Chaotic Symphony! Part 1!

Chapter 43 Chaotic Symphony Part 1

Shortly after the collapse of the Tower of Chaos...

"David Shield has ordered a withdrawal to the affected cities!"

"We have to go back to the cities!"

"Damn! Where the hell is All Might?!"

"I can not continue with this! This is a nightmare!"

"The operation failed!"

As the screams were heard throughout the entire Forest of Chaos, a small group of heroes led by Ectoplasm still did not give up.

"I will describe our latest strategy." Ectoplasm says seriously generating numerous clones around him and drawing the attention of the small group of heroes who were helplessly watching the dust rising in the distance as a result of Rover's unstoppable advance.

To one side of Ectoplasm was Kamui Woods holding a small crumpled page of paper while Pixie-Bob, Tiger, Wash, and other lesser-known heroes stood in front of them.

"I will charge the titanic dog using my clones along with Pixie-Bob's Earth Beasts." Ectoplasm says throwing a backpack on the ground with some smoke bombs and flares. "Naturally we will be easy targets, so we will shoot these smoke bombs and flares around us to decrease their visibility as much as possible." He says clenching his fists while a childish laugh along with some explosions is heard throughout the forest causing chills to some of the heroes present.

"While we draw their attention, Kamui Woods will neutralize the titanic dog and capture the enemy forces…. This is the plan." Ectoplasm says causing many of those present to widen their eyes in astonishment.

"What?" Kamui Woods asks confused and involuntarily squeezing the piece of paper in his hands before Pixie-Bob throws up a bit on the ground.

Pixie-Bob is still in shock after Mandalay was badly injured and later rushed to the nearest hospital, for which Pixie-Bob blames herself for being so incompetent in her matchup against Water Hose.

***Note 48: Just like kittens, Pixie-Bob's weakness is water, fighting in very wet terrain will make it almost impossible to manipulate the earth, so it is recommended to use support items to compensate for this weakness. ***

She still remembers the strange envelope that she received days ago when she was checking the mail from her fans, the inside of the envelope contained some pages where an exhaustive analysis of her quirk was carried out. The analysis was correct, and she knew full well that if she had gotten a support element, Mandalay might not have been badly hurt.

"Ectoplasm, you could be seriously injured or even worse if you attack that gigantic creature head-on." Tiger growls looking directly at Ectoplasm, the plan is too risky and everyone knows it.

"Wash..." Wash says weakly implying his opinion as he uses his Quirk to disinfect the superficial wounds of those present.

"If we let Child Emperor escape, this situation and many more will be repeated without a doubt! This is our last chance to change the course of this operation! The fate of Japan depends on us!" Ectoplasm exclaims without giving rise to any further protest. "Everyone get ready immediately!

Thus began a desperate plan to try to stop Child Emperor.


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Minutes later…

*** Note 73: Being able to manipulate the earth, Pixie-Bob's potential is limitless and even with a large amount of earth around her, she could create a large dome of earth capable of trapping villains with growth quirks. However, using this move without training could possibly cause the emitter to collapse, so it should only be used in extreme situations. ***

At the top of a cliff stood Pixie-Bob breathing heavily, her face drenched in sweat and her hands rooted to the ground. "This… This is definitely an extreme situation." Pixie-Bob snorts, staring wide-eyed at the huge dome of land in the distance created by her before her vision darkened and she blacked out.

Behind her stood Tiger with a small group of volunteer heroes staring in fascination at the huge dome of earth created in the distance, some of them had pale faces while others could only clench their teeth and fists.

"You did well kitty, Mandalay would be proud of you." Tiger whispers, clenching his fists in frustration as the hero Wash floats Pixie-Bob into a soap bubble and places her next to an injured Ectoplasm before continuing to disinfect the wounds and apply first aid.

"However, now it is our turn." Tiger growls releasing great pressure as his eyes quiver causing the heroes around him to tense up. Mandalay, Ragdoll, Pixie-Bob… He's supposed to protect them. However, another of his kittens collapsed right in front of him causing Tiger's fury to break loose.

"We will support Kamui Woods and end this nightmare once and for all!" Tiger exclaims before roaring loudly and charging toward the huge earth dome in the distance followed by a small group of heroes.

Shortly after, a figure passed between them at full speed, completely ignoring the presence of the heroes and charging everything in his path. "But what the hell!" A hero exclaims with wide eyes before being rammed and crashing into a tree.

"Muscular! SMASH!" Muscular exclaims, ramming all in his path with a crooked smile on his face as he heads toward the huge dome of land in the distance. "The brat must be slowly and painfully crushed!"

Inside the earthen dome.

Rover was roaring loudly, whereupon a red electrical current began to swirl around his mouth in preparation to fire a powerful ball of energy that would destroy everything around him.

