness knowing that his students are in danger.

"A hero's path will always be fraught with difficulties and it is these difficulties that strengthen the resolve of a true hero... In the midst of adversity, they must prevail, learn from their mistakes and push their limits." Nezu says nodding his head and looking directly at Cementoss.

"And with Child Emperor directing the forces of chaos behind the scenes… The future is bewildering." Nezu hums taking another sip of tea and watches with amusement as Cementoss's eyes widen at this news.

"Nezu, you as well as I saw the unfortunate end of that live broadcast." Cementoss says clenching his fists. "Captain Celebrity psycho pierced that kid's chest and unleashed this whole shit storm!" He exclaims angrily before taking a deep breath and calming down.

Cementoss, like many other people, was affected after witnessing the end of the live broadcast. Even though Child Emperor was rated as an S-rank Villain by the hero commission, many people and heroes still had hopes of catching him and reforming him… After all, he was just a little kid playing the villain.

A child with unimaginable potential.

However, the unfortunate end of the live broadcast took the heroes and much of the world by surprise... except for Nezu.

"And tell me... Did you notice anything out of the ordinary in the last moments of the transmission?" Nezu hums as Cementoss shakes his head slowly before Nezu replays the last moments of the broadcast on his computer.

"When the Warhammer hit Captain Celebrity's aerodynamic barrier, a small but powerful explosion of smoke and dust was produced, which completely covered Child Emperor for a few seconds." Nezu says, taking another sip of tea before continuing.

"Immediately after, Child Emperor's backpack disappeared and that's not all." Nezu hums pointing out the way Child Emperor was dragging the Warhammer across the ground as he approached the unconscious Captain Celebrity. "For some reason, the Warhammer increased in weight or Child Emperor became weaker in a matter of seconds, not to mention that his clothes did not show signs of prolonged combat." Nezu chuckles slightly.

"Principal, what are you trying to say?" Cementoss asks hesitantly as a sinking feeling begins to spread through his body.

At this, Nezu places his cup of tea on his desk. "Child Emperor is undoubtedly still alive and from what I can gather he has attacked the Hero Commission facility and taken control of the emergency broadcast system to incite further chaos." Nezu says seriously clasping their hands on the table while he watches a peculiar popup window on his computer.

"How can you be so sure of this?" Cementoss asks, impressed by Nezu's deductive ability.

"The answer is very simple, Cementoss. It's something I would do." Nezu says ominously as an evil grin begins to spread across his face.

"And we're the next target." Nezu says with an amused glint in his eye as the lights in his office flicker and dozens of pop-ups appear on his computer.


*Virus detected*


*Virus detected*


*Virus detected*


*Red-King.Exe Detected *


"Over the last few months, I have implemented improvements in the security system of this school waiting for this moment." Nezu says with a predatory grin pressing a secret red button on the bottom of his desk before starting to laugh like a lunatic as a gamepad emerges from a compartment on his desk.

*Initiating all defensive computer protocols*

"Now... Begin the counterattack." Nezu whispers, taking the gamepad and pressing the start button as if all this were a video game… A video game where the total control of the school of heroes will dispute.

*Nezu-Destroyer antivirus has been run*


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Then all of the hero school's security robots ceased functions and their robotic eyes began to erratically change color between red and blue, worrying the entire staff as a battle raged in cyberspace.


POV Isamu

Moments before the end of the live broadcast.

From the sound of Rover's grunts and the explosions in the distance I have to assume that Eraser Head's group is getting closer and closer to the amphitheater, so it's only a matter of time before they surround me. It's time to execute my evil master plan!

Millions of people around the world are watching me without knowing that they are being used… Well, I have planted the seeds of hatred in their hearts thanks to my dramatic monologues rehearsed in front of my bedroom mirror.

And throughout the broadcast, that seed has been nurtured into a vine around the hearts of many people. In this world where sad and dramatic backstories abound… I will use those stories to my advantage.

I really am an evil and manipulative little shit for what I'm about to do… And I love it!

"Ragnarok!" I exclaim with a crooked grin from behind my gas mask as my electrically coated Warhammer impacts the already weakened protective barrier of this world's poor imitation Homelander. This causes a small crater in the ground before the barrier collapses and he is hit hard by the Warhammer in his stomach sending him rolling on the ground away from me.

At this, the cameras controlled by The Red King focus on the unconscious Captain Celebrity as dust and smoke cover me completely before a small figure epically emerges from the crater in the ground in front of me.

The moment my Warhammer flew into the amphitheater, it also brought with it one of the clones that was in the throne room fighting against the heroes. At this, he remained hidden in the subterranean passageways that have not yet collapsed under the arena of the amphitheater waiting for the right moment to emerge.

We both share a brief but meaningful look before bumping our fists together. "It's time to turn the world upside down." We both whisper in unison with a cruel smile as he takes my Warhammer and I quickly jump into the crater. No more words are needed… He is my clone therefore he knows what to do.

