Fight or Run!


AN: Don't be afraid! I am here with a new chapter! And as compensation... Enjoy this exclusive AMV of this wonderful fanfic! Available for free on Patreon and Youtube.

***This music video may contain spoilers of some chapters published on Patreon*** (Evil laugh)

Now... Ladies and gentlemen, let's get on with the show!


POV Isamu

"Hello... Izuku Midoriya."

I sinisterly hum with my characteristic distorted voice produced by my voice modulator, focusing my attention in the distance right on my older brother, causing his whole body to tense up and his eyes to widen in panic.

This of course also causes Bakugo's eyes to widen in surprise and Lemillion's gaze immediately turns to my brother, searching for some explanation. However, Izuku is clearly confused and terrified, without any kind of explanation.

All this while Toga covers her mouth with both hands, doing her best to appear astonished and confused… With Toga Posing as me, no one would theorize that Isamu Midoriya and Child Emperor are actually the same person.

Given this, I continue my little monologue. "Confused? Maybe this will refresh your memory, little quirk analyst, he~he." I hum with a sly smile spreading behind my gas mask before pulling out of my pocket a crumpled piece of paper that I took from Kamui Woods when he was knocked unconscious.

A piece of paper that Izuku recognized very well, after all, he was the one who wrote it. "Quirk analysis of Kamui Woods by Izuku Midoriya." I enunciate slowly with a firm, cutting tone, emphasizing each word as I wave the piece of paper in the air mockingly.

This revelation sends Izuku back a few steps in complete shock, his breathing ragged as he desperately tries to understand how I was able to obtain this analysis. "It's impossible... No, no, no... Only Kamui Woods was supposed to have access to that content." Izuku mutters, clenching his fists tightly before looking at me helplessly and swallowing a lump in his throat. "You shouldn't have that analysis on your hands!" He exclaims in a panic, his tone seemingly annoyed but clearly dominated by fear in his shaky voice.

I just shrugged. "I defeated Kamui Woods and among his belongings, I found this interesting quirk analysis... So by right of conquest, this is now mine." I say cheekily waving my hand dismissively, taking a few steps forward as my mechanical wings audibly rumble generating powerful currents of electricity around them.

I must admit that the design of these mechanical wings is slightly inspired by the wings of a certain Marvel character, obviously with a personal touch and some improvements for my comfort… And by some improvements I mean big improvements.

After all, a few feet from me is Suneater kneeling on the ground, breathing heavily with his back to me with several visible cuts and burns on his arms and legs, with bits of tentacles scattered around him. This after being a victim of my powerful and sharp combat wings that took him by surprise.

Luckily for him, his injuries are not as serious as they seem, since he used his Quirk to protect himself at the last second, covering some areas of his body with a thick protective layer. However, it will take a few days for him to walk and move his limbs properly again. Definitely, the programming of my combat wings is dangerous.

Although, due to my magnificent and flashy landing, the local heroes and riot officers scattered throughout the city must now be mobilizing toward my position, thus, I have limited time to complete my extravagant personal mission. How challenging! Waku~Waku!

"The observations described in this analysis are truly astounding. I even experienced a little difficulty dodging the roots of Kamui Woods, demonstrating the effectiveness of these notes." I say laughing slightly, crushing the analysis in my hands until it becomes a ball of paper and throwing it forcefully into the air.

"In short, Izuku Midoriya, that makes you…" I uttered cruelly with a sly smile spreading across my face, pointing my finger at Izuku and releasing strong killing intent to emphasize my words. All this, while a strong electrical current is quickly concentrated at the tips of my mechanical wings, causing a powerful yellow electrical discharge to shoot out and explode the paper ball in midair.

"…In a potential threat to me."

Just as Lex Luthor needs Superman and the Joker needs Batman... I need a worthy opponent, therefore, I want Izuku to take that place and become a great challenge for me. Even if I have to manipulate the situation and give him a little nudge in the right direction.

How to train your Superhero 101!

My words immediately caused different expressions on Lemillion's, Bakugo's, and especially Izuku's faces, ranging from helplessness, fear, anger, and despair… But even so, I'm sure that behind Izuku's expression, a strong determination is hidden. A determination that I will make shine!

"However!" I exclaimed happily, dispelling the tense atmosphere. "You could also become a valuable ally." I say enthusiastically, nodding my head energetically before striking a dramatic pose.

"Join me Izuku and together we will rule the galaxy!" I exclaim cheekily, clenching my fist tightly and trying not to laugh out loud. "Accept the darkness in your heart and become a villain!" I end with an evil laugh that I couldn't help but contain.