"Calm down, boy… We don't want to vaporize Twice." Child Emperor babbles with puffy cheeks sitting on top of Rover's head with a jar of cookies between his legs before picking up another cookie and quickly devouring it to regain energy as Rover calls off the attack and quickly calms down.

"Good boy." He says throwing a cookie at his titanic pup who has thick roots wrapped around his gigantic paws. "Don't worry about those roots, they can't hurt you or hold you back, however, we'll make Kamui Woods think they can." Child Emperor hums slyly.

Child Emperor knows that by making Kamui Woods think that his roots can hold Rover, he will continue to maintain rigorous control of those roots. This will cause Kamui Woods to weaken faster due to the excessive use of his quirk and thus preventing him from using all his concentration against Child Emperor.

"The time has come for the grand finale of my exciting and chaotic adventure in this forest, an ending that none of the heroes will ever forget." Child Emperor hums happily, taking the last two cookies from a small secret compartment in the bottom of the jar and standing up.

"But first, I have to secure Twice." He whispers playing with the pair of cookies in his hands as a small wicked grin spreads across his face before he licks his lips and puts his gas mask back on.

"Then heroes will fall at the snap of my fingers and a beautiful symphony conducted by me will spread through the forest."


POV Kamui Woods.

*** Note 12:Kamui Woods can control the size and wood of his body, but… can he control the roots? The wood of the trees? What is really the limit of that quirk? Just thinking about the answer scares me.

However, theoretically, it's not impossible, if a part of his body produces a large amount of wood and buries it in the ground, this wood could start to spread throughout the underground and take the villains by surprise. Even he could become integrated with the roots around him... Although for the moment, it is only a theory based on the information available on the internet. ***

When I received an envelope in the mail, I thought it would be one of the many letters my fans send me, however, it came as quite a surprise when the contents turned out to be a comprehensive analysis of my quirk.

In the following days, I dedicated myself to training based on the information provided by the notes, for which I quickly reached a conclusion... The person who carried out this analysis is a professional.

The person who mailed me this treasure without asking for anything in return, whoever he is, be it a retired hero or a scholar who graduated from a prestigious university. I will personally thank him once this disastrous operation is over and I will even recommend him to Director Nezu, such skill in the analysis will make this person a valuable resource for the heroes.

"However, I have to get out of here alive first." I whisper wide-eyed, watching a robotic tentacle inch from my face before it falls limp to the ground after being sliced in half by the dome of earth in front of me.

My breathing is heavy and my heart is pounding as one of Child Emperor's henchmen lies unconscious over my shoulder. During my hero career, I have faced countless challenges and even rigorously fought the cannibalistic Moonfish and prevailed when my fellow heroes fell injured.

Now I am facing an unpredictable and much more dangerous enemy, capable of unleashing chaos around him with his mere presence... It turns out that the incarnation of chaos is a small child and that scares me.

However, under my feet, I am generating large amounts of wood and roots which extend underground to the inside of the dome where the huge creature is supposed to be held by my roots. All this while I'm still generating more roots and pieces of wood, which wrap around the creature's paws and slowly begin to spread out.

Therefore, if I continue to maintain control of the roots, I will completely cover the huge creature in no time, leaving Child Emperor defenseless. "I just have to hold on a little longer and this will all be over." I whisper through clenched teeth as the extensive use of my quirk begins to take its toll on my body.

Then a small but powerful explosion shakes the ground dome and the surroundings causing my eyes to widen in panic and I jump back dodging some debris as a small part of the dome collapses exposing a small hole.

Immediately after, I begin to hear small footsteps before a small but menacing figure emerged from the dust.


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"Hi, Kamui~San… Could you give Twice back to me? Please." Child Emperor asks innocently spinning a cookie between his fingers. "I'm even willing to offer my last cookie in exchange for his release." He says happily and nods enthusiastically before tossing the cookie into the air in my direction.

After all, I guess he's just a kid… No! I can't be fooled by his innocent facade! He is trying to manipulate me! "Give up or else I'll use force! This is your last chance!" I exclaimed extending my roots underground towards the exact direction of him with the intention of taking him by surprise and catching him while the cookie falls a few meters from me.

"Sorry, I promise not to let my guard down again." He says scratching the back of his head and chuckling slightly, as a chainsaw and several robotic tentacles immediately emerge from his backpack and hover protectively over him before he starts running towards me.

Then a very distinctive little sound not far from me instantly draws my attention causing my eyes to widen and my body to shudder.

It's a countdown! The cookie!





In the next chapter: Chaotic Symphony! Part 2: Endgame

Don't miss the grand finale of this arc!

Hail Hydra!!!