Operation London Bridge is Falling Down had begun.

Once in the underground passage, I tuned in to the live broadcast through a small holographic screen generated by my watch and began to move under the fighting arena.

Shortly after, I watch through the small holographic screen as my clone hums and drags the Warhammer across the floor getting closer and closer to the unconscious Captain Celebrity.

Hawks, of course, try to convince my clone with a silly morality speech… The irony almost makes me burst out laughing. Then, my clone pretending to be a good kid drops the Warhammer on the ground very close to Captain Celebrity and turns around. "Don't worry, Keigo-Niisan... I have everything under control." My clone hums, bowing slightly to the camera.

"Showtime." I whisper pressing a button on my watch which causes the Warhammer to emit a small and imperceptible electrical current traveling through a special metal alloy in the ground and impacting Captain Celebrity who wakes up abruptly.

"Let's see the sea together!" My clone exclaims dramatically before Captain Celebrity's remaining fist pierces his chest, traumatizing many people... It should be noted that Hawks' piercing screams did not help the situation much before the transmission is interrupted by my artificial intelligence.

The Red King knows what to do, he has his orders deep in his programming code, and I have complete confidence in his abilities.

At this, I quickly return to the surface through a small hole and appear right behind a pitiful Hawks kneeling on the ground emitting a powerful killing intent as he tightly grips his lightsaber and his eyes are bloodshot.

"Valar~Morghulis." My clone shamelessly hums before dissolving under the incredulous gaze of Captain Celebrity and Hawks.

"I told you I had everything under control." I casually whisper with a shitty grin behind Hawks before snapping my fingers.

Then, numerous holographic screens begin to appear around us, reproducing the reactions of a large crowd of people after the live broadcast ended.

"What the hell is going on?" Captain Celebrity grunts, glancing rapidly at the holographic screens around him where people despise and insult him as well as the Hero Commission. He just realized his situation. "This can't be real, no, no, no." He whispers over and over again looking at his trembling hand stained with a slime-like liquid.

"Child Emperor… what have you done?" Hawks asks weakly watching the chaos rapidly spreading through many cities.

"I may have caused anarchy in much of Japan and many cities around the world." I say scratching my head innocently before pulling out a small taser from my backpack as Hawks's eyes narrow in my direction.

"But everything will be back to normal when you wake up!" I exclaimed happily shooting him in the chest quickly causing an electric current to spread through his entire body and he fell unconscious to the ground. "Possibly…" I whisper, laughing slightly.

It's very possible that Hawks doesn't approve of my unorthodox methods and interferes in some way, so the most logical option is to quickly neutralize him... After all, the benefits outweigh the losses. Eventually, he will thank me.

"You… you used us all this time." Captain Celebrity whispers, watching me intently with his crazed eyes as a powerful explosion completely destroys one of the walls of the amphitheater causing the whole place to start shaking heavily before Rover's roars and turret shots get louder.

"Playtime is over, I had a lot of fun playing with you... However, it's time to pick up the toys and your purpose has ended." I hum slowly moving closer to him as his eyes widen in terror.

"You are not a child… Tell me! Who the hell are you?!" He exclaims taking a couple of steps back trying to generate an aerodynamic barrier around him and failing miserably because his body has reached the limit.

"Who am I really?" I hum, stopping at a safe distance before lowering my gas mask to my neck, revealing my childlike face. "I'm just a cute, innocent kid playing the villain." I say innocently placing a finger on my lips while tilting my head slightly in apparent confusion.

"And I plan to have a lot of fun causing all kinds of chaos around me!" I exclaim happily, spreading my arms out theatrically before a crooked smile begins to spread all over my face, completely destroying the innocent facade. "Unfortunately for you, this is a…" I callously say with a thumbs down in Captain Celebrity's direction as my eyes sparkle with amusement and I cover my face with my gas mask again.

"Game Over."

At that moment, a small flying figure cosplaying Tanya Degurechaff with a rifle slung over his shoulder crashes into Captain Celebrity's back. "I have little time." My main clone hums, wrapping his little arms around Captain Celebrity's neck. "I caught you." He whispers sinisterly.

"What?... When?" Captain Celebrity asks confused and wide-eyed after being surprised by not noticing his surroundings. "Get off me, dammit!" He exclaims in a panic using his remaining hand to try to free himself, however, he has reached his limit and fails miserably.

"It's a great honor! They say this is a good way to die…" My clone hums activating his rocket shoes which causes him and Captain Celebrity to be launched at full speed across the destroyed ceiling into the sky. "There is nothing more fun!" He exclaims happily before starting to laugh out loud as they rise higher and higher.

The time of my main clone is coming to an end, due to the compound H that runs all over his body and there is only one inevitable but spectacular end.

"Damned demon child!" Captain Celebrity exclaims with all his might and with wide eyes.

"Hail Hydra..." Is all my clone says before his eyes turn red indicating the...



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…Game Over.

To Be Continued...