My provocation turns out to be very effective, after all, I know my older brother very well. Izuku's reaction was almost immediate, clenching his teeth hard and taking a firm step forward before staring at me with sweat pouring down his face.

"NEVER!" Izuku exclaims at the top of his lungs breathing heavily. "My dream is to become a hero and I am not going to let down the people who believed in me! Not now, not never!" He exclaims with determination, clenching his trembling fists tightly, as a proud smile spreads across my face.

Lemillion's gaze brightened slightly at this, which caused a small smile to appear on his face again. Meanwhile, Bakugo was watching Izuku carefully and a certain degree of respect in his eyes before clenching his fists tightly and directing his gaze toward me, showing an expression of anger all over his face.

Seems like I just hurt Bakugo's pride by considering Izuku a bigger threat than him. Little Bakugo~ You're so predictable...

"Dammit! And me what?! Are you looking down on me you fucking brat?! I am the real deal! I will be the next number 1 hero! Do you hear me?!" Bakugo exclaims completely furious and indignant, generating small explosions with his hands before pointing his trembling hands in my direction quickly. "I am also a real threat and I will show you!"

Bakugo's explosive and competitive personality never ceases to amaze me... Making him an excellent human detonator for my amusement. The nickname that I gave Bakugo definitely does him justice... BAKA!

"DIE!" He exclaimed at the top of his lungs, unleashing a powerful explosion in my direction without considering the consequences of his reckless actions. This causes him to fall to the ground with wide eyes as a result of the strong recoil from his powerful explosion under the stunned gaze of Izuku and Lemillion. The blast from him was more powerful than he expected.

"Kacchan Nooo!"


"Huh?" Bakugo asks in confusion before his eyes widen in panic, realizing something very important… Suneater will also be caught in the explosion. "Fuck! Get out of the way, octopus boy!" He exclaims with his broken voice and his face completely pale.

As the saying goes... If life gives you lemons... Make delicious lemonade and throw it in your opponents' faces!

At that moment, a trembling and weakened Suneater desperately tries with all his might to his feet to no avail with terror visible all over his face. All this while I epically stand between him and the mighty blast with a crooked grin behind my gas mask before my mechanical wings quickly wrap around us, shielding us from the mighty blast.

"Hahaha! 0% damage! This level is very easy!" I exclaim raising my fists in the air victoriously and flaunting my fantastic mechanical combat wings.

Although it should be noted that they still don't have the necessary experience to face me... But with intense training and strong motivation, I am completely sure that they will become very powerful in the future. What illusion!

At this, I hug myself with a radiant smile, rocking from side to side with an intense gleam in my eye thinking of all the possibilities within my reach, while ashes from the powerful explosion are scattered into the air.


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In the distance, Izuku and Lemillion snort in relief, as Bakugo falls to his knees with a shaky breath, looking down at his trembling hands with fear plastered across his face at nearly killing someone with his quirk. "I... I'm sorry." He stammers through clenched teeth. I hope he learns from his mistakes and maybe in the future, he will become an interesting challenge for me.

"You… saved me." Suneater mutters weakly with difficulty, very confused and his eyes wide with surprise.

"Umm… I don't think that's the correct term." I reply with a predatory grin from behind my gas mask as a robotic tentacle slowly emerges from my pack.

"What?" He stutters in confusion before my robotic tentacle immediately wraps itself tightly around him, abruptly suspending him in the air and making him spit out some blood with a grunt of pain.

"Release Tamaki this instant!" Lemillion exclaims, taking the initiative and starting to run towards me with a determined look on his face and ready to use his quirk at any moment. I won't let him use his quirk to get close to me!

"Okay!" I exclaim happily posing like I'm a professional pitcher, extending my arm back as my robotic tentacle syncs with my arm movement. "Catch him!" I exclaim with enthusiasm, swinging my arm forward with force as if I were throwing an invisible ball. Thus causing Suneater to be thrown at full speed against Lemillion.

Lemillion was forced to suspend the activation of his quirk and extend his arms forward as the only option, planting his feet firmly on the ground and flexing his muscles before Suneater slammed into him. As a result of the impact, both of them abruptly fell to the ground and rolled back a few meters.

Right after, Lemillion slowly stands up, wobbling a bit and with some visible bruises on his body, while Suneater lies on the ground beside him breathing heavily. "Mirio... I really should have gone home." Suneater whispers with a small smile, slowly closing his eyes before going completely unconscious under the stunned gaze of Izuku, Bakugo, and especially Lemillion.

"Tamaki..." Lemillion whispered shakily, looking at his unconscious friend before clenching his fists tightly and directing his intense gaze at me... With a completely angry expression. "Child Emperor..." He growls clenching his teeth.

"Where did your smile go, hero?" I ask innocently, balancing on myself without waiting for any answer. "Come on smile! Smile for me!" I mockingly exclaimed before waving my hand dismissively. He must be very worried about his friend…

"Your friend will be fine…" I hum, glancing slightly at Suneater's injured and unconscious body in the distance before wincing. "Umm, 50/50." I mutter, waving my hand with a gesture of uncertainty.

A few days in the hospital and he'll be like new! And I was even careful not to hurt him too much!

"You really are evil." Lemillion snorts, shaking his head in disappointment before turning his gaze behind him. "You guys have to get out of here quickly and find Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi, he shouldn't be too far from here and is possibly assembling a strike force to deal with Child Emperor." He says seriously, quickly turning his attention to Izuku and Bakugo.

"Explain the situation to him and I'm sure he will do everything possible to protect the three of you, while I…" Lemillion stopped his explanation suddenly, realizing something very important. "Izuku... where is your brother?"

Those words loaded with worry and helplessness on Lemillion's part caused Izuku and Bakugo to tense up. "My little brother? He's right behind us…" Izuku stammers, slowly turning around along with Bakugo. The anticipation builds more and more in them before noticing that no one is behind them.

Due to the constant distractions, Toga managed to slip away undetected, causing Izuku and Bakugo to panic. However, all this was just part of a contingency protocol established for this kind of situation.

"Surprise attack!" Toga exclaims, impersonating me and immediately drawing the attention of all of us, as she epically leaps from the top of a smoking vehicle towards me, holding a police baton in her hands. "You won't hurt Izuku~Chan!" She exclaims with a knowing smile on her face, attempting to hit me with her police baton to no avail before my robotic tentacle wraps around her almost immediately and brings her right in front of me.

"Good girl." I whisper shamelessly close to her ear, she knows that when this is over, she will receive a juicy reward… What she craves the most… My blood! This causes her to drop her police baton to the ground, as her cheeks flush red and her breathing quickens before she licks her lips and continues her performance.

"Kyaaaa! Izuku~chan! Baka~Chan! HELP!!!" She exclaims at the top of her lungs as she is suspended upside down in the air by my robotic tentacle right behind me.

Izuku and Bakugo are completely terrified, which almost makes me feel bad... But it's necessary! The little brother in danger forges the character! So I will make the most of this situation!

"Izuku Midoriya! You had the courage to reject my offer and I admire that... But will you have enough strength to back up your words? Will you save your little brother or wait for a hero to do it for you?! ~ Show me your determination!" I defiantly exclaimed, focusing my attention on Izuku before my mechanical combat wings brimming with electricity opened wide in all their menacing splendor.

"Become my best enemy and let's have fun together!" I exclaimed happily raising my fists in the air before unfurling a pair of technologically advanced weapons from my backpack. "And good?! What is your answer?!" I exclaim with great enthusiasm, as my breath quickens and adrenaline begins to pump through my veins.


This is definitely like a video game! But much... much better!


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In video games, novice players don't usually face the Final Boss at the beginning of the game and that is precisely what will happen next. After all… My plan is very simple.

Step 1: With my excellent acting skills, Izuku and Bakugo would be completely frozen in fear and despair which would allow me to escape with the help of my three-dimensional rocket shoes and my mechanical wings with Toga pretending to be a hostage.

Step 2: I'll locate an area free from prying eyes and swap places with Toga quickly before we split up.

Step 3: Later, in an emotional reunion, I will comment that Child Emperor let me go on the condition that Izuku becomes stronger to face him in the future... As his supposed arch-enemy. This will undoubtedly cause Izuku along with Bakugo to become stronger with the intention of protecting me and facing Child Emperor in the future. In the grand scheme of things, it's a win-win.

Step 4: And last but not least, we will all return home safely!

Or so I thought before a chill spread through my entire body and my eyes widened in surprise. All this, while Izuku, Bakugo, and Lemillion rushed without hesitation in my direction with determination plastered on their faces…

They have chosen to fight me...

Super cool!

"Give me back my little brother!"

"If you hurt him, I'll send you back to hell!"

"Fear not, little Isamu! I will rescue you! POWERRRRR!"

I guess I have to slightly modify my plan...

...Especially step 4.





To Be Continued...


In the Next Chapters...

Chapter 55 A Dark Force Stalking In The Shadows.

Chapter 56 An Offline Adventure!

Chapter 57 Our Little Brother.

Chapter 58 It's Tea Time!

Chapter 59 An unfair world and the Villain~Tuber.

Chapter 60 Welcome to Musutafu City… Home of Hydra.

Chapter 61 Holding Out For A Hero - Part 1